How Do You Know If You Are An Extroverted Feeler Or Extroverted Thinker

What is the exact difference between Fe (extraverted feeling) and Fi (introverted feeling)? I guess it's not just Fi = inner values and Fe = collective harmony, because both forms of feeling are concerned with that (in the positive way).

The difference lies in the way they work.Fi makes it's decision on inner values first. It focuses on the values of its own and decide accordingly. Fe makes it's decision on what is best for all.Fi also focuses on itself first while Fe focuses on other person first. Let me give you an example.Suppose I ask two of my friends for a movie who are dominant introverted and extroverted feeler respectively.Introverted feelers first thought would be like should I go or not ? Do I have anything to do ? Will I have any fun ? Introverted feelers do not hesitate much to say No because they know people will respect him for their decision and they don't lament that they didn't go.Extroverted feeler first thoughts would be like who is going ? What place ? They are going to be ready according to the event. Fe-Dom are social butterfly. They mix very well. They also have hard time saying No to people they care unless they developed this habit. They also tends to over think about it if they feel they could go.Fe-Doms are also very cloth conscious and tend to judge people just based on their appearance. Fi-Dom do not judge people by outer criteria.Also if any of the human value seems to be violated, Fi-Dom are more likely to respond naturally to the situation and can tell you what is wrong. Fe doesn't have this natural capacity to differentiate between feelings of others and themselves. They need to learn it.When you develop Fe or Fi over time, they start to switch places and covers the other world. It is just the maturity of the function where one goes to external world and other to the internal.Disclaimer — These are my own observations and rough generalizations. You can't actually define the function and its work. You just have to have the innate understanding of it which will come with time. Every individual have different intensity and power of different functions that makes all people unique.Since Carl Jung was an introverted thinker and only extroverted thinking makes its decisions based on experiments in the real world with actual things much like physics by giving observable proof, so there is only so much to it.

How can I accurately determine if I am a lead introverted feeling, introverted thinking, introverted intuition, or introverted sensing dominant if I know I have always been an introvert?

There's a difference between being a social introvert and the “I” in the MBTI typing. Although the correlation is rather high, it is not absolute.In terms of cognitive functions, the I and E refer to the direction a function operates. For example, take the function Extraverted Sensing (Se). Someone leading with this function lives in the moment, scanning his environment for interesting stimuli to process and experience. The stimuli can be people, but it doesn't necessarily have to be people alone. Similarly, in Extraverted Intuition (Ne), one might look for novel experiences, but it doesn't have to involve people at all. That is why ENTPs and ENFPs are considered to be the most introverted of the MBTI extroverts. That being said, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is the most people-dependent function of all the extroverted functions and therefore someone who leads with Fe is highly likely to be a social extrovert as well.

Am i an introvert or loner? whats the difference?

- well I am a quiet person who like to take 15 minutes walks on his own.
- I have about 5 close friends
- I dont like to participate in clubs and sports.
- I like be home alone and do my homework alone in my room.
- I talk when I have to say something important.
- when I try to socialize with other people sometimes I feel like I am acting.
-im not depressed but not happy like the extroverts.
- I always try to avoid people.
- when I leave somewhere I always want to go back home. I feel i get energized for some reason.
- for clothes I am quite modest.
- i like concentrating and I like to think. I always have a lot of thoughts going through my mind.
-I dont fear speech that much although I am nervous and stressing out but I hide it by acting it out.
- im going to college and I do have a high gpa I have a passion for science & languages and culture.
- im also insecure sometimes not always feeling optimistic even though i might accomplish my goals. So what am I?

Myers-Briggs Test result of an Dominant Introvert Abstract Thinker (DIAT) same as...?

Dominant Introvert Abstract Thinker is the equivalent of the INTP personality type.

Equating the results of that particular test to the regular MBTI/Jung test:

Dominant = P, Submissive = J
Introvert = I, Extroverted = E
Abstract = N, Concrete = S
Thinker = T, Feeler = F

Am I an INFJ or INTJ? I use both thinking and feeling almost equally, but after taking multiple MBTI tests I can't stop getting INFJ. I feel that I'm an INTJ but at the same time there's no doubt that I'm an INFJ. Which one am I really?

I understand the struggle between wanting to be one or the other. To have some singular, concrete answer and solution to “which one am I really?”But, I’m in the boat that says you’re both or you are a more developed INTJ/INFJ and capitalized on strengthening your weaknesses. It is all about the function stacks at the end of the day.INFJ and INTJ both have dominant Ni (introverted intuition that is fundamentally based on abstract pattern recognition), and inferior Se (extroverted sensing that is based on gathering data from the external environment). Therefore, they both are able to read people very well due to Ni, but are often frustrated by everyday/minute details due to inferior Se. I find myself saying “the devil is in the details” much too often…However, INFJs have Fe (extroverted feeling → come off as warm, empathic, friendly harmony-seekers because they value the tribe’s feelings) and Ti (introverted thinking → what are my own reasons/rationales for doing X, Y, Z in the first place). I like to think of INFJs as the more romantic/spiritual philosophers (i.e. Ralph Waldo Emerson who thought there was an inherent goodness in people and nature, and wrote many essays explaining why).On the other hand, INTJs have Te (extroverted thinking → what are the tribe’s reasons and how do I convince/persuade the tribe with reasons) and Fi (introverted feeling → what are my personal values for X, Y, Z). I like to think of INTJs as the more rationalist philosophers (i.e. Descartes and his “ego cogito”… “I think, therefore I am” that totally disregards tribe, but ends up relating the “ego cogito” to God because he valued God).I consider myself both INTJ and INFJ, and on many days I am much “more INTJ,” even though I identify most with INFJ traits.Hope this helps.