How Do You Feel About The Unpopulars In Your School

Why am I unpopular at school?

You are not popular at school because your actions are not necessarily in line with the beliefs and values that govern your environment. For example, if you are a music geek while everyone else is not, you would be perceived as strange or weird, since your interests are not in line with them.  With that being said, remember that high school is a very brief part of your life, and do not obsess on becoming popular for being someone you are not, because it is a huge waste of time. I went through it, and after I graduated, I realized that at the end of the day I am in control of my own life, and there is so much more I can do out there to be a useful contribution to the people around me. Just be yourself, focus on being a better you, and all these things shall pass.

Am I unpopular in high school because I have all A's?

Each high school has its own culture and groups within that community.  There are high schools where top grades earn you respect.  There are places where good students are the object of some scorn.  People tend to hang out with people like themselves.  If you are hanging out with other good students and they don't like you, well, it might be your personality, frankly.  If you expect to be popular with the drama kids, jocks, artsy kids, kids that hate school, stoners and everyone else, your expectations are unrealistic.You certainly don't want to brag about your grades.  It is normal for students to tease you a bit about your great grades and you shouldn't take it to heart.  You may struggle socially because you don't have good social skills.  Those are skills that many people have to consciously learn.  Practice talking to people, listen to others, smile, never make fun of others, ask other people about their interests, make eye contact, get involved in clubs.  If you are still struggling, talk confidentially with a teacher about how you are presenting yourself to others.  He or she may have a helpful observation.  If you are shy, you may just be communicating a "I don't want to engage" vibe, just through your body language.

Is it okay to be unpopular in high school?

Yes, of course it’s okay to be unpopular in high school.Popularity doesn’t really offer much of anything tangible. It gives you connections, it gets you invited to parties or other things, it makes you feel included and important, gets you more people to talk to- but that’s about it. The only one of those things that has the potential to not be temporary is the connections, and the only one that is really universally important to everyone is that as humans we occasionally need to communicate. There’s nothing wrong with being popular, obviously, but there’s not really anything about it that is essential.The things you should be spending time focusing on in high school are grades, maintaining good friendships, making connections that might help you down the road, and thinking about college and/or your future. These things are far more likely to give you satisfaction and success for the rest of your life. Popularity is not the most important thing by any means.

Tired of being unpopular at high school?

Trust me, it's not worth it to hang out with people that don't like you.
I've been there before and it's a horrible feeling.
One thing that you can do to be more confident in yourself is open up and try to find people that do have the same interests as you.
Try to do a lot of different things to see what you like and think about the positive things about yourself, not the negatives and you should definitely change certain things you don't like.
Music is the one thing that keeps me sane and helps me to not go crazy and care about what other people think about me.
I just feel like other people's opinions aren't important, you know.

There's nothing wrong with not being popular.
A lot of really famous, inspiring people were outcasts in school and they went on to do a lot of great things.
And plus, high school is lame anyway.
I hear when you go off to college, things get better because there are more varities of people that have various interests.
Look forward to those things.

If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm definitely here for you because I hate to see people upset about things like this.

What thngs make kids unpopular at school?

I am not in high school but i have a son that is in middle school and i know in his school if you don't play sports or dress top notch like aeropostale nike adidas etc... you are not going to be popular. Even comes right down to your boxers(boy). they have to be name brand to and not Fruit of the loom or even haines.

How did the "unpopular" kids from your school turn out?

Long answer: A lot of the ‘unpopular’ kids at my school were unpopular because they were horrible people with bad attitudes and immature personalities. Your hobbies and interests don’t affect your popularity much as long as you’re a fun person. From the people I’ve kept in touch with I’ve learned that at 30 a lot of these people have barely moved out of their parents houses because they’re too entitled to take jobs they feel are beneath them since they all think they’re going to be the next Steve Jobs or Stan Lee. Some of them are doing somewhat well. I know one of them actually started up his own business and while it is a hasn’t blown up it seems to make enough to support him.Short answer: Stop concerning yourself with how your peers are doing, especially in comparison to whether they were popular or not in high school. Your popularity in high school doesn’t dictate how your life is going: your personality has a lot more to do with that. Concentrate on your own life and your own happiness.

What things make kids unpopular at school?

unpopular kids tend to be one off's, no offense to your

friend but if he tries to be what he's not , he's only kidding

himself, tell him to be himself whatever that may be, as

just because someone is popular doesn't mean they are better!

So there's this super unpopular girl in my school...?

There's actually a girl in my school a bit like that - she doesn't have many friends, and since I started to talk to her she's become a bit clingy. So what I'm writing is based on my own experiences with this girl, and I hope iti helps with your problem.

Well, first I think it's great that you tried to talk to this girl and kept an open mind despite her social reputation. If this girl is really so unpopular, her social skills won't be as good as you and your friends' are, due to the fact that she won't talk as much, so this might be an explanation for her behavior. She also probably really wants to make friends, so her over-talkative nature might be down to anxiety.

Personally, I think that you should tell why you are upset with her for not letting you explain about what you meant, and try to make her see it from your perspective. Also, try saying (gently as possible) that you feel that she could listen a bit more when when you're talking to her - but make it clear that you don't dislike her. Say that you do want to be friends, and agree to put the past behind you and start over if she agrees to listen to you more when you talk to her in the future. Then make a point of talking to her the ext time you see her, to make your point clear.

And if in doubt, pull out your iPod, give her an earphone and say "You just have to listen to this song!". That tends to keep people quiet for a few minutes!

Hope this helps, and good luck!

(Oh, and it might help not to use the word 'gay' around her again. She might have relatives or friends who are homosexual which might explain why she had such a strong reaction to the word. Just a thought.)