How Do I Take My Mistakes Gracefully

How do I quit my internship gracefully?

I've been interning for a small business for about two months, but a couple weeks ago I started considering quitting. Now I've finally decided to do it, but because this is my first job of any sort I have no idea how. I want to quit because it's not making me any money (I get paid on commission sort of -it's complicated- but haven't made any money yet) and I honestly don't think I'll have time for it during the school year (I'm 16.) The dilemma is, their business is so small that I only work for two people, otherwise the only employee is my friend who is also interning with me. I don't know what to do. Their business isn't exactly booming so I don't foresee any money coming in soon, and I know my friend is also getting frustrated so it might be kind of a big blow if both their interns quit. What should I do, how do I quit my internship?

How do I gracefully let this married woman down who has been having sex with me?

to late she is already hooked

Is there any grammatical mistake in this sentence, "punctuality will be graceful appreciated"?

Hi,The grammatically correct sentence would be -“ Punctuality would be gracefully appreciated.”Honestly, I don't see the need of the word ‘ gracefully’ here. There's no value added.“ Punctuality would be appreciated,” sounds more apt.I am an English educator on the online learning Platform UNACADEMY.I have uploaded various English and Grammar lessons to help learners like you. There are lessons on Vocabulary and Idioms as well.This is my link.. go through my lessons. I hope you find them useful. Make sure to follow me on Unacademy to stay updated whenever I upload new lessons. And don't forget to rate, review and share my courses with your friends and family.Thank you :-),

How do I accept failure gracefully without feeling humiliated?

Well, failure does hurt. It's an awful experience and when we’re going through it, all we see is pain and agony.I’ve experienced my share of failures. The healing took time, but it did heal.When I failed,The first week was spent crying.The second was spent with family and friends (the ones who motivated me) having comfort food and gradually accepting that it's okay if I failed. It is not the end of the world. I have alternatives and I can give them a shot.The third was spent analysing where I went wrong. What could I have done differently. Introspection basically.The fourth was spent talking to my mentors and seniors, on how I could improve. The week included chucking out a detailed plan and motivating myself to follow it.The weeks thereafter, were spent in working towards my goal relentlessly. With perseverance and determination.Another part of the pain was dealing with people.My parents told me this, “You cannot make everyone happy. People are saying things now. People will keep say things even when you will be successful. It’s a part of their job, but none of your business. You should do what you want to.”So, I did not stop socialising. I just turned a deaf ear to the irrelevant. I promised myself, that I will let my actions speak. And later, they did.My first failure taught me one important lesson. I would have missed learning many things, had I succeeded in my first attempt. And this, inspired me not to give up.Thanks for the A2A!

What is the most common mistake people make on blind dates?

When one half over-expects results.  Had a guy want to take me out to dinner on a Saturday night, when my idea of first / blind date is coffee at lunch on a weekday.  There's no graceful way out of a bad evening on Saturday night, during dinner.Have an "out" planned that lets you exit gracefully.  Meeting for coffee is an automatic "out." (Setting an alarm on your phone for a fake meeting will also work.  You can always decide "not to take that call" if your date is hotter than a $2 pistol...)

Do guys think it's cute when girls make mistakes?

It depends on the guy. However, I don't believe ANY man thinks it's attractive when girls pretend to be less smart than they are or make misakes on purpose to be "cute." Some might find it cute when a girl does make a mistake and handles it gracefully, say by giggling and going, "oh well!" instead of crying or beating herself up.