How Do You Decide On What You Want To Be When You Grow Up

What do you want to be when you grow up?

i don't want to grow up
cuz if i did
i wouldn't be a toys r us kid

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't know exactly but I don't want to waste my life away.
i want to be remembered and have an exiting job. Like an austronaut, teacher at a huge school like Harvard or Oxford, celebrity, actress (see "celbrity")
not a cleaning woman or a 5th grade teacher at a little school with 200 students in a ghetto town where people get shot every day.
i can do anything. There are a million path to take and I'll only choose 1 of them. IF i did this IF i did that, it wont matter.

i've got the rest of my teens to decide.
What ever choice YOU make let it be the right one.
Work hard stay in school, you can do what ever you want.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Master of time, manipulator of minds, and controller of the shadows.

If none of that is available I guess I'll settle for scrubbing floors on the midnight shift.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Not scares me that i don't know yet, but it's completely normal I suppose...unless you're a junior in college

What do you want to be when you grow up?

i would like to be a chef. i have already had a lot of experience in cooking, and i'm basically BUILT for cooking and nothing makes me happier then expressing myself thru cooking. :) it's my passion.

new words i learned today..

bitterkoekjes pudding- it's the dutch version of english plum pudding. :)

weird words like this and learning new things like that brings SO much joy to myself that..i KNOW i can't be anything else but a chef. :)

oh and my favorite part..i get turned on my rainbow cake. hahaaaa!! (like the one in my pic)

and also, i love seeing the joy on people's faces when they like my's what i want to do. :)

great question!

*offers you a slice of orgasmic rainbow cake* :)

oh oh! i'm 16 and i'm a junior (11th grade) and...i know that i'm supposed to be a chef because...i don't know a THING about anything else but cooking!!! seriously. :)

Well, for me, this is difficult to answer objectively because I discovered (and then became) what I wanted “to be when I grew up” at age 13. I have only ever had jobs in this field (from age 15 to now) and have loved every stinkin’ minute of my career in the last 20+ years.What I often tell students when I’m teaching is that my career found and adopted me as much as I did it. The passion might have bit me young, but I invested in it over time and became a knowledgeable and respected authority in what I know. I had to invest in that, which some might perceive as an active choice to “decide what I wanted to be.” However, I would say, as I have before, that I am still not yet what I want to be. The second I decide that I’m “there,” I’m done.You can’t just give up or give in, even if you end up being “the best” at something. So, I suppose that’s how I answer this question, “I still haven’t decided yet what I wish to be, but I’m becoming it every new day.”

Back in grade 5, I wanted to be an archaeologist. The discovery of Mohen-jo-daro fascinated me and I imagined myself discovering old historical cities and relics. However , sometime later, I realized that everything has already been discovered and by the time I grow up, nothing would be left to unravel.In grade 6, I developed an interest in math and thought of myself as a future engineer or architect, constructing the tallest building in the world. As I entered grade 7, I started disliking math because I had a horrible math teacher and so, my dream was lost.In grade 8, I thought of becoming a dentist , because I heard that dentists earn alot and it has a lot of scope. I was intent on becoming a dentist and once told my friends that I was visiting a dentist to get a real life dentist experience and a get a head start (lol). My friend still jokes about the time I wanted to be a dentist.However, I did not choose sciences in my O levels and took business studies instead.Now that I'll start college , I plan on becoming a psychologist or a social worker.( Maybe a lawyer or a model jk)

Adults, what do you want to be when you "grow up"?

Personally : I would like to be more vocal to express my love for people I love, because life changes in a moment. And then you wonder you never really said you cared for that person, or loved that person, what that person meant to you. I would like to express my affection and love in every possible way to the person I love.

Professionally: I would like to fulfill my father's dream and establish a empire which not only is a good business but a social entreprise. A enterprise which is beyond profits and an institution for bringing up the society. At the same time be a good person and a boss who is a facilitator, who helps people achieve their dreams and aspirations.

Spiritually : I know God is always by my side, guiding me, motivating me, teaching me, telling me to learn the hard way i.e., by making mistakes and learning from them. I am blessed the way He has taken care of me from time to time. I believe in Swami Vivekanand's saying which is "Service to fellow mankind is service to God". Spiritually I would like to do just that. I would like to work for the downtrodden and less fortunate as a service to God. At the same time, keep remembering the Supreme entity in my every effort, so that my little mind does not get egoistic.

There places to be travelled, roads to be walked and miles to go before I sleep.

Top two things that are always on my mind:Bitter. I don't want to become one of those people who start off as being compassionate beings with high standards & morals; who believe and have the courage to stand by the right things even if it means standing alone; who are passionate with a yearning to really live and not merely survive... but turn into dejected, bitter and superficial human beings as of facing soul crushing circumstances and/or failures. Insensitive hypocrite.I also don't ever want to forget the way I have felt during my childhood, my teenage, what I am feeling and experiencing now. I want to remember the good parts and specially the struggles. I don't want to forget that others feel happiness/hurt just the way I do. And turn into these people who just dish out advice like there's only one way to do things. No explanations, no empathy... just rules and regulations. Neither do I want to become one of those people who are only sensitive to their own pain but to no one else's. Who believe that only their struggles have been real & hard and as a result everyone else's dilemmas are weak and beneath them. Struggles are struggles, heartaches are heartaches... no need to compare, contrast and mock someone else (and/or young people) who you think hasn't had it as bad as you. This quote probably also answers the whole nasty dig at psychotherapists etc that "psychologists are f*cked up themselves."So, maybe they are... that's why they know how it feels and why they don't want anyone else to feel the same. At least, not alone.