How Do You Beat The Laziness That Comes With Depression

Can't focus on anything, what can I do to beat depression?

Maybe yo do need a break right now. Sometimes I can’t focus while working and end up daydreaming and procrastinating.And then I get on my bed and scribble on a notebook (I work from home). I thought, “Wow, I missed lazy times like this.” That’s when I realized that taking a break and giving yourself a quota of lazy time is important for productivity, whether for a work or hobby.Allow yourself and compromise with the bad moods. You’re not forcing yourself to perform just like everybody else. You’re never obliged to.Always remember this is not the first time you have to deal with depression.Try maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Eat enough protein to keep you strong. Fiber and wheat is also good for you if you can eat gluten. I feel better when I eat oatmeal regularly and taking vitamin B supplements when needed.Turmeric also helps relieving my nerves fatigue.Drink enough water to increase metabolism. Exercise a little. Dance like Shakira. Laugh at yourself!

Am I depressed, or just lazy?

Sometimes I just sit around the house and do nothing. Sometimes I go to school and just stare at the wall all day. I haven't talked to some of my friends at all for days, and when I do, it's only for a short time. Then I go back to staring at the walls. I rarely do my homework, and lately I find that music isn't even satisfying anymore.
For a while I have suspected myself having OCD, though my family can't afford a psychiatrist or doctor or anything, so I wouldn't know for sure. But looking it up on the internet, I seem to have all the symptoms. But what I DON'T know is if it's related or not to thinking about what it would be like if I died.
Yes, a few times I have thought about that. I don't know why, sometimes I just do. Then I feel guilty and I kind of just stop. And sometimes the subject keeps coming back.
I want to get up and do something, do some chores, get in shape, get my grades back up. But I'm completely lacking in motivation and there's just always those days where I just don't feel like doing anything at all.
What's going on? Am I just a lazy person with OCD or am I depressed? I just would like to know! I'm always beating myself up over these things and hating myself for it and I just want it to stop!

My depression is dragging me down?

There's a neat site called that teaches math at any level for free. It is lectured by a guy who has multiple (including graduate) degrees from MIT, and he explains math very well. So if you feel your teachers are not giving you a quality education, you can supplement it with resources from the internet. In College, it's really self-study and individual hard work that pulls you through. Even though the lectures are given by very knowledgeable professors, there's really no way to get a good grade by just coming to class without doing any studying or homework outside of class.

You also don't need an English teacher to tell you to read for you to read on your own. Lots of people read novels as a past time, and the more you read, the better your English becomes. It doesn't have to be a chore to read... it could be enjoyable, like magazines, newspapers, people's opinions on the world. All of that makes you more knowledgeable while improving your reading skills at the same time. When you get better at reading, all academic subjects start to fall into place, because all they are are more specialized reading.

There's girl named Liz Murray, who grew up in terrible conditions. Her mother was a drug addict and died young. Her dad didn't really care about much. She eventually became homeless, and she was also way behind in her education as well - but she took it upon herself to study and catch up, all the while working to make her ends meet. And it's an incredible story, because she eventually got accepted to Harvard, and everyone knows what a huge achievement that is. There's a movie called "Homeless to Harvard" based on her life, as well as a documentary. You should check them out if you get the chance. Her story was a huge inspiration for me, and I think that's what everyone needs - inspiration. I mean, anyone can accomplish great things, but the biggest puzzle is why some people gain the motivation to actually go out and accomplish those great things, while others don't. And while I don't have the answer to that question, I know for sure that success comes from hard work, and hard work comes from that fire in your belly, that fierce determination, that fearless ambition to do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to get to where you want to be.

So now the question is: Do you have that in you? Well, that's a silly question. Of course you do! The real question is: Are you willing to ignite it?

They call my lazy... or am I just depressed?

Hello there, thank you if you do read this and I would really appreciate some honest opinions/help.

I used to have excellent grades and top my grades but somehow I think I had a lot of pressure and stress on myself and I started closing up and bottling my emotions. I took several "are you depressed' quizzes online and most have suggested that I have severe depression, and the obvious answer should be "then go get help" but my situation doesn't really allow it. It's more of my choice than I actually cannot get help.

I'm 15 and my grades have been slipping. My parents always call me "lazy" and "unproductive" and it hurts me that they say this because I genuinely do make an effort with my school work but I just cannot complete my assignments because I feel so down, so worthless, I hate myself, I know that there's a point in doing assignments but doing something breaks me down and reduces me to tears.

I really do try, I go to school everyday and I try my best and I do have many friends but I can never talk to them because most of the time I'm helping them with whatever problems they have and I'm the "helper". I smile and laugh and make others laugh but when I go home I mostly self harm and cry because I am really at the edge of the cliff.

I act confident among my friends but really, I have very low self esteem. I probably don't even have any self esteem at all. I think of killing myself a lot, I really don't see the point because I always fail even though I put in my best effort and my parents still tell me it's not enough and... I'm not sure, I just don't know what to do anymore.

Am I really lazy with school work or is it a result of my depression? I know I need help, it's just that I would never ask for it because often, I'm the one helping others. I tired of trying to be strong or make an effort. Is this all because I'm lazy and I'm not trying hard enough? Because I feel like I'm trying my hardest but I end up disappointing everyone?

Thank you for any opinions/responses, and God bless.