How Do You Get Rid If A Hicky

How do you get rid of a hickey on your lip?

is it directly on your lip or just like right next to it?

well anywayss I had the worst, and I mean WORST hickey a few years ago, so I can tell you so many things to do that will help you get rid of that hickey :)

start off with icing it right away and kind of massage the ice into the hickey so that you are almost pushing the blood in deeper. (this works if you do it right after you see the hickey)

Then after maybe 20 or more minutes apply a warmed up tea bag to the area (or if you don't have a tea bag to use, you can just turn on the water really hot and dip a washcloth in that and use that instead. And when the tea bag/washcloth starts cooling down re-warm it up and press it on the hickey. The hickey will start to shrink little by little.

Once you get some of the hickey gone with the other techniques you can start getting rid of the last of it using a pen cap (like the bic ones). This part is a little bit more painful but it does work. If you massage the pen cap into your skin it will almost push the blood down some and it will start to make the hickey go away. Apply steady pressure to it, and kind of twist it into the skin at the same time.

good luckk :) and i hope this helped and that you get it out in time for school tomorrow!

How to get rid of a hickey?

well a hickey is broken blood vessels near the surface of your skin-kinda like a bruise. ice would be the only thing, the spoon and end of a lipstick cap don't work. trust me lol i was there once too. go get green -yes green- concealor and put it on. it cancels out the red. then apply your foundation and normal concealor on top of that. it works!

How do I get rid of a hickey on my lip?

I have a hickey on my lip from my boyfriend biting my lip..I didn't know he left a hickey on it until I discovered it the other morning. So I want to know how do I get rid of it, its purple almost black. Will it fade just like a hickey anywhere else on your body??

Please I really would like to know, so if your going to answer this question and be funny about the reply don't answer it.


Fastest way to get rid of a hickey!?

Okay so most people say there is nothing to do to get rid of a hickey and that you have to wait it out. WRONG! You can get rid of hickeys. Last year while at school (college) I was hanging out with a guy friend and got one. This thing was huge and horrible and I couldnt get my foundation and concealer to hide it (this was the worst hickey ever!) I hate hickeys and there was no way I was going out with this thing on my neck. Plus we were going out to the homecoming dance in just an hour! After his roomates and their dates all gawked at this horrible thing, one of the roomates showed me an awesome trick. I was amazed and really wish I would have known about this when I was high school! It really works.

You take the edge of a small object like a spoon (never tried spoon but others suggest it) or something. I was taught using the edge of a chapstick container. But have also used the end of a makeup brush, lipstick tube, and liquid eyeliner tube. (I find that rounded edges feel more gentle and do not cause further irritation) So all you have to do is massage the hickey with the edge of your object. Use all different directions and apply firm pressure. ( Dont press too hard or it will irritate your skin) Massage for about three to five minutes and then let your skin rest for a couple minutes. Repeat this until your hickey is gone or is almost gone. If you still have some evidence of the hickey after massaging numerous times, just give it some time and will soon fade to nothing (usually within overnight) I think it usually takes about 15-20 minutes to get your desired results but its well worth it.


-The first time I did this I achieved my best results. The difference is that the first time I would massage the hickey for 3-5 minutes and then apply ice for 2-3 minutes until I got the desired results. I think the ice makes a big difference.

-Do not rub to hard or too long. If your neck starts to hurt from the rubbing, immediately stop. One time I rubbed too long and actually made the stupid thing worse by giving myself like a rug burn effect. Thats why I suggest massaging it and then resting a couple minutes.

Hope this is helpful it works for me and people are amazed when you show them this trick. Thanks to the guy who showed me!

Get rid of a hickey scar?

wow that really sucks here are some methods that might work. Good Luck!

1) Surface stimulation will help disperse the blood. Gently rub and massage the area.
Using a comb or a hairbrush to massage the area works better than fingers and hands or using any tubular object with a domed end, apply steady pressure over the hickey and twist. It will hurt, but it will help. Lipstick caps, pen caps, and blistex caps work. The goal is to work the blood deeper into the skin.

2)Rub vitamin K into the area

3)Apply a warm, moist, used tea-bag as a hot compress. Repeatedly re-wet and re-warm it as needed until the hickey disappears.

Their are some vids that can help:

How do you get rid of hickies fast?

Surface incitement will help scatter the blood. Delicately rub and back rub the region.* Using a brush or a hairbrush to knead the zone works superior to fingers and hands.* Using any tubular protest with a domed end, apply enduring weight over the hickey and curve. It will sting, however it will offer assistance. Lipstick tops, pen tops, and blistex tops work. The objective is to work the blood further into the skin.* Make the hickey more regrettable - on the off chance that you utilize a hair curler, have your 'companion' reshape the hickey to coordinate the example that it would make in the event that you had consumed yourself unintentionally. This can work with any possible consume or wound situation. Try not to consume yourself! Reshape the hickey with more suction.* Utilize turtleneck sweaters, scarves, or cosmetics to cover it up.* Rub vitamin K into the range.* Apply a warm, clammy, utilized tea-pack as a hot pack. More than once re-wet and re-warm it as required until the point that the hickey vanishes.Find more about Top Natural Ways on How to Get Rid of Hickies

How do i get rid of a hickey quick???

The frozen spoon helps and for some reason CARMEX no other lip stuff really helps it disappear...just rub it in really good..the foundation only made it stand out worse for me (personal opinion)! GOOD LUCK!

How can I get rid of a hickey before my parents find out?

A hickey! I love hickeys. I love them even more if I know for a fact I was the one who gave the hickey.To get rid of hickey? It’s not so easy.You see hickey is a superficial clot of blood formed due to suction of your skin. It will take as much time it takes for a blood clot to go away.In my case, hickeys usually take up to 7 days to fade away. If you’re light skinned (or white), it may take longer since the skin complexion makes it look more evident.Another thing you can do is hide it if you live with your parents. Wear turtle necks or use scarves to hide them or you also use concealer to cover it up, but will have to keep on applying concealer all throughout the time it fades away. If you don’t live with you parents and will only be seeing them for a lunch or dinner, I would say reschedule and wait hickey is gone.I have never gotten a hickey, but I sure have given my good share of hickeys. My husband loves them! He flaunts hickey like a proud man! :D

Can we get hickey on face? How to get rid of it fast?

Hi, Ekta!Grr, I’ve had hickeys on my face before, UGH!Talk about an embarrassing spot for a hickey for all to see. The guy was kissing me all over my face/neck, even my nose. He said my face is pretty as a cupcake and he wanted to eat me. Yikes! ^_^smhI swear he was sucking/nibbling on my cheeks as if it was the sweetest buttercream icing he’s ever tasted.Of course, I scolded him about picking a discreet spot next time. He said, “No promises” I rolled my eyes. Whatever!Anyway, I took matters into my own hands, got creative. Drove to the store and grabbed a box of Hello Kitty Band-aids LOL, don’t ask me why. I applied it to my face and it covered up my hickey perfectly. I just didn’t want to deal with makeup! The bandaid was an easier fix!Of course, if your hickey is bigger, buy the right size band-aid for coverage. The box I grabbed had assorted sizes.When people asked what happened, I made up a fib and said I got burned with my curling iron. Oops!Sure, people laughed and thought it was cute. UGH! But that was better than them knowing what was really underneath. Eek!I just had to wait it out for a few days for the love bite to disappear.Maybe wear a cool one like Scooby-Doo or SpongeBob.You can try covering up the hickey with makeup.Foundation.Pressed powder.Concealer.Girly Note: Please for the love of puppies & kittens pick a discreet spot for hickeys. ;)Stay tuned for more, follow and turn on notifs (the bell) on my profile for new answers or shares. Don't miss out! ^_^ Oh & another thing, I receive so many messages. I typically answer engaging followers.