How Do I Sort Array Of Objects Based On Values Such As Name Without Using The Arrays.sort Method

How do I sort a string array alphabetically without using Arrays.sort?

Java provides compareTo() method to compare the two string can write down your code using compareTo() .Java also provides Collections (classes) for better performance to perform all the computation internally (SortedSet,HashSet, etc) on the Generic as data type.

Why does the Arrays.sort(Object[]) use insertion sort if the array length is less than 7?

The thing to remember about the big-O notation is that it omits (among other things) a constant. The running time is proportional to the value in the O, not equal to it.So the question is, is [math]C_1O(n^2)[/math] greater or less than [math]C_2O(n\, log\,n)[/math]? The answer, of course, depends on [math]C_1[/math] and [math]C_2[/math]. For small values of [math]n[/math], the value of the constants dominates the equation.In a trivial case like this, remember that insertion sort is really O(1/2 n^2). For n=6, that's 18. For n log n, that's 15.5, essentially the same. For n=3, it actually crosses over: 4.7 for the merge sort, 4.5 for the insertion sort.That's before we get into implementation details: nonrecursive sorts like insertion have lower overhead.

How do I sort an array of objects in C++?

Consider you have instances of this type:struct person
string last_name;
string first_name;
int id;
If you want to sort an array of such instances by lastname, firstname and id, you can do something like this:void sort_person_array(person* pa, size_t len)
std::sort(pa, pa + len, [](const auto& p1, const auto& p2)
return tie(p1.last_name, p1.first_name, <
tie(p2.last_name, p2.first_name,;
“tie” returns a std::tuple of references (kind of tuple for this case). The std::tuple implements operator< that invokes operator< of type of the first arguments. If first arguments are equal for both tuples, it operates on second argument and so on. Thanks to tie, implementing custom criteria for sorting is by far easier.

How can I sort numbers in an array in javascript without using sort()?

First off, why are you not using the built-in sort() method? It can take a function as a parameter which lets you sort however you see fit:var measurements = [
[1, 5.6, 9, 78.4],
[4, 3],
[987, 45, 34, 23.3, 45.2, 104.5],
[6, 3.3333, Math.PI]

// Sort the arrays in measurements by length
measurements.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.length - b.length;
Read the documentation for Array.prototype.sort for more information.If you really need to avoid the built-in sort method, use quicksort as it’s usually the most performant (bubble sort is terrible in this regard). Here’s the implementation I use for my image processing app:function swap(array, i, j) {
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;

function partition(array, left, right) {
var cmp = array[right - 1];
var minEnd = left;
var maxEnd;

for (maxEnd = left; maxEnd < right - 1; maxEnd += 1) {
if (array[maxEnd] <= cmp) {
swap(array, maxEnd, minEnd);
minEnd += 1;
swap(array, minEnd, right - 1);
return minEnd;

function quickSort(array, left, right) {
var p;
if (left < right) {
p = partition(array, left, right);
quickSort(array, left, p);
quickSort(array, p + 1, right);
The initial values for left and right should be 0 and yourarray.length - 1 respectively. Note that like the built-in sort method, this sorts the array in place.Before you go ahead with this, though, be sure you actually benefit from the performance enough to outweigh the additional complexity and maintenance difficulties.

Sort arrays with method help?

private static int indexOfMinInRange(Reservations[] a,int low,int high) {
int max=high;
for(int i=high+1;i>=low;i--)
return max;}

private static Reservations swapElement(Reservations[] a, int index1, int index2) {
Reservations temp = a[index1]; // temp holds values when swapping
a[index1] = a[index2];
a[index2] = temp;
return temp;}

public static void sortArray(Reservations[] a) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length-1; i++) {
int indexOfMin=indexOfMinInRange(a, i, a.length-1);
swapElement(a, i, indexOfMin); //swapping from largest to smallest



Okay I am making a class for a reservation project for reservations at a restaurant. So in the end the whole thing has to take reservations, with a GUI and "book" them. For this class of the project I have to add a item to a array (that being name, phone, and so on). I also have to make a sort method. I am using helper methods to help me sort. I need help with the IndexOfMinInRange method, I don't know whether to set the return type to Reservations, or to set the array in the parameter to Reservations. This is my main problem. If anyone could help, it would be amazing!

In programming, what are arrays used for and how are they implemented?

A variables holds a single value.
An array is like a set of variables; it holds multiple variables.

Don't know about GML, and there may be specific differences in how different languages handle them.
Generally, arrays are implemented very different than primitive type variables.

With a primitive type variable, you declare a reference name for the variable and can assign a value to it directly.
An array is considered a single set or container of any number of variables.
Typically to set the members of the array, you can just assign a series of same type variables and they will get placed into the array in that order. The number of member variables inside the array is referred to the "size" or "length" of the array.

Now, when addressing the whole array, you refer to it as a single array is a single "variable".
But each member variable inside this array are separate members and to get access to those values, especially if you want a specific value and not all of them, you have to know how to point to which member in the array to get.

There is an order to the placement of these member variables, starting from "0". This number to point to which member in an array is called an "index number".
So if you want to get to the 3rd member of the array you have to say the member # "2" in the array in whatever syntax your programming language uses.

Java arrays question primitive or object?

An array is not a data type. It is actually a holder for the data type that is specified. This can be either primitive or object.

Have fun.

How do I sort an ArrayList of objects by each object's integer parameter?

I was A2A. As soon as I started writing my answer I saw Soheil Hassas Yeganeh answer which is exact replica of what I would have also written. Just to add few more points to the below answer,prefer using comparator instead of comparable.By Using a Comparable you are finalizing the default sorting behaviour for your class which may or may not be useful for others.When to use Comparable:Class should implement the comparable interface when it is the most natural way of sorting objects of that class,and anyone who wants to sort those objects would also do what is done in comparable implementation.Or to be specific use comparable when you want to define default sorting order for objects of a class.When to use Comparator(Prefered Method):When you can't decide upon the natural sorting for your class, then go for this option.As in your case one may want to sort Employee objects either by salary,age,Id etc, so for each of these sorting behaviour use comparator for each sorting criteria.PS:I think you should always refer for all such technical questions.Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers containing library of detailed answers to every question about programming.

Can we sort an array using single loop in Java?

I hope it’ll help you.public class SingleLoopArraySort {public static void main(String[] args) {int [] arr= {10,12,15,1,16,18,19,31,52,6};for(int i=1;i< arr.length;i++) {if(arr[i] < arr[i-1] ){arr[i] =arr[i] +arr[i-1];arr[i -1 ] = arr[i] -arr[i-1];arr[i] = arr[i] - arr[i-1];i=0;}}System.out.println("sorted Array :");for(int i=0;i


Yahoo A! trunicated the compareTo
if( arr1[ i ].compareTo( arr1[i+1] ) > 0 )
// because compareTo returns -1 if lessor, 0 if the same, 1 if greater. Fixed that, and then did what handyman said, I passed both arrays into the METHOD bubbleSort -- note capitaolization conventions for class and for methods. I then parroted your swapping on the from arr1 to arr2.

There are easier ways to do this.... but here is your code.

public class BubbleSortStrings {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declare and Initialize Array
String names[] = {"Halo 2", "Far Cry 2", "Call of Duty 5", "Command and Conquer", "Spore", "Dead Space 3", "World of Warcraft"};
double revenue[] = {4523.84, 1478.39, 87496.56, 2456.29, 231.56, 1745.72, 534.78};
//Begin For loop
System.out.println("Alphabetical Order");
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
System.out.println(names[i] + "-----... " + "$" + revenue[i]);
}// End of Main
private static void bubbleSort(String[] names, double[] revenues) {
String temp;
double revs;
// Begin For loop
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
//Open For loop
for (int j = 0; j < names.length - 1 - i; j++) {
//Open If Statement Compare and sort strings
if (names[j].compareTo( names[j + 1]) > 0 ) {
temp = names[j];
revs = revenues[j];

names[j] = names[j + 1];
names[j + 1] = temp;
revenues[j] = revenues[j+1];
revenues[j+1] = revs;
}//End of If Statement
}//End of For Loop
}//End of For Loop
}//End of Private method bubbleSort
}// End of Public class BubbleSort

also, we could format the output with printf