How Do I Tell My Mum How Bad My Self Harm Is

How do I tell my parents that I used to self-harm?

Don't feel pressured into telling them if you're not ready. Your friend should not have said that to you, it doesn't sound very supportive to me. It doesn't sound like you actually WANT to tell them. If you are not self harming at the moment there is no great urgency in telling anyone. However if you feel you need to start again, then you should probably get some support form somewhere, whether that be your parents, a teacher, or whoever.

My mom self harms- what do I do!?

I saw cuts on her wrists a few months ago and I told my step dad. He says she cut herself with a kitchen knife one night I was away. He doesn't care at all and thinks she's an attention seeker. I thought it was a one off but today I saw a cut.
I don't want to confront her cos it's really not a child's place to mention it and also I would have to admit I cut sometimes too. Only her cuts are deep and bloody. Mine are just surface scratches and are on my thighs out of sight.

What can I do to help her? I don't know if it's serious or even if the cut is the result of an accident or something. How do I approach this. I really can't burden my stepdad because his mom is dying- like any day now- so won't last this week out. He's depressed and I don't wanna make it worse.

What can I do?? Please help!?

My mum found out I self harm and is angry?

Well I used to self harm (havent for a month) and my mum saw 6 faded cuts on my arm.

I told her it was my rabbit and she bought it, but then she looked and thought about and now she doesn't believe me and is REALLY angry

She searched my room but I have safely hidden my razor blade in somewhere I can't even open to stop myself from doing, so she found nothing. But she looked online and has been reading loads a stuff about Emos and he thinks I didn't it to be apart of my 'gang' who are 'Emos' to my mum. But they don't even know I have did it.

I have a lot of cuts on my leg and carvings of words aswell, and if my mum finds out that people cut there legs, I'm dead.

She's really angry and doesn't get that I am depressed (not sure why at really :/) and is blaming my friends who no nothing. ( I have a friend that knows everything but she doesn't think anything bad of her). She hates my friends because they are kinda 'gothic' or whatever you want to call them.

She hasn't told my dad and said she won't, but if he did find out, I would actually consider suicide.

I'm so scared , I thought parents were meant to be sympathetic towards there kids cutting them self. I have been so depressed lately, so many thigs have caused it, so many it's hard to remember! I'm never gonna do it again but she said if he sees another cut ( leg) then she take me to a mental hospital :(

I never actually said I cut, but se saw right through my lies.

How do I tell my parents I relapsed with self-harm?

Only tell them if you want to or are comfortable doing it. I know that this is frowned upon or whatever, but it is really about what works for you. Personally, I wouldn’t tell my parents that I relapsed with self harm because it would bring up things that are not worth bringing up and would also just bring a lot of unnecessary attention to my mental/emotional state. But of course, that is my opinion, albeit an unpopular one.If you you want to be open with your parents and encourage a healthy environment within your home, then I would tell them whenever you have the chance. Don’t think about it too much, otherwise you’re just going to psych yourself out of it, ya know? Of course tailor this method to comfortably accommodate a healthy venting sesh.If you don’t want to tell your parents after all, just move on with your life. Not saying that you should ignore it, but leave it behind and move forward.BEST OF LUCK BUDDY-Obtw sorry for the crap writing, haven’t answered anything in 5 ever, and I’m just progressively becoming less and less intelligent. HAVE A FANTASSSSSSS DAY!!!!!!

My mom saw my self harm cuts help!?

I lost track of my emotions today and saw sissors so i cut my wrist im not addicted to cutting or anything i regret now but my mom saw the cuts and asked me how i got 6 scratches on my wrist i feel really akward around her now i dont know what to do

How to tell a parent that you've relapsed in self harm?

Thats one of the most dangerous things about self-harming- the secrecy and the sense of shame.
I'm concerned for you that if you don't get good support, it may get worse.
It looks like you've been brought up to 'just get on with things' and keep problems to yourself, and though this has its merits, its not helpful when you are so distressed you are self-harming.
I didnt want my mum to know how bad I felt and held it all in- but it got to the point where I was knocking myself out (hitting myself).After waking up in pain on the bathroom floor(the next day)-I knew I had to tell someone.I broke down and told my mum and it felt like a weight off my shoulders.
It wasnt an instant cure, but I had to break the secrecy and the shame. I had counselling and group therapy, both helped so much. I also became closer to my mum, which I really needed.
Please consider telling your mum and getting counselling. Best wishes.

I self harm because of my parents...?

That is a serious issue and a sign of depression. If you can afford then you must go to a psychologist and tell him all about your problem. As I know there is nothing more important than ones life. Life is precious. Don't lose your hope. You control your luck, your luck doesn't control you. Right? You are not the only one in this world that have such issues, there are many others. Look towards those children that even don't have parents. You have your parents and the thing you need is to improve your relationship and remove all the differences and misunderstandings between them. Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel when they don't talk to each other. Self harm will do nothing and if you will suicide then it will mean that you are a looser. Remember you are not a looser. This is your bad time which will Insha Allah pass soon and your good days will start because there is always a bright day after a dark night.
And about the things you stated above, about your parents that they control you and tell you what to do and what not to do, I would say that they are your parents and they know what is good and what is bad for you. They must care about you thats why they don't want you to be in a bad company. Too much sleep is not good. They want you to be punctual and have a formal attitude. You must have listen that "Punctuality is the key to success". It means they want you to be a successful person. And you know that people with formal attitude are most liking and most successful people in this world. They want you to wear clothes of their choice that shows their love and care for you. But still you can talk to them. So take your life in a positive way. If you do so, you will enjoy your life and will want to live for long. Life is too short and it is like an ice-cream, so enjoy it before it melts.

How do I tell my parents about my self-harm without upsetting them?

You need to seriously prep them. Any caring parent would be upset to learn that their child is cutting themselves. Not because they are angry with the child, but because their child is hurting themselves!Unprepared parents may respond with denial, inappropriate anger, or frustration - which can look a lot like anger. Denial because they can't accept that their beloved child is in emotional and physical pain and they didn't notice or realize how bad it was. Inappropriate anger because how dare this mental health problem attack their beloved child? Unfortunately, the child will often misinterpret that anger as being aimed at them, not the situation. And frustration because the parent can't fix issue or shield their child from pain. And parents sometimes need to try “fixing” things before they can accept that they can't fix things in the ways they would normally use.So, as the child, you need to brace yourself a bit. Your parents will react, and that reaction may seem negative on the surface. But, in reality, your parents are simply coming to terms with what you told them. Give them time to calm down before the discussion goes any further.The very best way to tell your parents is with the help of a therapist, someone who can prep and educate your parents before and during the big reveal.If that's not possible, gather some reading material for your parents about cutting and the issues surrounding it, especially material designed for parents. Talk to your librarian to find some good books - look for books published within the last five or ten years, as they will be the most up to date on the issues and how parents and family can help. Skim the books yourself, pick the best one or two, and then leave them on your parents bed with a note listing the most important chapters and ask them to read them. Best to do this during the school week. As soon as you know your parents have read the books, sit them down after supper and tell them. If they try to corner you before reading the books, ask them to please read the books first, and promise to tell them everything once they have read the books.The books will give them a big clue, and a chance to calm themselves in private, so you won't surprise them so much when you tell them. And yes, it's perfectly ok to prepare and tell one parent and let them tell the other parent.

My mom has driven me to the point of self-harm. What should I do?

She hasn't directed you to do so. Your impulse, your lack of self control and bad coping mechanism has.Please relax and try to understand what is happening around. If you think you she is abusive, watch this.And always remember. You might do self harm during a temporary mood swing or temper but the scars will remain forever. When you grow up, you will regret your actions and think that you should have reacted in a more tactful way. Please love yourself more and muster forgiveness and resilience in yourself.