How Do U De-stress Deflect Negativity When U Must Live With One Who Creates It

What is the best way to protect oneself from the evil eye?

In my experience, there are a few things that have worked.Carrying a labradorite stone is said to keep your aura free of negative influence, which means nothing negative can touch you as easily and you're not left completely vulnerable.Wearing reflective jewelry that can show one's reflection is effective in deflecting the evil eye and sending it right back to the person.A return-to-sender spell is even more effective, but only on the event that the evil eye has already been sent to you. To do this, you will just need a piece of paper, envelope, a pen, and a white candle. Light the candle. On the piece of paper, write down what happened, in as much detail as possible. Fold it up and put it in the envelope. On the envelope, write “return to sender.” There are a couple of ways you can handle the envelope. Either you can burn it with the candle (be careful doing this. Do it outside or where you don't risk setting anything else on fire), or you can sit it in front of the candle and wait for the candle to burn out on its own. In the latter case, rip the envelope up, after the candle has burned out, and then dispose of it however you want, as long as it doesn't stay in your house.Wearing jewelry made of a black stone like onyx, obsidian, jet, shungite, etc, is said to absorb negative energy, such as the evil eye.This one can be a little tricky, but flicking a little black salt (incense that has already been burned, mixed with salt) on the ground, in the direction the evil eye came from can banish it. But be very careful with this one. Just carrying some black salt with you might be enough.If you're highly familiar with energy work (the evil eye falls within the realm of energy work), a little alchemy is what would work the best, I'd say. This is the reason not believing in the evil eye is so effective. When you're good with this kind of alchemy (emotional alchemy/energy work) anything that comes your way can easily be transformed into something else. If someone throws negativity your way, you can take that negativity and do something positive with it. If you don't believe in the evil eye, for example, it can't get to you.With all of this being said, it also depends on your beliefs.

Does meditation help relieve loneliness or depression?

Yes and no.  A lot depends on what you are actually doing, and especially, on what else you are doing and whether it adds up to create a whole, healthy way of living.The problem with this kind of question is that hidden behind them is often the assumption that things have single causes and cures, that is,Would a lot of this one thing be the magic bullet to "cure" some complex life condition?A focus on physical exercise and socializing are well known to be positive for loneliness and depression; meanwhile good sleep and meditation can be the necessary period of rest and rejuvenation following those active and energetic engagements with life.  Meditation can also be an active engagement with healthy aspects of one's inner life.On the other hand, rumination, that is, dwelling on repetitive and unhappy thoughts, is a well-known aspect of depression, and what a person calls "meditation" might either be a temptation towards rumination, or a way to interrupt it.  A lot depends on that one thing.Stress and depression can work together in a vicious cycle.  Meditation can relieve stress, but stress is a very diverse phenomenon.  Deep relaxation and vigorous exercise can both relieve stress.  Stress is what you have when stuck in the middle, neither being able to fully relax or to fully exert.So, a "recipe" for relief of loneliness and depression would include social engagement, vigorous exercise, good sleep, social support, resolution of ongoing life stressors, and last but not least, if you are so inclined, meditation.

How do you deal with your mother-in-law living with you?

When I saw top answers, I wanna laugh! You people are so naive!It all depends on what a person your mother-in-law is. If she treats you like a daughter with love, there will be no problem whatsoever! But if she sees you like an enemy who took her son, she still hate you and will continue picking on you no matter how perfect you do. My mother-in-law wants me to do everything, literally everything! All housework: heavy and light, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, doing laundry, taking care of baby and I have a full time job! Whenever my husband helps, she gets mad. She will find ways to not let her son do it and make me do it. For the first few years, I cared about how she sees me and tried my best to be the perfect one, doing everything EVEN when I was recovering from giving birth. BTW, she fought us so bad and I had to move back to my own parent’s house because my husband helped me clean dishes and do laundry when I was taking care of a new born infant and recovering from giving birth!I used to care so much, keep the house clean, take good care of babies, make good tasty separated meals for babies and family, keep everything organized, etc. But every time I said things (like keep the door close so toddlers won’t walk out of the house, babies should wear seatbelt when they are on high chair), she took it all personally against her, and yelled at me like a crazy woman.You know what, she pushed it too far!!! And now I don’t care. I don’t care how she sees me, how dirty the house gets, how unorganized things are, I am sick to be the prefect one… I AM JUST NOT DOING ANYTHING! Whenever she comes to ask me for things, I say I don’t know…. and I just stay in my room to read my books like a selfish bi*ch…. She turned me into a heartless person. Cus I don’t give an eff! And I feel so relief when I just don’t care any more! I think that’s why people are selfish!

How can we completely concentrate while studying?

It's not only about getting distracted during our study-time. Mind wandering is constant. People mind wander 47% of the time. And that means we live the present moment for only half our lives.Intrusive thoughts are almost always created by anxiety and/or negative emotional experiences. They hinder your concentration, encourage you to procrastinate , distract you from the task in hand and inevitably increase your anxiety which leads to an increase in intrusive thoughts.Trying to block out unwanted thoughts is actually counterproductive. Close your eyes right now and set a timer. Your aim is to spend a minute without thinking of a white bear.How did you get on? How many seconds did you last before the white bear appeared in your thoughts. And why do we think of a white bear when we have expressly told ourselves not to?Trying to suppress thoughts lead to obsession. So, don't block out unwanted thoughts or ear worms. Instead, congratulate yourself for recognising that you are experiencing them and realising that your concentration is wandering.YOU’re a HOMO SAPIEN.As human beings, we have this unique ability to have our minds stray. This ability of having our minds focussed on something other than the present is amazing - it helps us to learn, plan and reason.While most people think of mind-wandering as a lifting escape from daily drudgery, research shows that this may not be the case. In fact, mind-wandering appears to be correlated with unhappiness. Mind-wandering might make us feel less content, but it could also have a functional purpose. A study suggests that mind-wandering might be a sign of a high capacity working memory — in other words, the ability to think about multiple things at once.Here are a few solutions to it :1)Try to postpone the thought.Write a list of the things that are bothering you and then set it aside to be dealt with at an assigned point later in the day. This means that you don't have to hold that thought in your memory and you know you will deal wiht them later.2) Wherever possible , avoid multitasking, which can reduce productivity by approximately 40% by some researchers,as well as increasing stress and anxiety.3) Exposure:Allow yourself to think about the unwanted thought, so that it is less likely to pop up unwantedly at other times. This is painful, but it might work.4)Meditation and mindfulness strengthen mental control and help to control unwanted thoughts.Everyone in this world gets distracted. It's natural. So , stay cool.