How Do U Curse Someone Not That I Want To I Need To Know Though

Can someone really put a curse on you?

YES, and I have done it before because of someone that really pissed me off.

IF you know a place to buy crystals the following are good for solving your problem.
Amber: protects against psychic attack
Amethyst: protects from negative energy
Black onyx: protects against harmful magic
Fire agate: for protection of the aura
Hematite: use for protection of home and property, as well as to fend off psychic attack
Malachite: repels hostile magical attacks
Obsidian: provides protective energies
Quartz: use to protect yourself from hexes or curses
Ruby: use to defend against magical attacks related to emotions
Selenite: for shielding against negative outside influences

How can you tell if someone has put a curse on you?

it is unlikely that there is curse at work here, but if there were it would have to have been applied a long time ago.
curses, like anything else, have to have energy put into to every so often to keep it strong.
i doubt that the person who did this is still around, so really you just need to do some positive energy stuff.
there are some simple things that you can do - burn white candles and imagine your home filling up up with white light. take the light a little beyond your walls. you can burn sage or sandalwood incense to keep the neg. energy away.
if you would like to know of something to help you find a good person for you e-mail me, and i'll send you some more info.

What should you do if someone curses you?

I have been cursed so many times in traffic. Sometimes for a mistake made by me, and sometimes for no mistake at all. These were cases of Road Rage.I avoid the temptation to get into an argument. I just don’t look at them and proceed on my way. In no time, I have forgotten the issue.At traffic signals when I see ‘hijras’ I just roll up my windows and ignore them. I don’t look at them. They don’t linger. My silver grey hair usually protects me from harassment.They find a more vulnerable victim, usually a young man on his motor cycle who can’t roll up the windows. At Bangalore, they usually don’t trouble ladies and old men.If they curse you, just ignore them. Neither their blessings work, nor their curses.Only once was I severely cursed by one of them. It happened at a traffic signal in Mumbai. I was alone in the rear seat of a taxi, stuck at a busy traffic signal and I knew it would be for at least two minutes. The hijra approached my window, and was persistent and refused to go away. I tried to roll up the windows. He/She put his hand in immediately and blocked the glass window pane and tried to pinch my cheek. Repelled I moved to the other end of the seat in the taxi. No luck. There was another hijra waiting on the other side who already had his hand in. “hamse bachkar kahaan jaaoge?” they asked. I pleaded with the taxi driver to ‘do something’. He just ignored me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say “mai~n kyaa kar saktaa hoo~n, isme”.The lights turned green luckily and the taxi started moving slowly. The hijras continued to run along the cars on both sides with their hands inside and the taxi driver was helpless. He could not go faster as long as their hands were inside the car. Everyone behind us was honking furiously. Seeing a policeman ahead the hijras suddenly withdrew their hands and but then their tongues took over. Out of their mouths came the choicest of abuses, starting with me, my parents, my grandparents and the entire khaandaan, my entire caste. I wonder how they guessed! I could still hear them screaming as my taxi finally sped off.The taxi driver was grinning! He told me he had learned some new abuses that day to shout at rival taxi drivers.None of those curses came true, by the way.GV

How do I break any curse that’s been put on me by someone else?

There's something you don't yet know about curses. A necessary ingredient that makes them work.They require faith. Your faith. You have to believe that the person who cursed you has the power to do it.They don't have that power. Even if it looks like they do, they don't. The power they have is the ability to convince you that they have the power to curse someone.The way to break the curse is to see the person who cursed you as small, powerless, and insignificant. Laugh to yourself at their hubris and superstition. Curses don't work on you because you believe people do not have the power.That does not mean you will not have misfortune. You will have some. You are alive, and to be alive is to overcome the occasional problem. You will also enjoy good fortune for the same reasons.Go enjoy your life.

I try not to curse and I'm Christian, but my gf curses all the time and I love her, but I'm not comfortable..?

Looks to me like a typical Christian question from a typical Christian. You don't actually come out and ask for advice on what to do because you already know what you are going to do, and only want the approval of people like your self.

Even though you didn't ask for it I am going to give my opinion anyway. You need to leave this girl alone so that she can live her life as she sees fit, and not according to your twisted view of the world and how people should talk.

How can I come off as sweet and innocent even though I have not so innocent tendencies ?

Like I want to be the nice sweet girl to this guy but eventually it will come out:
* I can be inappropriate
* I love dark comedy, or any kind of adult racy comedy at that
* I curse without realizing it sometimes

Yeah I know that these sound like small things but I want to be that sweet GIRL, not one of the guys. Any advice on how to go about doing this? Any tips would help

Can someone really cast a spell on you and would you know if they did?

Yes someone absolutely can cast a spell on you. Whether you would know about it or not is another matter.If you are experienced in witchcraft and spell casting you may be able to recognise the signs of work being done against you. Anyone proficient in the craft however, will have a decent protection system in place, meaning the spell will be unlikely to cause any serious effect. Some even go so far as to set up shielding, meaning the magick bounces right back to source.If you aren’t a practicing witch it is harder to know if someone is casting against you, but not impossible.My first question to clients who ask me this is always, ‘what makes you suspect it?’ Normally it is because someone has verbally cursed them, or threatened to, and the person feels like everything is now going wrong and thus the curse comes to be.Everyone has bad things that happen in their lives. Everyone. It can be tempting to blame the ups and downs of everyday life on malevolent magick sent in your direction, but that isn’t always correct.So, how do you tell the difference between a run of bad luck and a bad ass curse? You have to examine everything that is happening and assess the likelihood of it being just one of those things, or something more sinister.For example, a flat tyre is one of life’s annoyances, but fairly plausible. 4 flat tyres all at once? Much less likely (unless someone’s messing with your car!) Try to look at things objectively. Would these events have occurred anyway or is there definitely something afoot? Someone earlier mentioned dying plants. I always plant rosemary by my front door as a ‘guardian bush.’ The last curse that came my way was a long series of random catastrophes culminating in the unexplained death of my rosemary.Also, be wary of the person who threatens to, or appears to curse you. As a non wiccan, I’m quite happy to curse, but it’s not something I’d pre-warn anyone about! Most witches don’t talk about their rituals to other people. The person who announces it to you is unlikely to be a witch and is probably just messing with your head. Be wary of falling into the trap of the self fulfilling prophecy, where you believe you are cursed and spend the next few weeks actively looking for proof of this, thus blowing everyday events out of all proportion.I hope this is helpful. if you would like to read more about spell casting, check out my blog The Undefined Witch - An Interactive & Friendly Resource For Witches Of All Paths

If someone has a picture of you, and they are jealous, can they cast a bad spell to make you ugly or lose your beauty?

Hi. One dirty little secret of witchcraft is it often does not work effectively or reliably. You need to have an incredible amount of focus to cast a curse like that, and it would require sending a spirit bound to your Will because standard thoughtforms just aren’t going to cut it… that is practically a Death Curse, right there.The average witch could not do it. Many voodouns and sorcerers could not do it either. It requires a ton of energy, and you need to Pay The Price… this is not a prank or a game. If you fuck up a Death Curse it will come back on you hard. Want to know the easiest way to have a Death Curse backfire? Cast it on an innocent person out of spite or malice.I have cast the Death Curse only 3 times in 50 years. It takes its toll. It is ONLY used when there is no other way to get justice or save a life. It is typically done to punish powerful people above the law, or to prevent someone from victimizing others when a binding is insufficient. Here is another dirty little secret… the Death Curse rarely kills… at least not directly. Usually it causes illness and bad luck. Making someone “ugly” would be very difficult. You would need a good understanding of physiology, particularly dermatology, to properly visualize the damage you wish done. It would be far easier simply to make them ill.So, the short answer to your question is “NO.” Highly unlikely anyone could pull that off without summoning a demon… and being able to control it… and being willing to Pay whatever that costs. Anyone who *could* do that probably wouldn’t. Not cost effective or practical. If you are turning ugly it probably is not due to a curse. More likely you were poisoned. You should have bloodwork done for environmental exposure to toxins.C. R. Jahn, author of Arcane Lore (as Scribe 27)

Can People Really Curse You?

Hello everyone, i have this fixation that people can curse me & its really getting me down. i dont know why i have these silly thoughts but i cant seem to get them out of my head. i was told that if you dont beleive in cursing/voodoo etc - it cant harm you, but if you give it strength by believing, it can harm you.
ive cryed over it because i get myself so worked up over it, ive never harmed anyone or done anything to seriously harm i dont understand why i would even think id be cursed. however, strange people in my school always stare at me, i tend to smile as im generally nice to everyone but im scared of them as a few of them are into worshiping the devil & are basically just strange, so i wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of people who are messing with black magic/ spells etc.. please can somebody tell me? because i cant go on thinking like this, i need help from someone!

How should I respond to customers who curse and use the "F" word to my customer service team?

Really, it comes down to one thing;Did you/your company fuck up something for the customer / Is the customer, OBJECTIVELY, right? A lot of times, companies will provide such shitty service, that the customer needs to express themselves, and using "F" bombs comes naturally to them. If your company did mess up, I think it's best to handle this with empathy, as the customer is right. Example: "You know, John. You're right. The fact that we randomly restarted your servers is pretty messed up – I totally get your frustration. Let me take a look at this for you and make sure this never happens – ok?"However, sometimes (typically, 3/10 times, hopefully not higher), it'll be the customers fault. At that point, it really makes sense to understand the persona of the customer, and, through empathy & setting a boundary of respect (they can't walk all over you), help them understand that they're wrong. Example: "John, I'd really appreciate it if you could hear me out on this one. I looked at your server log, and it turns out, we didn't actually restart your server, it was your employee that did that. Furthermore, we really don't take impoliteness very well, even though I understand where you're coming from. "