How Do I Rapidly Lose Weight By Monday

Why am I losing weight so rapidly?

You are just lucky, I guess! ;-) You have left out some important information such as, your sex/gender, current overall health, body type, overall health, your weight goals, how much you want to lose, etc. If you are female (depending on your type of body frame, i.e., small, medium, large, etc.) you should weigh anywhere from, 145, 152 to 160. For males, 152, 164 to 170. Note: You should get a physical before embarking on physical regimen and/or diet of any kind!

That being sounds like you are doing everything right! I'd say that in a few weeks (give or take) your weight loss rate will slow down and stabilize. Keep in mind that you are only 20 and your body is still changing. Kudos to you for adopting a healthy lifestyle at such a young age.

My suggestion to you is to alternate the different types of exercise, such as weight training one day, cardio the next, etc. Also, very important, your body needs a day or two of complete rest (no exercise) in between! You could be breaking down your muscle by too much exercise! While you are on your exercise regimen you need to allow your body proper rest in order to regenerate your muscles. It's okay to work your muscles but allow them a couple of days of total rest. If you feel compelled to exercise on your "resting" only days do ONLY casual/light walking (no power-walking, etc.)!

Keep up the great work! A good online reference is:

How rapidly can someone safely lose weight?

I loose My weight 4 kg in 10 days.My daily routing :-1. Wake up at 8am, after wake drink 1glass little warm water mix with lemon, after that I goes to washroom.Benefits to drinking warm lemon water every morning.​Aidds digestionLemons juice flushes out unwanted material, toxins from the body and cleanses the system.Balance PH level.Clear skiskin.Lemonn.Lemon juice contains vitamin C. Which also helps in removing wrinklesFresh breath.2. After all this, goes to GROUND and I run for 15 to 20 minute not fast just slowly.Running has played a great part in weight loss.I find that, if I run 3km I loses approx 300 to 500 calories daily. An important thing to note is that you cannot eat all that you want and still lose weight3. Coming from jogging drink 2 glass little warm water and after 20 minute take some fruits (APPLE, PAPAYA, GRAPES, POMEGRANATE, or any FRUITS )​Most fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories making them ideal for use in weight loss. Like Apple, orange, grapes etc4. After 2 or 2 and half hour take some fruits and drink little warm water mostly 2 to 3 glass.Or I do lunch, in lunch 2 to 3 chapati, vegetables without oil, Dal & salad.​​Salad fit well into an healthful diet - - you can make them from virtually limitless combinations or fruits and vegetables. Carefully prepared salads can not only help you lose weight, but also help you meet the daily requirements doses.5. At evening goes for walking approx 2 km6. After coming from walking taking some fruits and drinks water, mostly prefer little warm water and after some time Take Green tea.Green tea contents caffeine. Caffeine is a well known stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise7 .In dinner taking 3 chapati with Dal, vegetables (without potatoes) and taking maximum SALAD.Note :-1. I avoided fully Market products.2. Avoided fully potato3. I fully avoided Oil made things4. Drinks 5 liters water in a dayHope it helps you.Thanks for reading

What's the safest way to rapidly lose weight?

Lossing weight safely means lossing weight without harming your body or without feeling weakness instead u should feel active your whole day. This is what u can get by a proper diet and a good intense exercise .1] This proper diet must contain high protien vitamins and less fats like● In breakfast u can have sprouts,egg white oats.●In lunch lentis then less fat meat● In dinner u should have only liquids like soup, milk .But one thing u dont have ti skip your diet and not having proper food is not a part of diet but the food should contain healthy fats and this is the best diet for everyone2] Regaurding exercise u can do skipping daily for atleast 30 mins for best and quick result●Even u can try boxers trick which i genrally do that is skipping by wearing a raincoat on my tshirt which will trap ur body heat and use ur body heat to burn ur fat●If u go to gym dn working with weights with skipping will be best .All the best.. B fit b confident.

How to lose weight fast?

I have been trying to lose weight recently and its not working.. i also am packed with homework so i dont have much time for exercise but i try, Healthy lifestyle does not cut it either.. the reason im trying to lose weight is because i have a dance/ball thing next month and i want to look slimmer than i am right now.. anyone got any fast tips for weight loss?

Lose weight fast!!?

1. 20 minute walk ( NOT RUN ) everyday. walking or tread mill speed less then 3.0 possibly with incline will burn fat do not run. running will do cardio. you want weight loss.

2. park far as you can at work, grocery store, use manual door, useless elevator. ( this alone can shave off 5lbs in a year.

3.Drink water at least 8 cups a day. no more pop. diet soda is worst than regualr soda, aspertane is really really not good for you.

4. when you eat. do not watch tv, talk on the cell phone..etc.. focus waht you are doing, eat! enjoy the flavor. listen to your stomach. when it say i'm full stop

5. let the fork down while chowing!! slow down don't inhale food.

6. eat when you are hungry. do not starve your self. REMEMBER #4.

7. Always leave something on your plate. even if it's a bite.


for your graduation....

here is a trick. volumetrics..

how does your body know when you are hungry or not?

when your stomach is full, it's not hungry..

your job is fill your stomach with low calororie high volume food.

if the food is close to natual state, it's less calorie per same size, ( corn < corn mill < cerial < bread)

eat raw veggie, oatmeal, you will eat meat but lean meat, not fast food,

NO LIQUID CALORIES beer, coffee, soda, your bod'y does not count those calories because it goes right throw you.

AVOID CORN SYRUP. it's worse then sugar.


work out...

swimming is great and so is basket ball..

watch your diet..

add low fat burning accersices.. incline tead mill at low speed. / YOGA / and bodypump.

if you are serious about loosing weight in two weeks..

EAt breakfast, and work out everyday. ( treamill)

Why do I lose weight easily?

There are 3 basic body types:ectomorph: Tend to be “skinny”, long limbed & not particularly muscular. Ecto’s can also be "skinny fat," meaning their a relatively low weight and/or small size yet still have high body fat.Mesomorph: Meso’s can lose and gain weight easily, can build muscle quickly, and usually have an upright posture. This body type tends to have a long torso and short limbs. Female/meso’s typically are strong and athletic.Endomorph: Endo’s naturally tend to have curvy, fuller figures and struggle to keep their body-fat percentage low. Endo’s don't usually boast a lot of muscle & have trouble losing weight easily.So knowing this, where is it that you feel you fall on the spectrum? I encourage you to do some independent research on the body type you best align with