How Do You Invest In Shares On The Otcqb Market

How can I buy penny stocks on Robinhood?

Don’t play around with penny stocks. I know they are appealing because they’re cheap, but you will ONLY lose, because there is no market for them.If you use Robinhood, you can buy stocks with zero trading fees. That means there is no reason not to buy single shares of GOOD companies — or better, exchange-traded funds (EFTs), which are like mutual funds, only they trade on the stock market.Seriously, put $100 into Robinhood and then buy a single share in five or six companies, or a couple of diff ETFs — AND THEN JUST WAIT!!!Every month, put in another $100, and buy more/diff shares, without worrying about day-to-day price changes. That’s FAR better than trying to be the Warren Buffet of the Pink Pages (where penny stocks are listed).Remember, Jordan Belfort (the Wolf of Wall Street) used penny stocks to rob from suckers. DON’T DO IT.