How Do I Start Caring Again

How do I start caring about things again?

I am 15 years old. I am really smart and learn things instantly most of the time but I don't try at school at all. I am failing every single class right now one is so bad that it is a zero the others in the 30 or 40 range and I just don't care. I am not depressed I am really happy in life but for some reason I don't care about anything at all. I've been like this for a while. Its getting worse though because its affecting my actions now I have a "**** everything" attitude and will do anything even if its stupid or crazy. Even if it could get me in jail I just don't care for some reason. Anyone have any ideas to start caring again. Or actually I guess technically you can say I care because I am writing this but when it comes to doing mental work or being worried about consequences I just do not give any shits.

How do I start caring for others again? This may sound selfish, but I have depression and have isolated myself for months and I want to get back out there again.

Honestly, the best way is to actually go out and meet somebody. Personally, I had friends who kept pushing me to hang out with them and even though I made excuses, they persisted until I finally relented and went out with them.Firstly, I have to say that congratulations on improving on your condition because the desire to get back out there is already a step in the right direction!It’s tempting to just reject them because of a variety of reasons. Maybe you are afraid of the judgment, or that your friends may think ‘Why are you coming along so abruptly?’, or you just don’t feel like it. Just say yes and when the time comes, prepare for it. Do not care about what other people may think of you, but just go out.If nobody is calling you to go out, chat up some old friends, maybe even family. Message them and ask if you could hang out with them. The following may be up to personal choice, but confess to them that you’re in a difficult situation or however you want to put it, and ask them if they want to hear your story. Confessing so will help you to bond with the person as well as share the emotional burden and pain you may be feeling.Lastly, maybe you could try forums like Reddit or comment here on Quora, where you can be more anonymous and free of judgment. Even a little social interaction will show you that you aren’t that bad a person and that you will enjoy social interactions again!The more important step is for you to start interacting with people. You don’t need to start by caring for people. Just talking to somebody and having somebody to listen to you and empathize with you will start the ball rolling. Caring comes naturally as you get to know another person and are genuinely more interested in their lives.

How can I start caring about school again?

My whole life I've been a straight A student, but lately, I just don't really care. I used to be really diligent about homework and studying, but now I could care less. For instance, I have a major biology lab report and three papers due tomorrow, and I haven't started any of them, but I'm not even worried at all. What is wrong with me? I don't know why this change occurred. How can I fix it? I have to apply for colleges next year and I really don't want to screw up my chances, but I just can't seem to find any motivation to succeed anymore.

How do I start caring about my appearance again?

Gosh some one who feels the same way I do. I am a stay at home mom of two girls, plus I live on a farm, so I don't see many people - except my hubby. I don't dress up anymore, haven’t worn perfume for a long time - have several very nice brands, hope they don't get stail with age!

I do find that simple/casual & comfortable suits my situation in life, when you have to go work in the barn who needs a ton of make up on, and the animals certainly don't care if you did your hair or not.

I would hate to ruin a good pair of town jeans so I wear my old ones, or my yoga pants under my coveralls. I think I have one pair of high heels which I wear with one outfit to funerals, but I certainly use to have a whole closet full of them dreadful things when I was in the work world.

I would have to say that doing what you do, you probably don't need to be dressy - it may be nice to have a few fun outfits to put on on the weekend so your fiancée will compliment you again, go out and find a couple things that will be'll feel better about it too!

Don't be too hard on your self, we are just fine the way we are! Maybe go and get a pedicure, or your hair highlighted - it is still nice to do things for ourselves and nothing is better than a pedicure/hair color. Even if you wear socks and steel toed work boots (like me) all the time and pony tails under caps or toques!

Great question!

How can I start caring enough to do something?

Do me a favor and Google images/ web results of Rhinos being poached, Elephants being hunted for their Ivory tusks, Kids in Africa starving, Amazon Rain Forest disappearing, Plastic waste in the world, Arctic Ice melting, Human Trafficking across the bordersand if all of this doesn’t make you care enough to do something , Nothing can!

How do I start caring for other people besides myself?

Depends on your current situation.Its easy to be joyful , caring and polite when everything alright , but when it ain’t its another story because in bad situations and in rough times all you thing about is your problems.But if you know people good enough then its easier to care for people that deserve it regardless of everything.Being humble and knowing that all people are humans just like you with feelings and emotions , wants and needs , then probably you will be more sensitive towards people.Most people that help the needy are the needy themselves because they know what it feels like.So when you know how it feels like to be around a selfish self-centred people only then will you really understand and respect modesty and charity.what I mean by Charity here isn't specifically monitory , charity could be a smile or kind words or mental support.Become friends with a snob for a while maybe that will teach you something.

How do I make my girlfriend care again..?

I love my girlfriend so much, but I feel like the sweetness she used to show is either diminishing or gone completely. She's always been a hard ***, but I loved it when she'd be that way with other people than sweet to me. Lately, it's become just hard *** to everyone, even especially me. I miss the old girl I fell in love with, but I don't know how to make her start caring again and showing me what she used to. I've tried talking to her about it, but she just ends up saying that I'm too sensitive. Is there anything I can do? Help would be appreciated, thanks..