How Do You Become Popular

How do I become popular?

??popularity is stupid???
stop wanting to be popular...thats for kids.

How can u become popular in imvu?

The best way to be popular is to BE YOURSELF, of course.
And go out and view other peoples pages!
People are not gonna come to your page unless they see you on someone else's page!
Join a lot of groups too.............
You can start by joining mine, there's over 600 members and you're sure to meet lots of friends:
Also, come stop by my page sometime:

How do you Become popular?

This is a tricky thing to go about doing. One wrong move, and people move you to the bottom of the social scale and you're seen as desperate or a wannabe.

That's important! Every move you make has to be subtle, otherwise you will be seen as a definite wannabe. Even if that's not what you're aiming for, it can still happen.

If there are some people whom you admire or are popular in your mind, (in other words, this is what you aim for) dress like them, act like them. That's a start.

The goal is to try and rank at the same level as them. Looking and acting the part is the first step. If you're in a crowd, and people group you with the crowd you want to be in or like, that's good.

Second, if there's an activity the people you admire do or several activities, maybe look in to picking up some of these. It might end up getting you closer to them.

If you truly want to be with a certain group, but others are holding you back, (this is the most difficult) try to move up the group socially and slowly become more distant from the people dragging you down.

Do not make enemies though! That will backfire. The less people that hate or dislike you across the board, the more overall success you'll have in being popular.

Get yourself noticed by wearing what they wear and doing what they do, don't buy the same clothes, just from the same places or mimick the same style. If they say something you're wearing is cute, good start! Try and think like them. It will make you more alike.

Make a lot of friends, just be careful to stay out of bad groups. Eventually I hope you can get to where you want to be. Just remember work slow and subtley, and be very careful. It may take time!

I hope this helps & good luck(:

I'm a fat retard how do i become popular????

Make a fake myspace profile as Miley Cyrus. Then youll have lots of friends and lots of people will want to talk to you. It will do wonders for your self-confidence.

Click it or ticket!

How do I become popular in college?

Disclaimer: This answer is my "opinion," which you solicited from me, a total stranger, about whom you only know what you (may) have seen in the profile, and (maybe) few other answers. You should not feel offended if I am judgemental, or harsh, or brief, or witty, or even sarcastic! You asked for it! Please DO NOT take your education/career/life decisions based on strangers' opinions. Here it goes......  there are two kinds of popularity you can gain in college life positive and negative. man! from my personal experience every boy who enters into school life, college life or goes to any new place he or she gets fascinated from the new environment, people and there's nothing wrong in that it's a human tendency and who doesn't like to be famous. But, maximum of the times in this process of becoming popular we start doing bad to our own self. our actions start hindering our own image. the very first step of gaining positive popularity is to eliminate the ego one has in own self. I remember this famous line from a punjabi song- "Maut Mardi na bande nu taa ego maardi"which means death doesn't kills you its your ego which kills you. Then after doing this try holding to your skills and show them at the right time. don't be outspoken. be nice to your classmates and give respect to your teachers. just to look cool never bully your juniors coz if you ll be  good to them half of your work is done. show your skills in your studies. Show your professors that you are a valuable asset to the institution with your Co-curricular skills. If you are good in sports then participate in it but never feel proud of it.Stay away from negative people and their negativity. Be firm about your decisions but listen to everybody and be open for new ideas and be ready to adapt good things. Be a man of your words. Enjoy your college life to its fullest but remember that's not a club. It's a place to study and gather knowledge which will help you in becoming a successful individual. P. S- I did alot of mistakes in my school and college life so I was just trying to save some species of my race from doing those same mistakes due to which I feel really guilty and sad. "We human beings are really intelligent species who learn from each other's mistakes"

How do I become popular in high school?

Being popular in high school is nothing as long as you have a good friend group why does it matter how popular you are ? I was never particularly popular in high school but am pretty popular in college ... Just work on getting those grades they are a million times more Important ... High school popularity doesn't get you a job earning a load of cash ... Grades do tho

How did Hollister become so popular?

I mean, when I entered Middle School already for a couple years people became obsessed with Hollister, Abercrombie, and AE. I knew Abercrombie was already popular. I just think its average clothes with a label stuck to it.