How Do I Make Sense Of The Conservative Mind

How are capricorns conservative?

From another Capricorn's perspective, this means that we are somewhat old-fashioned and traditional when it comes to family values etc. We are marriage-minded and ultimately would want to settle down with someone who's equally steadfast, loyal and responsible by nature.

Many Capricorns also show a lot of respect for their elders, those who have experienced life a lot more than ourselves. This is because we are naturally attracted to those in higher authority/power as Capricorn rules the 10th House, the House of social standings and career.

This certainly doesnt mean we are uptight or prudish about sex or matters of the heart, although it does make us more cautious and selective. Hence, we are 'conservative' in the sense that we arent naturally attracted to one-night stands or short term realtionships/love affairs. Promisciocity turns us off because it's almost impossible to separate sex from love (for the females at least) and once we put our hearts into something, we want it to last.

Do poor conservatives mind the "poor bashing"?


Your question makes no sense. What exactly is your point?

A TRUE "conservative" would say....."each person is RESPONSIBLE" for their "actions". IE: If you want to stay on welfare....that is YOUR choice, THERE are JOBS out there, go get one. And yes, AS a CONSERVATIVE, I would say that those who STAY on welfare, those who refuse to better themselves, refuse to take advantage of the FREEDOMS here in this Country, who have the FREEDOM to become as wealthy as they can through inovation and hard work...oh wait, no liberal would EVER understand that.....HARD WORK thing..........never mind

"If you're young and a Conservative you don't have a heart, and if you're old and a Liberal you don't have...?

"If you're young and a Conservative you don't have a heart, and if you're old and a Liberal you don't have a brain."

Do conservatives actually think young intellectuals will get older and suddenly start despising gays, Muslims, immigrants and start settling for half truths and lies? Math is math and it doesn't matter how old one gets because conservatives don't have facts or science to back up anything they believe....hence why they have to label everything as conservative this and conservative that. Reality doesnt need a label which explains why mostly conservatives label others as "liberal". I'm not a liberal because I know that coddling the rich doesn't help the middle or lower class. Nor will 20 years of aging convince me of that lie.

That quote is absolute bs. It's not like young non conservative intellectuals grow old into highly educated bigots. People evolve from conservatism, not the other way. Conservatives will always be primarily uneducated greedy bigots regardless of age. "Liberals" will always value the truth and rely on facts. Conservatives have to rely on rhetoric and constant reinforcement of their lies which is why AM radio and Fox.News are necessary to the conservative agenda. Without them, reality will set it. How else do you brainwash a backwards way of thinking into peoples mind? Constant reinforcement and the constant demonization of opposing views. Conservatives have been brainwashed to fear anyone who tells them 2+2=4 because conservative media has conned them into believing it equals 5....but you just have to trust them.

If this stupid quote had any validity you'd see more and more conservatives that used to support civil rights but now don't.

Conservatives, how could you actually believe that stupid quote? Just because it sounds cute doesn't mean it makes sense.

"If you're young and a Conservative you don't have a heart, and if you're old and a conservative you don't have a brain."

There, fixed.

Are ALL “Conservatives” self-centered, egotistical and self-riotous, or only the ones...?

Well I am a Conservative Republican and I do know that I am much better than you in every way.

How do you convince a conservative to be a liberal?

You mean “liberal,” not “liberial.”For the most part, you don’t. In order for a conservative to become liberal, they must undergo some major life event or trauma, that brings home to them the reliance that community members have between each other, and/or what it’s like to be powerless; and/or the goodness of people whom they formerly hated for their “different-ness” and no other reason. You can talk yourself blue in the face - but if a life event does not wake a conservative up, nothing will.

Why do Democraps think Conservatives lost the Civil War when neither of us were alive for it?

Democrats are promoting the LIE that there was a party switch. OF course, this is a false narrative and an absurd lie if anyone bothers to look at the data, but the Democrats are lucky because their flock are extremely gullible.

Let's examine further.

They say that the party switched in 1970s but when did the voting patterns change?

The black community started voting for primarily Democrats in the 1930s with FDRs new deal. This is all public record and easy to find if anyone bothers to look. Also very well-known in the the Dixiecrats were petitioning for segregation and Jim Corw laws WELL past the 1930s. The black ocmmunity shifted for economic reasons, not because the Democrats were no longer racists.

The white Southern community primarily voted strongly Democrats until Reagan won. Reagan energized the Republicans with a message for the common people. That happened WELL after the 1970 period of time the leftists say the switch occurred and Reagan certainly did not run on campaigns of overt racism.

The FACT that the left can only point to ONE politician that switched parties and was overtly racist during the time period they say the switch occurred, should have given everyone a clue that the leftists are LYING.

Unfortunately, despite having INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence here that they can EASILY look up for themselves, the leftists will ignore and continue to believe the lie.

Is there an example in which conservatism and creativity are perfectly combined (in any field)?

I do not believe “perfection" exists in reality. It exists in our minds and our appreciation of conservatism and/or creativity are in our minds, if anywhere. I have, in the past been slow to finish any painting. This year i decided to just “go with the flow" when painting. I think I may recently have finished a painting that has taken many months to complete. It drove me crazy because it just didn't want to come together and so I began to make changes that i never would have considered before. And for the first time in many years, i am not sure i am in charge of a painting. It has taken over my mind, (I think about it when I am not working on it) and my conservative steady approach has given way to rapid changes in this piece every time i sit down with it! At the moment I think it may be done but I can't decide! This is an approach that boggles my mind. Because I had a vision of where I wanted to take this painting, and it refused, I have been buckling down to forcing myself to work with it for a minimum of an hour per day. Where will it take me and itself? I have no answer yet. To my eye it is not yet finished. If I live with it a while, will that change? I haven't the foggiest clue. This piece has a few parts I really enjoy. But the whole is not yet a symphony! Or a painting! And what I have begun to notice now that I actually hid it from view for a week is that any work by an artist, whether conservative or wildly abstract, it has to make sense to the viewer. Beauty, starkness, conservative, wild, whatever label you want to apply is irrelevant unless the piece works as a whole. And that, I have come to think, is the bottom line.