How Do I React If A Girl Keeps Smiling Staring And Talking To Me

How would you react or behave if a beautiful girl is staring at you?

1: First assume self-consciously that something is wrong.2: Pause for pointing, an indication of laughter, or a smile.3a: Frown and exit the situation.3b: Smile back and enter the situation.4: Post detailed story to Quora.

What does it mean if a girl stares at you but always keep her head down when passing me?

Women flirt w/ their eyes. Here are the translations:
*Looks at you and then turns head sideways = She either was looking at someone behind you or she was merely looking at you w/ curiousity.
*Looks at you and then keeps her head down = She finds you attractive but feels painfully shy around you.
*Looks at you, smiles then, looks down = She finds you attractive and when you stared back, it made her feel good. This is a green light that you can approach.
*Looks at you, smiles, and maintains eye contact = She finds you attractive and she is EXTREMELY confident in herself. This is a green light that you can approach.

So what is your play? ***If*** you are attracted to her approach her while she is WITH her friends. Yes, I realize this may be nerve-racking but this is a VERY POWERFUL play. When you walk into her group, say NOTHING at first but smile. When they all start looking at you wondering what you want. Smile and say "hello ladies". Then stare at this girl and ask her "What is your name?" When she tells you say, "I was going to get some coffee tomorrow, would you like to join me?" If she says yes, "Ask her what would be the best way to get in touch w/ you?" and then call her later w/ the details. If she says no, then say "Oh? Perhaps another time". Then smile say "ladies" and walk off. Then listen to this gaggle of girls start giggling happily at your manliness. Some of the girls will be JEALOUS that she was able to get a guy to approach her like this so even if she says no, her friends in the group will respect your courage and wish that they had a guy who acted like you towards them. Dude, I know this play is scary however trust me, do it, and see what happens. Got it?

Guys when you stare at a girl but dont smile do you want a reaction?

I'm sure he likes you, he has probably asked the same question on here from his point of view lol. If you like him smile and see what he does if there is no reaction I would just ignore him, if he smiles back then you know you are going places. He sounds very shy if this has been going on for a while.

What does it mean if a girl keeps looking at you?

I do have some degree of staring problem, in the sense that I am super curious about people, so I end up staring more than most girls and I am not that discreet. So let me describe my variety of stares:I hate the guy: I stare at him with my best possible version of bitch face when he is afar, but upfront avoid eye contact and still give I hate you vibesI am curious about his personality: I can't stop staring at him and I will do it blatantly, cause I want to know the kind of person he is, and by tracking his every move, I feel I can imagine the person he is. Mostly I ll have found all your social media handles as well.I am crushing on him: I stare at him, specifically at the face, with puppy dog face from afar and steal glances up front. I can sense his presence, and I would have researched all possible reflective mediums to glance at him indirectly. I give off the cute vibe to attract attention.I think he is hot stuff: full body scan every time I come across him and focus on things I find attractive, like biceps, shoulders, lips. This stare is lustful and it's not cute. It's same like how guys stare at girls they think are hot, but wouldn't take them to their mom!

Why do guys stare at a girl and not smile?

I'll stare at a girl because she's beautiful- in the same way as a stunning piece of artwork. it is an enjoyable visual experience

If she smiles back then there's a difficult choice to make- either smile and reveal something about yourself- i.e that you're interested and that you were staring ( risky) or take the no risk road and keep a dead pan poker face. Sometimes, in some situations it may be better to take no risk.

What does it mean when a girl stares?

I will stare like that to my crush!

If a girl looks at you from a distance repeatedly and without breaking contact, does that mean she likes you?

I’d say there’s a decent likelihood of that being the case, if you’re not doing anything or wearing anything that is stare-worthy. When people stare at someone, it’s for a reason. If it happens repeatedly, then it could be her way of expressing interest.If you don’t stare back out of shyness, it’ll probably be obvious to her that you’re pointedly looking away when your gazes meet.A couple weeks back, I was really into a really good-looking and nice girl I meet regularly in a group activity we’re both in, and I kept getting caught staring at her. I’m not shy when it comes to eye contact, so when ‘caught’ I’d just smile, and she’d smile back and look away.Then, a bit later, I noticed that I was getting beaten to the punch. Before I’d manage to start staring at her, she’d start staring at me! Thing is, when she was staring at me and I’d notice, she’d (in a quite hilariously obvious manner) look in the opposite direction, literally. So then, I was pretty sure she was interested in me, at least to some degree.But here’s how I found out for sure if she liked me or not. This trick is applicable in about 99.9% of the “does that mean she likes you” questions out there, too! I asked her out. There’s no way to know for certain, otherwise. It just as well could be that she was staring at you because she was hallucinating, and was seeing a neon-green tarantula on your face. That’s some stare-worthy stuff right there, can you blame her? Point is, unless you’re psychic, you can never know.But she does! So next time she stares at you, smile back at her, make your way over to where she is, and start a conversation. If you’re into her, and the conversation goes well, ask her if she wants to go grab a coffee sometime. If she says “Yes”, she’s into you, and if she says “No” or any variation thereof, then she’s not. Easy, right?Good luck!

What does it mean when a girl stares at you?

While I'm in school, I'm a junior, and I'm doing my work, I can tell when I'm being watched. Just about every day, I catch a girl looking at me then they turn their heads real fast. I don't really hold eye contact with girls because I feel really awkward, and I just feel weird so I don't hold eye contact which makes me look like I'm shy, well I am shy but only in certain situations.

There is this one girl who I catch staring at me just about every day, and when I look back at her, she still stares at me, so I get that awkward feeling inside and I'm always the first to look away. What is going on ? Why does she hold eye contact for so long?

How should I react/do when I catch a girl looking at me and turns away when I look back at them? (I would approach some of them, but i don't have "game".)