How Do I Prove That I Didn

How to prove I didn't have sex?

There is no way to prove that. Even a doctor cannot conclusively prove whether or not a woman has had sex, because hymens ("cherries") can "pop" for many other reasons, and some people are born without one in the first place. You'll just have to keep upholding your statements, no matter what he says, and hope that he slips up at some point or admits that he made it up. Until then, all you can do is proudly keep standing by your word. Don't get too defensive even if you're mad; that makes people think you're lying. Just say something like, "Look, I told you the truth. If I'd had sex, I'd stand by that decision. But I didn't. He's lying because we broke up, and he's being pretty immature on top of it. But I'm sick of talking about his stupid lie. Believe me, or believe the liar. It's your choice. And for the record, it's none of your business anyway."

You don't owe them "proof." You don't owe them anything. Tell them that, and refuse to discuss the rumor any more.

How do I prove I didn't plagiarize?

I'll tell you a secret of college professors. Sometimes they think you plagiarized because the writing is "too good." So, they give you an F and expect you to not put up a fight.

The first thing you should do is politely tell the professor you did not plagiarize and ask what work he thinks you used. If he can't provide the work, you win. The professor might not give up immediately, though. In that case, your school must have a procedure for appealing a grade. Check with your school's Student Handbook.

If the professor shows you a paper that is very similar to your paper, then you have a problem. How to resolve that problem depends on how similar the work is to your work. At some point, the papers are so similar plagiarism is the only reasonable explanation. But sometimes there are similarities that might really be coincidence.

Try working with the professor politely first. Legally and historically, professors have tremendous power in giving grades. The rules presume they are right. But, there are legal requirements for due process, as well. In this case, the professor is charging you with a crime that requires factual evidence. He/she can give you an F just because the paper is "too good." But, if you challenge it, proof will eventually be demanded.

Also, as a side note and proactive defense, you can use the "reading scale" feature on MS Word to show that previous papers were written at a comparable reading level. If you normally write at a 12th grade level, and this paper is 12th grade, that is good. If you normally write at 9th grade, and this paper is 12th, that is bad for you. MS Word will also give all sorts of other textual evidence, such as average sentence length.

How can I prove I was fired from my job and that I didn't quit?

I was fired during an audit when my district manager came in and saw the months cash drawer audits and noticed my drawer was short a good amount of money that past month so he terminated me. (But I wasn't the only cashier that had been short money a few times that month but what one cashier would do is pay the difference out of her own money and no way was I about to do that because I know it wasn't my fault and well the other cashiers didn't have as high of an amount missing like I did so I was the only one that got the boot). But after I was fired they did an investigation and caught one of the managers stealing and fired him.(he was the manager and only other person besides the district manager(the guy who fired me) that was in the office when I was fired). That might be the reason as to why my drawer was short but that i'm not sure of. But I was told after I was terminated for "theft" but there is NO proof that I stole anything because I DIDN'T!! So after I filed for unemployment a

Proof that you didn't work?

I'll start from the beginning. Basically, I screwed up. I was filling out my FAFSA for college, when my college told me I had to undergo verification (where I have to submit a verification form and tax transcripts). The only problem is, I don't have a tax transcript, I don't work. I checked my FAFSA, and saw that I had mistakenly labeled that I had already filled out my tax returns. I then corrected it and resubmitted it, then went to go talk to my adviser. She said that I still had to prove that I didn't work this year, but as I don't have a tax transcript, I am not sure how to do this. Could anyone give me some help on what I could possibly do to prove this?

How can I prove to my husband that I didn't cheat on him? He’s falsely accusing me and says he has proof but I know that isn’t true because it didn’t happen. I finally got fed up and “confessed” which made everything worse. I don’t want to lose him.

Has he had other questionable indications of judgement or behaviour? I spent years trying to prove I didn’t cheat, eliminating any possibility of unaccounted time, reassuring in every way I could think of. None of it worked, and the accusations just got more virulent. Finally, I gave up on us and did fool around long enough to realize what I might have screwed up and that I did still love her. Confessed and spent the next 2 years trying to beg forgiveness, and reconciliation. 2 years during which the actual cheating justified her complete belief that I always had been. Things escalated to the point that she told me to leave as she felt unsafe, then the 3rd night I was in the hotel, she was at another hotel, screaming for help because she thought I was breaking in through the roof, breaking windows (of third story) and refusing to let the police in because she thought they were me. Over the next 6 months, she was in and out of psychiatric observation wards until she was in long enough for a real doctor to find the right medication and get the various symptoms under control. A year after that and we’re almost back to where we were 10 years ago, rebuilding the kind of trust that her mental illness had worn down to nothing. In retrospect, and having informed myself, the signs of serious clinical depression and mental illness were clear as long as 6 years ago, but neither of us knew enough to recognize them.

How do you prove you didn't receive an email?

Well, if you can get the server logs from the actual mail server you can show that no inbound message ever arrived matching the email in question.  The presence (or lack thereof) of a particular message in an email client by itself doesn't prove that the message was or was not received.However, the SMTP logs of the mail server are relatively authoritative.  Perhaps your email service provider may provide support?

How can I prove to my boyfriend I didn't cheat?

This term “cheat/cheating” comes up a lot on Quora. I’m guessing it may mean different things to different people. To me, as a “senior” citizen, cheating means to me that someone had sex with another person while they were in a mutually committed relationship with someone. There is no “sort of cheated” or “almost cheated” when this happens. That is a very personal and serious encounter. This isn’t holding hands or flirting with someone.Some people can be very possessive, even when not in an “exclusive” relationship. They see someone having a cup of coffee with a co-worker, perhaps danced a dance with someone at a school function or went jogging with a member of the opposite sex. and they are worried about “cheating.” To me that is not cheating. But each couple needs to discuss what they each think cheating consists of and agree on what is acceptable and what is not. If each of the couple can’t agree on it, then perhaps they shouldn’t be dating and referring to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.“Prove” is a strong word. You probably can’t “prove” a negative. But if there is that much lack of trust, why are you still together?

How do I prove to my boyfriend I didn't have sex with another guy?? Help!?

I lied about going over to someone elses house to my boyfriend. Me and the guy were just suppose to work out (UFC TRAINING) but he had OTHER intentions and tried doing other stuff. I stopped him before anything else. And yeah. I never told my boyfriend about it cause I already knew how he'd react, but he found out himself, but his friend told him that we had "sex" when we never did. He feels insecure and i get that. I've only shared my body with him, and ONLY do I plan on to, but he doesn't believe me. He thinks I did so much **** with that other asshole, he won't even hold my hand or kiss me. I know I didn't do anything, and i just want to gain his trust back and make him believe I never did anything with ANYONE. It's been 5 months before it happened, but he still carries on this insecurity. I need help, really.

How can I prove I've never cheated?

This relationship is dysfunctional, and emotionally damaging. I speak from experience.He is constantly accusing you, you are constantly defending your actions. That is codependancy. You are not each others soul mates, and you are not helping each other. Possibly one, or both of your parents were alcoholics, or drug addicts? You feel drawn together by circumstances of bad things happening to you, and when it’s good it’s perfect, and when it’s bad, one or both of you feel suicidal. Possibly?I stayed in a relationship like that for 20 years, and wasted my life. I could not wear make up, or even a skirt for work, as it meant that i was flirting, and having sex in closets, with co workers. There was absokutely now ay to convince him otherwise, as he did not love himself, as he had not received love as a child, from his alcoholic parent.And i was as bad as him, i accused him constantly of watching porn, and hooking up with the girl across the road. Because i did not love myself, because as a child, my alcoholic parents did not love me. What both of us lacked as children, we sought as adults, unsuccessfully, as we had no idea of how a healthy relationship was supposed to look.My parents were both alcoholics, so the model of dysfunctional behaviour within love relationships, was what i saw at home, and sought out for myself. Very successfully. I became an addict.I left him 10 years ago, got clean, started going to meetings. Got a therapist. Best thing i ever did. Now, his new wife is the one dealing with it, and because i worked on my own stuff, i am now married to a loving man, we trust each other, he treats me like a princess, and now i feel like i actually am one. I will have 10 years clean in May, a recovering addict, who got therapy, and learned to love myself. I will have been married 5 years next month, to someone who really loves me.You deserve someone who really loves you, and if you love yourself at all, you will not tolerate any more of this emotional and toxic pain. Leave now, before it’s too late.