How Do You Cook Upton

Does oolong Tea help you lose weight?

Oolong tea is made from the same plant as green tea and black tea -- that is, it's real tea, not an herbal like chamomile. Whether a tea is green or oolong or black depends on how long the tea is left to sit before it's dried. The longer it is, the darker the leaf and the more caffeine you'll get. Oolong is in between green and black tea.

Aside from the caffeine factor, there isn't anything magical about oolong tea that would cause weight loss just from drinking it. However, if you drink it instead of drinking something else like a latte or a cola or an energy drink, at least you're saving on some calories.

By the way, you can order some much better oolong teas on line. My favorite place to do that is Upton Tea. The prices are really quite reasonable, and you can order little samples. They have a lot of different oolong teas from different parts of the world, though most come from China or Taiwan. It's a great place to learn about tea, even if you don't buy any.


And as far as your update goes, Wu-Long is a brand name for a particular oolong tea. I'm skeptical about the weight loss claims these types of products advertise. But like I say, if drinking this helps you avoid drinks with sugar or fat, then great!

How do you cook Upton's Bacon Seitan?

I get that you're supposed to use it like you would bacon (it's pretty much just the vegetarian version).

But I checked Upton's website ( and I found recipes, but no information on how to cook it.

I don't know if it's ready-to-eat, but I know that with most vegetarian meat substitutes, you have to cook it in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes.

So does anybody know?

I want to do my Informative Speech on books, but I'm not sure...?

What about books I want to talk about? I'm taking a Public Speaking class this semester, and we have to give an informative speech on something that interests us. Well a lot of people in my class are making food and teaching people how to make it, but I can't cook so I thought I would do something on books since I love reading. But the problem is that I don't what to talk about? Do I focus on one particular author? My favorite author? My favorite books? How books originated?

I don't know, what do you all think? I was really thinking hard about talking about how books started, but I couldn't really find any sources that gave me any information.

And what do you all think about taking some of my books as a visual aid? Just to show them the amount of books I've read and the genre I like?

Please help!

What are some long term water fasting experiences?

After reading about water fasting and how it improved your health I decided to give it a try.I fasted for twenty days, and this is my experience.First day was rather easy, as in used to skip breakfast, and sometimes lunch. Second and third day were a bit difficult, and cravings start to pop in my head, food and eating invade your thoughts.for the fourth day, I was in a “wow, I'm doing this, and I think that's when ketosis kicks in, and suddenly hunger goes away, I started feeling little dizzy and light headed, but generally speaking, I felt very well, despite the fact of not eating anything for 100 hours.Days from five to thirteen were easy, and what I did to satisfy my cravings, was to cook them for my kids, BLT? Cook them a BLT, chorizo bread and cheese, the same, also for my weekend BBQ, I still did them, but “eat” water, while my friends enjoyed the meat and beer.Two weekends I did that, while Mon to Fri I was really busy, and I took a nap while the family ate, other than that, I think hunger wasn't showing.On the scale, I lost like 30 pounds, but regained 8 in the first 3 days, water, poop and a working intestine does that.What the watt fasting really does to your bodyand mind is amazing, my cholesterol levels from dangerously high ( over 400) down to 140. My triglycerides from a whopping 1300 to 130. Also prongs now are reasonable, completely changed my point of view for snacks, sodas, chips, and other junk food.I think I'll do another fast pretty soon.

What's the significance of "potato flour" & "patent medicines" in THE JUNGLE by Sinclair???

OK, take first potato flour.

"Potato flour is the waste of potato after the starch and alcohol have been extracted; it has no more food value than so much wood, and as its use as a food adulterant is a penal offense in Europe, thousands of tons of it are shipped to America every year." (Chapter 11)

This is clearly a use of "potato flour" as a symbolic reference to the poor and downtrodden people: people who are at the end, have been exploited, have no more to offer. Old Europe has in the past shipped such people to the United States. Upton Sinclair claims in this book that for such people the American Dream remains, indeed, a dream... what they get in real life is exploitation and ingratitude.

As for patent medicines, the symbolism is even more wafer thin: "The great majority of the women who worked in Packingtown suffered in the same way, and from the same cause, so it was not deemed a thing to see the doctor about; instead Ona would try patent medicines, one after another, as her friends told her about them." (Chapter 10)

These are clearly a reference to the booze and other stimulants that the poor wrecks use to keep themselves going. A bit further down in the text the author makes reference to the fact that they contain alcohol, so... it's hardly even a symbolism. Life is almost unbearable so people knock themselves out with cheap whiskey and whatever other "patent medicines" they can lay their hands on.

Should it be illegal to boil lobsters and crabs alive?

By posting that link it appears that you’ve already made up your mind and don’t actually need to ask the question.There’s been no conclusive study that proves whether or not lobsters feel pain (although the evidence is in favour of ‘not’), so this issue is a matter of perception. If somebody thinks that it’s cruel to boil a lobster alive, then don’t do it. If they don’t, then feel free.Many people have this issue with lobster because, unlike most food today, they have to kill it themselves. Most meat eaters aren’t concerned about the details of how their dinner died when it used to be a fish, a chicken or cow. The difference with a lobster is that you have to look it in the eye before you kill and eat it.If you’re not going to eat lobster, you should also consider giving up on fish, as that suffocated on the deck of a ship in a writhing pile of other dying fish, and we know they can feel pain.You should probably also consider not poisoning flies and ants just because they annoy you, as they’re about as complex as a lobster, neurologically speaking.