How Do You Know If There Are Spirits Around You And If They

How do you know if you have demons around you?

Sometimes you just feel very negative. Like if you have bad thoughts all the time, or you feel negative energy in your house. Basically if you feel that way, just face it (them) and tell them to get behind you and just look forward. Be more positive.

How do you know if spirits are around you?

We all have spirits/ghosts around us every day...some make themselves known by being a little mischievous by moving things around and putting them in other places around your home...others just sit back and watch you do your every day will know if one is near...if you are tuned into them by feeling small breezes throughout your will notice animals in their vicinity start acting strangely, you will hear odd noises that you may not have heard before....and you may also feel that you are being watched.....if you feel a presence..does it make you feel comfortable or do you feel uncomfortable and threatened, do you have a feeling of overwhelming magnetic forces around you that may cause lights to flicker and electrical equipment to play up or do you hear small whispers in your ear or talking from a distance that you cannot make out..well then you are in tune with who ever it is there present with you and they may have some sort of message for you that they want you to know..............

If you are not afraid...and you feel comfortable with this presence near can make mental contact with this presence by meditation....but only if you don't feel threatened or afraid..otherwise do not attempt this as they may well mean you harm....
Try going into a quiet room and meditate for a while....let yourself relax completely.... then once relaxed ask the presence mentally who they are and if they have a message for will find that they will answer you mentally as well, and you can converse with each other in this manner...when all is over ask them to walk into the light.....that their future awaits them there....and return back to reality..
This method has worked for my friends and myself for years....I hope it does for you too.

How do you know if a spirit is present?

The ability to sense spirits is called: clairsentience.I've experienced paranormal phenomena throughout my life.  Over the years I've discovered that spirits manifest in all sorts of different ways.Feeling goosebumpsSudden inexplicable change in room temperature (either hot or cold)Sensation of being touched, when there's no one near youSensation of being pushed, when there's no one near youDiscovering you've been scratched, bruised or burned(these bruises, scratches and burns are seen by all, and are photographable)Feeling a change in a room's energyFeeling suddenly nauseous or dizzy(these feelings stop when you leave the room)Feeling tired suddenly for no reasonFeeling as if you've been drained of energyFeeling your heart begin to beat fast for no reason(your heartbeat returns to normal when you leave the room)A sense of heaviness in the airSuddenly feeling anxious for no apparent reason(may start shaking)Suddenly feeling sad for no apparent reason(may start crying)Suddenly feeling excited for no apparent reasonSuddenly feeling terrified for no apparent reason(this feeling may be so intense you need to leave the room)Hearing voices, (people talking, moaning, laughing)Hearing animals, (growling, howling, barking) Hearing noises, (footsteps, doors opening/closing, banging on walls)Seeing someone out of the corner of your eyeSeeing someone walk in front of youSometimes when my husband and I are sitting in the living room, I'll suddenly feel as if I'm being enveloped in cold.  The first thing I do, is ask him if any doors or windows are open in the house which could be causing a draft.  If none are open, I'll ask him come over to me and feel the air around me.  He'll feel my face and/or arms to see if I'm chilled or hot.  Then he holds his hands about six inches to a foot above my body.  If the air feels cold, he'll grab one of our temperature guns and take a reading.If he starts feeling goosebumps, he may grab a digital voice recorder and see if he can get an EVP.  Sometimes he'll scan the room with an EMF meter or a full spectrum camera.  Sometimes he catches something, sometimes not.

Is the spirit around me a good one or bad one?

Zara, only you know the answer to this question. BUT, if you feel there is a possibility there is a ‘spirit’ that is ‘up to no good,’ put your foot down and tell it/them to leave. (You can either do this vocally or mentally, both have the same effect.) There is no reason you have to put up with ‘spirits’ who are trying to abuse you in any way. My experience is most of them ‘quickly scatter’ and they will respect you for taking a stand rather than cower to their influence.Always remember YOU HAVE FREE WILL. They will try to abuse this right and try to get you to sacrifice some of YOUR power to them. BUT, if you emphatically claim this right, clearly, confidently, and willfully, they have no choice but to respect and comply with it.May you find your own love, joy, and peace through the shortest route.

Have you ever felt a spirit/ presence around you?

yes. i know what you're going through. you're what psychics call a "feeler" as opposed to "seers". you can feel a "presence" while others can "see" spirits. still others can both "feel" and "see". if you want to understand this more, you can do researches on the sixth sense and third eye. it would tell you how and why some people can feel or see things that others cannot.

fair warning: it's not an easy topic. it's not all roses in the unseen world. i only suggested these readings so you wont feel like you're so different from "normal" people who don't seem to see or feel anything unusual. no, you're NOT a freak-- you're just more sensitive than the others, is all.

if you're not comfortable with the experience, and you don't want to read further into it, just pray. look up Psalm 91 in the Holy Bible and pray it upon waking up and before sleeping. just will the presence away, ignore it, and you'll be fine. if God is with you, no one and nothing can be against you.

God bless you!

How do you know if there is a spirit in your home, or are you just paranoid?

There are spirits everywhere, in the matter and out of the matter, every life, or the encarnation of a spirit, has another spirit always by his side guiding him through the paths that he needs to go, including when humanly bad things need to happen to you, like when you need to get robbed, because of karma, your spiritual friend will lead you to a road where the thief will be at, that is universal law, only human minds think that those things are good or bad, but they are neither, everything is just spiritual lessons to achieve incondicional happiness and peace, that is the path of spiritual elevation.

How do you know if there is a spirit attached to you?

Why would you think that spirits would be attached to you. Such attachment s will amplify mood swings and generate an added sense of justification of inherit negative belief systems.If one talks of attachment to say ghosts, one needs to feel very needy, while the spirit needs to feel they can strong identify with you. This can take time if the spirit is an actual stranger, easier if you knew the individual, but there needs to be a strong unresolved emotional issues. Someone must possess very dark feelings regarding the concept of life, one’s future or God, or involved in foolish activities such as spells or ouiji boards or tarot cards without adequate training.For most people this is not a problem.

How can I tell if there is a spirit in the room?

There is many ways to tell a spirit is in your room but in general in your houseUnexplained noisesFootsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle; other times they can be quite loud.Items disappearing and reappearingThis is known as the Disappearing Object Phenomenon (DOP) "the DOPler Effect" (DOP = Disappearing Object Phenomenon) or "the borrowers" phenomenon, and it's the familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item—say, your set of car keys—which you believe you placed in a spot you routinely place them. But they're gone and you look high and low for them with no success. Some time later, the keys are found—in exactly the place you normally put them. It's as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short time, then returned. Sometimes they are not returned for days or even weeks, but when they are, it's in an obvious place that should not have been missed by even a casual search.Unexplained shadowsThe sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in "Shadow People." Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller.Strange animal behaviorA dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might be more finely tuned.

How do I know if a spirit or a ghost is watching you?

To those who have not read my books or watched my movies, I am a writer who specializes in horror writing. Check out my books by clicking here. As a writer I have to do a lot of recce research before I can even start thinking about the screenplay/manuscript. The following is something that I have picked up from a Goan exorcist. Most of these can be explained with the basic understanding of Chemistry, but let that not add to arrogance. I do not claim any validity to the mentioned procedures nor is it an endorsement of any form. Unethical comments and personal attacks will be ignored.According to this particular belief there are three tests to confirm your doubts:At the time of sunset, take a steel cup and fill it with water. Make sure it is not contaminated, add alka or sodium bicarbonate powder and mix well. Turn to the south direction and drop one spoon of turmeric powder. Note the color of the haldi-alka solution.Apply some lime juice in your hand and hold a compass with it. Stand facing south. Note the direction of the compass.Now, place the compass under the steel of haldi-alka solution. Dip your fingers in the solution and close your eyes. Pray with your might.Result -If reading on compass changes and color changes to yellow, then there is no ghost, but there could be spirit.If reading on compass changes and solution is red then there is ghost but not spirit.If reading on compass doesn’t change but solution changes to yellow then there is ghost and spirit.If reading on compass doesn’t change and solution is red then there is a poltergiest infiltration.Make sure that you tie a black thread on your right hand (for boys) at sunrise, remove it at sunset when you perform the test and tie it on left hand. Girls should not perform this test, they should ask a boy to do so.Grace Lillen asked on Sep 16 · Why girls shouldn't do this?Good question. I heard about this test from a exorcist in Goa while I was doing research for my third book ‘A Game of Gods’. The concept of Satan fertilizing a woman by entering through womb and producing a son who will rise against god is a common Semitic belief (or disbelief). Perhaps that's why boys/men were asked to perform such tests in ‘those days’ (when society was scientifically backward) since they cant be made pregnant.