How Do I Solve This I Don

How do I solve this, I don't get it.?

4 + 8 = 12
There are 12 cookies that are oatmeal or peanut.
6 + 4 + 8 + 2 = 20
There are 20 cookies.
The probability is 12/20 = 3/5

Response to additional details
To cancel down (simplify) a fraction, divide numerator and denominator by the same factor.
In this case 12 and 20 are both divisible by 4.
12 ÷ 4 = 3 and 20 ÷ 4 = 5
So 12/20 = 3/5

How do i solve this? i don't know how to even being?

You have a 0.0100M ( mol /L) Na2EDTA.2H2O solution
This means that 1000mL of this solution contains 0.0100 mol of Na2EDTA.2H2O

0.591mL of this solution will contain : 0.591/1000 * 0.0100 = 5.91 X 10^-6 mol of Na2EDTA.2H2O. This is the mol of Na2EDTA.2H2O added in the titration.

How do you solve problems that don't exist yet?

Basic research which is just trying out something new just for the heck of it. People were doing basic research on prime numbers for thousands of years before the Internet and the need for rock solid cryptography. If we had to wait until it was needed before mucking about with primes, the Internet would have died years ago.So yeah, hubble space telescope, hadron collider, exploration of the ocean floor - bring it on. Fill your boots. Just get data. You never know when or how it may be needed.

What would you do if you don't know how to solve the algorithm questions in technical interview?

I am a professional developer who was interviewed, and hired, by several big name tech companies.What would I do if I didn't know the answer? That happened to me several times. I basically just thought out loud, took some hints, and worked hard. In two instances, I coded the brute force, inefficient, solution. The interviewers were always nice and encouraging and made observations and such. A couple of times, I didn't have solutions, so they gave me hints and guided me and I wrote the code. That's what I've always done and what will continue to do in such situations. I mean they're always nice and professional no matter what. That's the good news.Now the bad news: The number of times that happened to me and I then received a job offer? Zero. Never. Not once. Now I know books and experts say that interviewers aren't necessarily looking for someone who has all the answers. They say you should do your best, write some code, show your work, etc. And I agree. You should always do that. You should never just give up. You never know.But, strictly in my experience: you’re unlikely to get a job offer. But maybe I'm just unlucky.Contrast that to the fact that every job offer I got came after I nailed the algorithm questions. (Even though I didn't always get a job offer after nailing the interview). Every single one I can think of came after I nailed the technical interview, and my algorithm solutions were quick, clean and efficient.So while nailing the interview is not a guarantee you'll get an offer, it seems to be a requirement. And while failing the algorithm questions does not guarantee a rejection, it does seem to make a rejection highly likely.Maybe that's a correlation and not a causation; maybe my experience is not a representative sample. Maybe the companies I interviewed for were exceptionally strict. Who knows.

What do you do when you don't know how to solve a math problem?

If its your maths homework, then the solution probably relies on something you did in class earlier - try to relate that to the problem.If you know what you need to apply but can’t solve the problem, try to get a hand hold on it so you can ask pertinent questions. Look for a similar problem on the internet perhaps or in textbooks.Draw a picture - if that makes any sense - often that will give you new clues to work with.Try to read several different books / web articles on the material you are working on, they may cover that problem in a bit more detail.Don’t give up - you don’t get good at maths without a bit of pain, but the struggle with solving a problem will help you understand and move on to a higher level. Its ok to talk to your professor or fellow student, but don’t let them give you the entire solution, a tip or clue is good, but do your own working. And make sure you understand the clue, don’t just accept it blindly, your fellow student may just be wrong and not know what he’s talking about.

What should i solve inside myself so i don’t experience these problems?(please read inside)?

Well, when you step into self awareness.. you learn that anything that happens outside actually has roots inside us...
... and each problem we experience is like an alarm that tells us which part we should work on.

As far as i’ve learned, if we still have that darkness inside, we are going to experience the same problem in the future again. Untill we solve it.

My question is: how to know what exactly should i work on inside_in order to don’t experience those problems?

How would you solve an issue if you don’t know exactly what the problem is?

Gather all available information. information is power, the more you know about the situation, the more you will be capable of coming up with a solution.

How do I solve a Rubik's Cube if I don't have time to learn?

There are plenty of tutorials out there. You can probably follow one of them and solve cube withing an hour, without really learning anything, just following the procedures that they describe.Or you can take it apart. Twist one side about a quarter of the way off its normal configuration. Then turn one of the adjacent sides. One of the cube pieces will pop out. Then you can disassemble the whole thing and put it back together again. The last piece takes a little bit of force, but it will go.Don’t peel the stickers!

Please help me solve this i don't get how to do it (explain if possible)?

A=l timesw
A=10 times 24
let's the area of a half
let's find the dimension
the dimension is
5 meters by 12 meters

I always get depressed and don't know what to do when I can't solve a problem in competitive programming. What should I do?

I have been depressed and even after reaching a good level, I get depressed very often when I am not able to solve problems.(SOMETIMES IT CONTINUES TILL DAYS)It happens,it hurts, it tears your heart apart, I know that feeling .You feel worthless and crushed .(READ,LOOOOSER)All I can say is that don’t let those feelings bother you .Learn the art of how to not give a f___ and control your emotions .Remember that if you were a child and if you wouldn’t be able to solve a problem , you would never get depressed :-)Stop comparing yourself with others and just do it for yourself . Leave the problems which depress you, learn some theory(I know you haven’t completed it yet) and move on . After a few days check the editorial , it is very necessary to forget other people in the process .Its better to treat the process of mastering cp as a meditative process where you try to reach enlightenment and don’t bother if others reach it or not .-kARAN.