How Do I Stop Eating Help Me Feel Less Hungry Help Me Doge The

How to make my dog less hungry?

I had my 5 year old Great Dane neutered 2 weeks ago (long story as to why we waited), and took him home last week Monday. He was also put on Ovaban (female hormone) for 4 weeks total, and has 2 weeks left. The vet told me the meds would cause an increase of thirst and hunger so I expected it. But the dog has been eating so much food that it is alarming me. He has also had diarrhea since I brought him home. The vet gave me some paste for the diarrhea and he has already taken 2 days of the 3 day treatment. The diarrhea has not subsided. He drinks a lot and does not act dehydrated. I have never had to restrict food for him until because he is eating 10-15 pounds of food in a few days. However, he is so hungry he gets into the dog food bag to eat if I hold back food. He also groans when he is laying down, every time he moves. I know his stomach is bothering him and I am certain the diarrhea and groaning are because he is so full, but I don't know what to do. He has gained an enormous amount of weight too. He looks and acts so uncomfortable but he can't stop eating.

Does chewing gum help stop hunger?

No, It makes you more hungry and also it's bad because your stomach thinks the food is coming and it keeps on grinding.

My dog Scratches and wines at her bowl like she is hungry......?

It sounds psychological. Keep her eating her recommended daily allowance, to avoid any overweight issues. Stick to a schedule. Make sure there is plenty of fresh water every day for her at all times, that will help her feel full. If she continues I would then suggest removing her bowl until it is time to feed. That way she won't scratch at it, because it's not there for her to think about.

Good Luck.

How to stop my dog from eating human food?

The dog isn't opening the refrigerator and making himself a turkey sandwich now is he?

Stop feeding him human food and he will stop eating it.

He may go on hunger strike for a few days thinking if he holds out he will get the tasty stuff.

Just put his food bowl down with HIS food in it 2-3 times a day and pick it up after 10-20 minutes or so. He will figure it out pretty quickly that dog food is the ONLY thing he will get. Stop all treats until you have him eating his food consistently.

Help! My puppy cries when hungry but doesn't want to eat dog food, what to do?

If you give in to her demands, u'll have a very hard time in the future for sure. If your sure the dog food is healthy, dont give her anything else she demands.. It may turn out to be unhealthy and she might never eat dog food because she knows your all good with it, id rather leave the dog food there, she cant starve herself when food is just sitting there.. She will eventually get used to the dog food. All that matters is that the food is healthy, she can live on that. After all a dog is a dog, an animal. You cant change that.. In their natural habitat you don't choose what you want to eat, you eat what is there to eat. Its survival for the fitest, your dog is extremely lucky to have an owner who is caring enough to give her healthy food and shelter. Just that should make Your dog appreciative of YOU and what your giving her, she probably eats better than many humans, children, pregnant mothers that go hungry and wish they could even have at least a fraction of what your dog is eating. That alone should open you eyes. What I would do is leave the dog food there and do not give her any food she begs for, she'll get hungry and eventually eat. Do this often and she'll get used to eating when the food is served.