How Do You Get Stretch Marks In Your Body

How do I tell my boyfriend I have stretch marks?

Awe...I know how you feel. I had a child and call them my battle scars :) I always stress about how to tell someone about it but as I got older I just don't worry about it as much. I sometime ask the guy if he has any embarrassing marks on his body and then they either ask me back or I just tell them about my stretch marks. There is nothing to be ashamed about and you will feel better if you get it off your chest. Good luck.

Why do we get stretch marks?

Different Causes of Stretch Marks:Increased Production of Cortisol: Cortisol is an adrenal cortex hormone that is active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. This hormone makes other people more vulnerable to getting stretch marks.Pregnancy: Blame it to the expanding belly, and thickening hips and thighs, stretch marks are common to pregnant women. Some women experience stretch marks as early as on their sixth month while some never experienced it even after giving birth.Weight Gain: Apart from fluctuations of the hormones glucocorticoids in the bloodstream, your body parts increase* in size when you gain extra weight, thus stretching your skin.Obesity: Obesity is considered to be more than average fitness. In here, your skin is stretched more than its limit. Thus, tearing your elastic fibers and supportive collagen located in your dermis, and spreading your epidermis think and weary.Muscle Growth: Bodybuilders get stretch marks, but they are not fat, why is that? Because of the more than average muscle growth, the skin is stretched, and fibers under the skin are torn.Puberty: This is the period of growth spurt where body parts of adolescent boys and girls expand and grow or thickness. Usually, boys get stretch marks on their back and shoulders, whereas girls tend to get stretch marks on their breasts, thighs, and hips.Genetics: Stretch marks can be inherited from grandparents and parents. If your close relatives have stretch marks, chances are your cells contain the same genetic makeup featuring the displeasing stretch marks.Overuse of Corticosteroids Skin Creams: These creams help to provide relief* from inflammatory dermal conditions, but it can also decrease* the amount of collagen from the skin. The least amount of collagen present in your skin, the higher the likelihood of stretch mark development.Marfan Syndrome: Marfan syndrome affects the elasticity of your skin through weakened connective tissues. When you are afflicted with Marfan syndrome, your skin is not as tolerant to expansions.Cushing’s Syndrome: When your body produces* excessive amounts of cortisol, Cushing ‘s syndrome occurs. Cortisol, just like corticosteroids, is the hormone that increases* the probability of gaining stretch marks.Bad Diet and Water Intake: A lifestyle of inadequate water intake and excessive salt, sugar and food preservative consumption will likely lead you closer to stretch marks.

Why do I have stretch marks on the sides of my butt?

On either side of my rear, there are a few white/indents. I've noticed this since I was 15, (I will be 18 in just 2 months). I've never noticed myself go through a huge growth spurt, I've always gained weight and grew very slowly. I'm 5'2 and 92lbs. The most I've ever been was 98lbs. The lines seem to be around where my pantie lines would be.. It's pretty hard to explain without a picture, I know, but I'm trying my best..
What ways could I get rid of these or at least make them less noticeable? Could body brushing help, With a boar bristle brush? Please help!

Ughh I'm 13 and I have stretch marks on my breast and my hips, how do I get rid of them?

Sweet heart, first.... there is no reason for you feel embarrassed. All this means is that your body, or rather your skin, doesn't have the elasticity that it should. So because your skin has to make room for your new growth, i.e. breasts, hips, buttocks... it stretches. And since your skin lacks elasticity it's forced to stretch there by creating stretch marks. There is no remedy for getting rid of stretch marks but you can lighten them and prevent more from appearing. Before you get dressed for the day rub cocoa butter on the problem areas and again before you go to bed. This however, is no fast acting remedy. It'll take at least a few weeks to lighten and you should continue to put the lotion on your skin until you've done growing(at least a few more years) to help prevent more form showing up..... I'm not a doctor I've just been in your situation.

Im skinny... so why the hell do i have stretch marks?

ok. im 5'1'' and about 103 lbs so im pretty petite.i have about average size thighs, yet i have stretchmarks on the inside of my legs. they started appearing in 7th grade. i have never gained weight so its not like i gained it and lost it and im really small. so how is it that i have stretchmarks there? can some one please tell me why i have them and how to get rid of them?