How Do You Discipline Your Children

How do you discipline your child/children?

Depends on the child, and how they learn best, after all isn't that the point of discipline, to teach?

My son learns best with a mixture of positive reenforcement, appropriate consequences, and discussion regarding what happened, how he reacted, how he could have reacted differently, and various possible outcomes based on his reactions, so that for next time, he can choose a more appropriate, successful behavior.

What's the Best Way to Discipline Children?

Everyone seems to think the method or choice of action is what it's all about, but it doesn't matter weather it is a spanking, time out, a lecture, grounding or what have you. What matters is that the child knows you are the authority figure and that you also know you are the authority figure. Whatever you choose to do to them when they mis behave isn't as important as them knowing what you say goes and that there will ALWAYS be a consequence to what they it good or bad. It is important to be firm, but loving. To say what you mean, no empty threats, always follow through, no exceptions. No arguing with, no bargaining with, no bribing of the children. Teach them respect for themselves and others and you will have a good, well adjusted, happy child/teen/adult. It is important to always remember that you are not really raising a are raising an adult...because that is how they will spend the majority of thier are preparing them for that.
Of course it does not make them a bad person if they discipline differently.
Discipline stops when they move out of your home and support themselves. Now it is a lot less after 16/17 and if they are in college and living in your home, you aren't really disciplining them, but you still have the right to have certain expections and rules of the home.
There is obviously a huge difference between discipline and abuse...I think actually that no discipline is are not giving them the best upbringing and setting them up for problems and failure in life if you don't teach them right from wrong.

How do you discipline your child?

My child is long since an adult, but there are a few principles to follow when raising any child:First, the whole point of discipline is to teach self-control. At some point, your kids will be out on their own, and hopefully they have internalized what you’ve been trying to show them for their first 18 or so years. So, you show them how and you also teach them why, when they are old enough.Freedom and responsibility always need to be in balance with each other. If a child is consistently irresponsible, then they don’t get privileges simply because they have reached a particular age. If a child is very young, then you don’t give them more than they can handle, which is why toddlers are always under close supervision of a trusted adult.You don’t need to yell and scream, but you do need to speak like you mean it. If you give a consequence to their behavior, then you need to follow through on what you say, so think carefully before you open your mouth, and then follow through. If you’re too tired, lazy, or frustrated to follow through 100% of the time, then your kids won’t know whether or not to take your seriously.Let your children know how much you love them, that you would jump in front of a train to save their life, and that you also love them enough to teach them how to be mature and independent adults who know how to behave properly.Your kids are looking to you as a model of how to behave. Be sure that you are the model you’d like them to emulate. Encourage good communication and encourage them to ask questions and to both speak and listen carefully.

Discipline do you discipline your child?

Angelina, I was spanked as a kid, not often but a few times and not to the point of abuse either. I grew up with great respect for my parents and other people as well. I tend to agree with you, but I also want other ways to teach them responsibility and how to own up to their actions. I have spanked my kids, not hard, and they cry because of the fact they got spanked, but I am looking for ways to teach them as well. I dont know its hard to explain, Are they any other good ways of punishment that will teach them respect and responsibility?

How do you plan to discipline your child?

By farting in their face!

Can you yell at/discipline your children while fasting?

no mom , i dont think so..

u have ur excuse being a mom , lol..

this is hard , i guess this is the real test to examine ur ability to control ur anger , lol..

nevermind , may allah make them more obedient isa..

all the best and goodluck..

always love and peace..

How do minorities discipline their children?

I grew up with my very traditional Native grandparents their method of punishment was very clear and simple, they never took anything away, I was never grounded, I was never hit, instead they talked to me. They explained exactly how my bad behavior made them feel. They explained what they wished I had done instead. They talked about their hopes and dreams for me. They talked about their disappointment. they talked and talked and talked until I was overwhelmed by guilt.When I had children of my own I saw no reason to stray from their method. It worked pretty well. I have three well behaved, if neurotic, children, but that said child rearing has many uses, one is to turn out adults who are functional members of their society. In our tribal society talking a subject into the ground is part of how we function, unquestioning obedience to authority is not.I felt it was important to add that traditionally in the pre-European days it was believed parents were too invested and tender toward their children to correct them, instead this task was turned over to a teenaged relative referred to at their “mean brother” or “mean sister” the teenager being of the opposite gender from the assigned child. The teenager was allowed to use any non-violent method to correct the child, then in later years the now adult child was responsible for keeping the now elderly “mean brother” or “mean sister” from anti-social behavior.