How Do You Know When To Stop Beating Someone Up

How do you know when to stop beating someone up?

Im going to fight someone that really pisses me off so please dont say "dont fight" bcuz i just want to know when do you stop punching them in a fight before they die or need to go to the hospital?

How do I get someone to stop beating me up at school?

You have many tools at your disposal. You must sharpen them all and use them all.Reporting her is not bad. It will help. You need a long record of her attacks so there is no doubt you’re the victim because…… you’re not going to just take it. Ever notice that when a dog corners a cat the cat uses its claws? The dog is bigger, stronger, and more than a match for the cat - but most dogs won’t try to bite a cat that’s scratching. This is a perfect example of how you can stop someone from attacking you. Don’t be easy to beat up. If they are going to hurt you, it must be clear this will also hurt them. Start learning to box. Start now. If you keep running away and backing down the same thing will happen to you that happens to the cat that runs - it gets chased, it may even get injured. Fighting is not a wonderful thing but defending yourself is necessary. When you defend yourself it’s possible you’ll both be punished for fighting. But remember - you are only going to fight until she backs down. You’re not going to try to pursue her, you’re not going to attack her, you’re going to dissuade her from attacking you.Ask this girl if she thinks that hurting the person her crush likes will make him like her. It’s stupid, right? Would she like someone who hurt someone she liked? It makes no sense. It’s… kind of nuts, actually, right?She’s being aggressive and she’s young - she has some social and mental problems. Probably she’s been hit at home. She has emotional issues if her solution to a problem is to attack it - she’s frustrated, she can’t deal with it and she jumps to a bad decision. Don’t judge her or be angry at her. She has a very long road ahead of having to come to terms with her emotional control.Good luck, kiddo, I wish you all the best.

What's the best way to talk someone out of beating you up?

Most people can be bought, simply because their reward for doing something vs the reward you're giving them to not do it differs. If they have a price to not do what they want to do, then yes, they can be bought.What is the person going to get from beating you up? And can getting beaten up be avoided if a your promised reward is greater in value than their perceived value in beating you up?These are your first questions, then it's important to find out why that person wants to beat you up. Often times, this can be addressed first before compensating the person for not beating you up.So run down the list and find out why, if that person just simply wants to because they can, then they cannot be bought.But if that person can be convinced to not beat you up then I'd say there is a chance.Are you a bad person? Did you wrong the person? What is it that got you into the situation?I've fought kids that are much bigger than me and I've always known why. I know all the reasons why I'm picked on or got into a fight.You cannot avoid bullies, they are everywhere.Getting beaten up is just a physical variation of your opponent’s detest toward you. Detest can come in all forms, be it emotional abuse, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, or simply unwanted inputs or even lies.I think in the end, the best defense is a good offense. So perhaps take up a sport, work out a bit, read some books to know your intellectual boundary, and go test your physical limits as well.Once you know who you are and how you can handle yourself, you will know how to engage someone in all types of manners.Hope this helped.

Beating someone up advice?

So what? Let him run his mouth all f****** day. At the end of the day he's embarrassing himself and sounding like a right prick. Come on man, so what if he says you suck at sports. Are you losing your penis or something? It isn't that bad to say your crap at sport. He tells you you ain't in shape? So what. I mean he ain't even insulting your mum or anything, he basically ain't saying ****.

While I agree with you that the saying "violence doesn't solve anything" is bullshit, but this is seriously not a scenario in which you need violence. If you are in shape, noone else is gonna think anything of it. If you aren't, just work hard and get yourself in shape so everyone just thinks he is a ********. You could try chatting **** back to him as well. What's he bad at? Is he stupid? etc.

I haven't got any problems with you, but bro, you got a messed up mentality. You'll get in trouble.
Violence should only be used to defend yourself, in which case just lay the motherf***** out. If he comes at you punch his head in. You're acting as if he shot you while all he did is say that you ain't that good at sport.
Big deal.
Stick and stones mate.

I don’t know why, but I just want to beat someone up once. Is this normal?

No… and yes.Truthfully? I think a lot of people, particularly men, kind of want to be in a fight someday. Not necessarily for the purpose of beating someone up or injuring them, but because it’s “dangerous”, it’s “taboo”, it’s lashing out and being aggressive and not being controlled. These are attractive things, often, in their own dark and twisted way. We control ourselves for various reasons, ranging from morality to self-preservation to how we might be perceived by others. I would argue that this is not a happy perspective to have, but it’s probably not a very unhealthy one so long as you don’t start acting out on it.I am rather alarmed to see “Dating Advice” tagged here, on that note - is it just Quora’s automatic topic-assigning at it once again?Beyond that, having a desire to “beat someone up” as in to have them be defenceless and just go at them? That’s something different. I would argue that that’s not normal. What you’re expressing a desire for is either to cause pain, or to have complete control over someone and to exercise that without restraint to cause their suffering. Particularly if you are not thinking of a particular person (perhaps a boss, or a coworker) who has severely angered you, but rather a “random” person or someone close to you, this is even more concerning. None of that is particularly normal or healthy, though probably not as rare as people will pretend it is.My advice would be to talk to a therapist about this in more detail. Just go for a checkup or a one-off appointment, and talk to them honestly. They’ll be able to tell you if you need further help, or if this is just a product of something more mundane. Quora isn’t really the best place to get a genuine perspective on your individual mental health.

If you saw someone getting beaten up would you help?

Oh my goodness. I am sorry that poor guy got hurt so badly! That is terrible. And, I am sorry you had to see it.

I believe that I would try to help the man. But this is one of those stressful situations that one cannot predict what one would do if it really happened. I don't know if that makes any sense at all.

Seeing a fight (in this case, a horrible beating) can psychologically affect everyone who is nearby, not just the victim. It may cause people to be very afraid for their own safety. It is not selfish- it is just a mechanism within us that protects ourselves first before others.

I would be very scared- but I think I would try to help him.

There are numerous complications to this problem. With my good intentions, I could be arrested for assault. Even though I was trying to save that poor guy who was being kicked by five or six different guys, I would be arrested for trying to help him. Isn't that screwed up?

But since I would have to have physical contact with the assailants, the law would consider that to be assault. That is a felony.

Besides that problem, what if those idiots had a gun?

It's really a hard decision to make- especially when you have to make it spur of the moment. I would not want someone innocent to get hurt. But there is yet another problem.

We don't know the true story about the entire situation. What if that one guy who was being beaten had raped someone's sister? I am not suggesting that he may have deserved to get beaten! But the point is that we don't know why it was happening. In any event, the reasons for the attack were probably unjustified- but it is extremely difficult to judge, because the reasons for the attack are unknown to all outsiders.

I hope and pray that the victim will be okay. I also hope that you will be okay, and I hope you won't suffer from PTSD because of this event.

You might want to talk to a doctor about it, so that you can heal from seeing that traumatic event. Good luck, and God bless!

How can I stop someone from teasing/picking on me without beating them up?

Tell a teacher or parent about the situation.I can’t stress this enough. TELL A PARENT OR TEACHERTry to make peace or friend shipIf that doesn’t work start dating the person the bully likes.If that doesn’t work blackmailAnd if that doesn’t work (and a much as I don’t want to say this).Kick their fucking ass, if you and your friends have to team up so be it.If the parents and teachers don’t want to do anything about the situation and you have to resort to violence. It isn’t your fault because the adults aren’t doing their jobs.Bullying is serious business and should be taken seriously. I only mentioned violence because I beat the fuck out of one of my bully’s and it felt so good. Never had problems again. I had to put the fear of GOD in this man.I understand that you want to do this non violently and I know that things can get worse if it doesn’t get better but if you ever exasusted all of your resources. And the adults don’t want to get involved. Then it’s time to lace up those boots and grab the vasoline.

Someone beat up my brother. Do I do nothing, or beat the person who did it?

Wow. This is the problem that I have with websites like Quora. We get so used to thinking about and analyzing problems that we forget our ability and responsibility to actually take action.I'm not chastising you; simply the others who have answered this question. Let’s be clear: referring the problem to “the authorities” is shirking the responsibility for actually dealing with the fact that your brother got beat up by a bunch of other kids.What can you do? I would tell your brother that if he ever finds himself threatened by that group again, then he ought to hit the leader in the nose as hard as he can. He may still get beaten up, but that group of kids will think twice about bullying him again.Teach your brother to understand that violence is not a good option, but if you have to protect yourself, it is sometimes necessary. Don't leave him to fend for himself and don't trust “the authorities” to give two shits about some kids fighting.Some may not like this answer. Well.. I don't care. I don't care about your theories of “stopping the chain of violence” or “being the bigger man.” Even if he was being a complete brat, even if he stole something, or was rude or what have you, no 11 year old boy ever deserves to kicked and beaten on the ground by a group of kids. You know how people say that no girl ever deserves to be raped? Same circumstances. Address the problem instead of blaming the victim.Fancy words and theories mean nothing to an 11 year old boy. What matters is that he was beat up and he needs to know that he is not alone and that he can and should stand up for himself. As his family, you are automatically on his side and you need to make sure that he knows that.