How Do You Know Your About To Have A Baby

How do you know when your baby is feeling unwell?

Its very easy to find whether the baby is unwell or fine. Try to find out the poo whether its normal or not, they amount of milk they are drinking becomes less. Their facial expression helps you to find it out easily. If there nose is runny then they are suffering from cold and if they have stuffed nose then they cannot sleep well. So try to figure out what is the problem first. Save them from the dirt, pollution and keep the house and yourself neat and clean. It will help the baby not to get sick often.

When do you know you are emotionally ready to have a baby?

Not sure you can ever really be ready ahead of time, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. People always say that if you're waiting to have a baby until you're ready, and the time is right, you will never have kids.In my opinion, no amount of preparation or forethought truly equips you with everything you need to be a parent. But then a miraculous thing happens: When the baby gets here you will suddenly be ready. They are such amazing creatures, capable of totally arming and disarming you at the same time.

How do you know your baby will have dreadlocks when they grow up?

do you have dreadlocks/ if so your baby has a higher then normal chance of having dreadlocks in the futureare you anti dreadlocks? are you insistent on how they wear their hair? do you force your will on them? then again your baby has a higher then normal chance of growing dreadlocks (i was never allowed choice growing up now i have 10 foot long dreadlocks)look on The Dreadlocks Site at the dreads in the family section and other sections. some parents decide their childrens hairs just too hard to maintain without letting it dread, others the child just wants to dread, or simply hates combing the hair.

When do you know your babies true eye color?

Our daughter was just born on the 23rd as well! Congratulations!

Our first daughter was born with dark blue eyes and are now light blue like her father, she is 4.

Our newborn also has the same deep blue eyes. I think they are going to stay blue because right around the iris they are very light compared to the rest of her eye. This was the same as our first daughter. That is usually a way you can tell.

Generally it is 6 months but I've heard to allow up to a year to see the true color.

I would say as an indication, is the color directly around your daughters iris light or dark blue? Light would end up with blue, green or grey and dark would be brown or possibly s very deep blue.

How do you know when a cat is done with labor?

Beforehand she will be restless and lick at the vulva. You may see contractions along her sides. When she is having the kittens they will come every 10-15 min or so. In between kittens she will lick around the birth canal and at the born kittens and chew at the sacs and may gnaw on the placenta. She will probably cry and change positions, like seated or resting on one side, to try to get comfortable and in line for pushing. The birthing will gradually start to slow down and her attention will shift to cleaning and sniffing the babies and cleaning up. If after a while, like an hour, and she is still positioning and pushing, one may be stuck. Call the vet; he will want everyone to come in. If so, bring mom, kittens and any placenta in a padded carrier ASAP.. Don't wait too long! Vet may give a shot of pitocin to stimulate labor or manually feel around and shift the kitten in the vagina. Only the vet can do this. When mom lies down and begins nursing and licking kittens and eating placenta you are usually in the home stretch. If a live kitten still in its sac is ignored by mom, gently rupture the sac of it's fluid and place kitten next to a nipple where mom can smell it. Be sure kitten's airway is clear of mucus and fluid. This is not usually necessary though except in large litters/tired out or inexperienced moms. Keep everything warm and quiet. Mom cats are naturally good mothers, the old phrase being “easy as a cat.” if any doubt, always call the vet. Note it is a myth that number of nipples equals number of kittens. Sometimes it is close but you can't go by it. It's not over till it's over. As long as she is pushing, she is trying to deliver something…kitten, placenta, tissue, blood. If in doubt, call the vet, and keep track of the time elapsed. PS If you ever see any bright red or black blood or clots call vet right away. Not trying to scare you…Most births go smoothly if mom is just given some peace and privacy. But do look in on her every so often, Don't handle the newborns, and keep the little kids away from the birthing. She is already stressed enough.

How do I know if my cat is done having her babies? My cat started having her first baby at 1:30 today, and she hasn’t had another one since. So how do I know if she’s done being pregnant?

It can take a new Queen more than a few hours or a day to have her kits. Contact the vet immediately if she is laboring hard and pushing and nothing is coming out.Honest to heaven, I’m not shilling for the veterinarian, but he’s the one who went through many years of training and certification and examinations and peer reviews and years of hands on experience. A quick shot could be what she needs. No, I don’t think I’ll say what the shot is because someone would end up getting some, injecting way too much and killing the cat.VET for emergencies.The birthing of kits is lovely - most of the time - I sit with the Queens when they are birthing because sometimes they get very tired after one comes out and the Queen hasn’t the energy to clean the sac off the kitten and that is when I have to do it for her. If she doesn’t immediately remove the afterbirth attached to the cord to the kitten, you can snip it off with nail clippers or sharp kitchen scissors.How You Can Help a Mother Cat During Birth

How do you know if you're losing a baby tooth vs a permanent tooth?

Typically, this is age dependent. For a front tooth, after the age of six to eight, you are likely dealing with a permanent tooth.With any teeth, if you have a tooth fall out or get knocked out (trauma), you should have it evaluated.

How to tell your boyfriend you want to have a baby?

If you two can't even make a legal commitment to each other than you are NOT ready to have a baby! Get married and WAIT to have kids until it is a stable marriage. OMG having a baby is NOT like buying a dolly and playing house. Grow up and think about what kind of a life you want to give your kids and how you are going to accomplish that BEFORE you have them. Otherwise you are just being selfish and and self centered only caring about what you want.

How do you know when your molly fish is done having babies? ?

It may take them up to a couple of days for them to finish. =]
When they first give birth, I've had them give birth every minute or two, and then every five. The last couple may arrive after days.

I'm assuming that you've been putting her in a net breeder of some sort. Next time, I recommend that you don't. What I do is isolate the pregnant fish. It's best to put her in another tank if available. If you don't have separate tank, then you can use an empty gallon of milk carton.

Just cut the top of an empty gallon of milk carton. Clean it, fill it with water and let it sit for a couple of hours, at least to get it to room temperature. Fill it with aquatic plants of some sort, preferable enough to hide the fry but not so much so that the mother fish doesn't have enough room to exercise or move around.

Put her in that. That will be your own "breeding net," per say. I personally don't like the breeding nets they sell at the store unless they're the ones that come with the fake plants. Even then, I'd recommend making your own as it saves you money and the real plants provide enough oxygen for the mother and baby fish. =] Also, by doing this, you can save money and you don't have to worry about being there to take the mother out when she gives birth. Most of the fry will survive long enough for you to realize that the mother has given birth and scoop her out. =]]]

The fry will grow pretty quickly without you giving them warmer water conditions or anything.

For food, just grab some flakes and put them in a ziploc bag. Grind them until it's a very, very fine powder. At first, they'll try to eat and may not fit everything in their mouth but by day two, they'll start gobbling them up like hungry vultures. =]]]]

After she's done giving birth, take her out but don't put her with the males as they will immediately try and mate with her again. It's best to put her in another tank/carton for at least 24 hours before putting her with the males.

Hope that all helps. Good luck!