How Do You Deal With People Not Answering Your Question

If people don’t know the answer to a question, why do they think it’s a stupid question ?

They feel ashamed at not knowing the
answer or they could just be jerks who get
a kick out of putting down other ppl.

Why don't people answer my questions on Yahoo! Answers.?

Every single one of your questions has been answered so I don't see what you are moaning about.

Maybe if you actually chose your own best answer, instead of letting them all go to a vote people might start to realise that and answer

Why can’t my sister deal with people not liking her?

She’s 10 and when someone doesn’t like her she makes it her sole promise to make them as miserable as possible. Literally goes out of her way to annoy them and make a big deal. I keep telling my mom that she’s going to have to start learning how to deal with being disliked. My sister literally wants love and praise from everyone and when she doesn’t get it then she gets mad and tries to make everyone around her as sad and miserable as possible.

Even at 10 I’m not sure this is healthy lol.

Poll: Have you notice that people on Yahoo Answers don't really answer your questions that much anymore?

Fewer users = Fewer answers
Website traffic peaked in 2009. Literally 4% of what it used to be.