How Do The Angels Get These Jobs Touched By An Angel

What is the best way to get in touch with European VCs and angels for seed funding?

As Pascal wrote, don't let anyone charge you for intros to angels (or VC's). It's a ridiculous practice and I totally frown upon it. The majority of angels doing things such as Lars (HackFwd), Lukas (TeamEurope) and so forth are totally approachable and are looking to be pitched. You can easily find out who these groups are. Look into SeedCamp (UK), GrowVC (Scandinavia I believe), European Founders Fund (the Samwer brothers in Germany), FoundersLink (Oliver Beste in Berlin), TAG (Saul and Robin Klein in the UK) and a couple others. Usually angels know each other or of each other. If one of them isn't interested or able to invest in your business, they may know of someone who wants to or can. I'm also always happy to refer companies looking for angels on to those whom I know if the deal is too early or small for us. Hence, any VC you can get access to can also be of help making intros. Basically, it works in both directions but make sure to get intros to VC's. Angels are usually more open to cold calling whereas the VC's are better approached with a good intro. I finally recommend taking a look at Mark Suster's post regarding intros: http://www.bothsidesofthetable.c...

How do you know if you have a guardian angel?

Genuine Hasbro Ouijas come with factory installed Guardian Angel notification meta-technology.
Even if your Angel is otherwise occupied, a Genuine Hasbro Ouija will insure your angel protection is there. Whenever I leave the house, even to mow the lawn, my Genuine Hasbro Ouija keeps my guardian angel on the job.

How do I ask God to help me find a loving Caucasian angel? I don’t feel the same for other girls at all. I have never even touched those angels in my life. I wish I could live in their countries so at least I could see or talk to them every day.

I truly hate to burst your bubble but as a Caucasian, I can tell you none of us are angels.What I am guessing from your question is that Caucasians are in short supply where you live. You evidently find the young, pretty ones desirable.You need to understand that the wording of your question is going to make the average woman that I know extremely uncomfortable. In the US where I am, men are expected to treat women as equals. Words like “angel” and “never touched those angels” sounds terribly creepy. There is a thread of weirdness in your question.Women are people. Not something to be worshipped or chased or god forbid, captured. In our culture, we expect to be spoken to as an equal and treated as such. You may think putting a woman on a pedestal is somehow flattering to a woman but it’s definitely not.If you did that here, a woman will think you have an ulterior motive. She would probably think you are trying to get laid or her citizenship.The worst part of this treatment is when the woman doesn’t live up to whatever fantasy you have. She is going to have needs and wants just as you do. She’s not going to be satisfied being the object of your desires. What human being would?I suggest you find a woman where you live she stop thinking about your “angels”. That isn’t what women really are and you would at best be disappointed and at worst I would fear for their safety if they disappointed you.

What is the difference between a Cherub and an Angel?

They are all angels. none of whom have wings. Cherub is a ranking or job description which is held. The translation of cherubim means "the one that covereth". In other words a guard. Two of them guarded the mercy seat that Christ sits on . Those two were none other than Michael and Lucifer. Hope it helps.

Why do some people see angels and others don't ? Have you ever saw one?

God warned us to not believe any other extraneous gospel any angel might tell us, other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He never said their job was done once Jesus died. They still minister today to those whom God sends them to.

Some people see angels because that's who God sent them to, and He wanted them to see them. He doesn't always want them to see their handiwork, just experience it. I've never seen an angel but my brother has, although I can't describe his experience.

No, I don't think anyone who has experienced angelic visitation or help is supposed to work in ministry. That would be tatamount to following an angel, and God--and the angels, say that is not worshiping Him. Being touched by an angel is not because YOU are special, but because GOD is glorious and loving.

I Saw An Angel Trying To Attack Me?

You are messing with dangerous things.

Listen to this man's story....

What are some ways to get the attention of VCs, Angels, or other potential investors?

You don't necessarily need to be connected directly to the finance community -- you just need to know people who are.I'd recommend evaluating the network that you do have... Ask yourself: Who has founded or worked at a venture-backed startup? Who knows people in accelerators, angel groups, etc? Who is the kind of extroverted, well-connected person that seems to know everybody in the tech world?Reach out to these folks and ask them if they'd be willing to make introductions to investment professionals on your behalf.This may be less efficient than if you had already possessed a financial network all by yourself, but it's still wayyyy more efficient than most other tactics you could potentially use.(Also, you should probably make a company page on AngelList.)

How do I fully contact my guardian angel?

They are with you 24 hours a day. A Guardian Angel is actually a “whole soul” and quite old in human terms. They emit a golden light and hence are called “golden light beings.” They all volunteered to take care of us and prefer the term “Servants of the Creator,” but no one would know what we’re talking about, so I just shorten it to GA. They have the capability of taking care of thousands of souls all at the same time.My GA I named Theo, as he says that humans do not have the vocal cords to pronounce angelic names, plus they are not too big on names where they are. He told me I could call him “Tom, Dick, or Harry, but Tom could be a little difficult in your meditations.” So I thought about it a couple of weeks and “Theo” popped into my mind one day. He also says to just say out loud, “Guardian Angel, what name should I call you?” A name may spring immediately to mind, or it can take a couple of weeks as it did me.You can talk with your GA at any time of the day or night. Just listen to that “whisper in your ear.” It works much better if you can meditate. You can also go to Dick Sutphen Home Page and search for SPIRIT GUIDES CD or MP3. He is a master hypnotist and past president of a professional hypnosis society. This audio program will take you down and then you just say or think, “I would like to speak to my Guardian Angel.” It may take a few times to get comfortable, but then you will hear responses. They’re called “thought packets” and you receive them through the pineal gland in the back of your head, and they are then filtered according to your education and beliefs. By the way, I don’t make a dime from the sale of the above CD’s. Richard just has a great melodic voice to assist you in your explorations.Just remember that your GA cannot tell you to “take this path or that path.” Those are decisions you have to make in life.To read more about our GA’s, go to my website The Gentle Way by Tom Moore and go to my Articles and News page and do a search for Guardian Angels. I have a huge amount of information and articles on this page.

Does the angel of death kill you (when its your time) or just bring you to heaven/hell when you die?

Angel of death?
Death is a biological process.