How Do I Make My Twitter Account So That People I Know Can

Is it possible to have more than one Twitter account for a person?

Yes, absolutely.Contrary to some of the answers here, it is not against Twitter’s Rules, and it’s certainly not illegal (anywhere that I know of).In fact, Twitter even has an official help guide on how to manage multiple accounts. As Carlos Paris pointed out in his answer, Tweetdeck is intended for use with multiple accounts, and it is owned by Twitter.This isn’t intended just for social media managers to be able to manage multiple client accounts. You can set up different Twitter accounts for:ProjectsBusinessesInterestsParodyTwitter chats (and you don’t want to flood your stream)There are some other answers that suggest a limit of 5 accounts created per IP address. If this is anywhere in the Twitter documentation, I’ve never seen it. I know from personal experience, back in my “gray hat” days, that you could safely create 10 accounts from an IP address before triggering a spam filter from Twitter. The only people who would have a true number on this would be an active black hat marketer. 5 seems low. I know it used to be higher than that.They do all have to be under different email addresses. Note, though, that Gmail doesn’t pay attention to punctuation in your email addresses, but Twitter does (last time I checked). So to Twitter, “” is different from “” and “”. But to Gmail, they’re all the same. There are, of course, plenty of ways to get multiple email addresses.As far as using them? No, there’s no concern about using multiple accounts from the same IP address. What do you think social media managers do? If you’re talking hundreds or thousands with a bot, that’s different, but normal human usage, there’s no problem with using multiple accounts on Twitter.NOTE: In this regard, Twitter (and Instagram too) is substantially different than Facebook and LinkedIn, which do require only one account per person.

How can I make sure that my Twitter account is not traceable to me at all?

It isn't foul or illegal. I just don't want my political musings mistakenly tied back to an organization I am affiliated with. I noticed that in my recommendations are people that I know in real life, so I am worried that it is tied to some of my personal information. I am worried that they are getting recommendations to follow me in return.

Accounts on twitter wont show?

Okay so the twitter mobile app on my iphone will not show certain people that I follow. When I click their name after I search it shows a blank account that says "Tweets aren't loading right now". It's done it to people I know personally and more famous accounts

However when I go on it in safari, my ipad or on my laptop it works perfectly fine.

Does anyone know what is going on?

How can I stop people I don't know from following me on twitter?

1. Go to
2. Log-in to your account
3. Go to "Settings" in the above panel
4. Scroll down in the section labeled "Account" in "Settings" and you'll find "Protect my tweets". it has more info in the description
5. Check the box next to "Protect my tweets" so it can be private
6. Click "Save"
7. Your password will be needed to confirm that you want to protect them
8. Your done.

And now that your tweets are protected, you can approve or disapprove people who want to follow you, and you can make your tweets not public, but public to your followers.

I hope this helps!

If I click on someone's Twitter account, can they see that I viewed them?

Actually, there isn’t a way to do this. People have no way to know if you have looked at what they made public in Twitter - unless you interact with them.If people interact (liking, retweeting or replying to tweets, or adding you to a Twitter List) with your account, you can see that they have probably viewed your Tweets, but really, there’s no way to monitor who sees your Tweets or Twitter account.You may be thinking of LinkedIn, which gets creepy in reporting to us who has seen our LinkedIn profiles (when logged in, in non-incognito mode), but in Twitter, people have no way of knowing that you viewed their Tweets. Twitter and most social networks do not offer this (and probably should not offer the ability to let us see who looks at our public profile and public posts).

Somebody has created a Twitter account on my name.How can I delete this?

Ok, first thing is that it is very different to create an account that just happens to have your same name than to create an account that is actively making people think that it is you. This last is impersonation and it is prohibited by Twitter. So, in the first case, if a person just happens to have the same name as you or likes having an account with that name there is really nothing you can do about the matter as other people have said here. BUT, if this account not only has your name but is giving details about you or posting photos of you, so that it makes people believe it is actually you in that account then you can report it to Twitter. Here is the link to Twitter about this matter: Impersonation policy  Check it out and see how you can report it. They will investigate and close the account if they consider you were right.

If I create a private list on Twitter, do the people in that list know they are on it?

Private Twitter Lists are a great way to _________.The correct answer is: keep up with competitors’ content without publicly following themSource, and explanation: ▷ Private Twitter Lists are a great way to _________. - Certification Answers 2018

If I save someone's twitter picture will they know?

no... but why would you?

How can I create a Twitter account without my contacts knowing about it?

I’m not sure how they would know if you created it using an email address that none of your contacts have. Create a new email account on the service of your choice (or, if you’re wanting to be totally stealthy, use a or other "disposable" email address), then create a Twitter account using that address.On your new Twitter account, if you’re very concerned about people figuring out that this new account is you, before your first tweet, go to Settings > Security and Privacy and turn off “Tweet location.”Happy anonymity!