How Do You Know Your Depressed

How do you know if your depressed?

If you are depressed, you will feel sad, only it will probably feel like a deeper sadness that might feel overwhelming. You could be depressed it you constantly feel a lack of self-confidence, are lonely, etc. I found this website to help you with your question, it tells a lot of symptoms of depression. It also says that when you are depressed, you may have thoughts about death or wanting to die, so if you are feeling depressed, you should talk to a doctor immediately. Hope that site helps. :)

How do I know if I am bored or depressed?

Signs of depression:1. Activities that used to be fun (reading, going out with friends) no longer interest you.2. You find yourself randomly sitting or lying down. You look at the clock and realize time a large chunk has passed.3. You can't find the energy to do simple things like take a shower or do the laundry. 4. Even if you could find an interesting activity, you wouldn't have the energy to participate in it.Signs of boredom:1. Restlessness, pacing, twitchiness2. Inability to stay focused on your current task, constantly getting up to do something else.3. Excess energy

How do I know if I'm depressed or just sad?

Just because I'm said, doesn't mean I necessarily have a chemical imbalance? My symptoms are lack of self-motivation and self-consciousness as well as fears of what might happen to me...I'm can be very shy and not very social. I see everyone trying to just live and love themselves/take care of themselves, make relationships...but I don't have that and I don't know how to have that. Because of this, I'm sad all the time. I'm NOT homicidal or suicidal, but just numb about life and myself. Blind to see how I'm the one that's punishing myself subconsciously. Is this a chemical imbalance or am I just sad like anyone can be? I'm not sad for no reason, so I don't know how I could have depression mental-disorder and need to take meds. What do you think?

How do you know if you have depression ?

That sounds like depression. If these symptoms persist for 2 weeks or more, then it's most likely major depression. Nonetheless, to recognise the problem itself is a good start. Next is to seek treatment. Rest assured, 50% of people with major depression never got it diagnosed and being in the other half is a good thing. Do see a general practitioner and tell him all your problems. Most probably, you'll be referred to a psychiatrist as I was before. Nonetheless, based on your story, there are other possible illnesses as well. So better be safe and get it properly diagnosed because nothing online can solve your problems. Besides, it is unethical for me to give you a diagnosis in this circumstance (without proper check, history taking, online, etc).

When I had it, I tried searching in almost all textbooks I could get my hands on and being a person who knows the anatomy of most blood vessels in the body well, the circumstance I was in was dangerous. Quite a number of close friends ditched me because they said that I transformed into a drama queen and I started to skip classes (when you study medicine, ditching even one class means a lot), even clinical sessions. So I met my personal advisor and had her refer me to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist was very nice and I could let everything out. Had to undergo a series of treatments, mostly made up of taking medicines that somehow got me back to who I am today. Got new bunch of friends who really are understanding. Am very thankful that I recovered from it. It took me a year to notice my behavioral changes, but better late than never. Perhaps you want to try this too? :)

How can I tell if I'm depressed? I’m a college student in Africa with expensive tuition fees that my family keeps stressing. I don't know if I'm subconsciously relating to things I read about depression to make it an excuse or I'm just in denial.

First off, is there something that has happened for you to be depressed? Recent loss, something bothering you or something you are frustrated about? There are some symptoms of depression which are classic:Losing interest in things once enjoyedWanting to sleep more or not being able to sleep at allFeelings of worthlessnessCrying spellsAppetite changes (either eating too much or not at all)Mood swings consisting of anxiety, nervousness, agitationFeeling very lethargic, worn down and tiredFeelings of death or suicideUnexplained physical problems such as aches and pains, muscle tension.Withdrawing from family and friendsDepression is a very serious problem and if you think you are sinking into depression you should take measures to get it under control. First determine is it acute depression such as the recent loss of a loved one or other thing you hold dear, loss of a job, etc…depression in these scenarios is expected and one goes through a grieving process and usually with time the depression passes. If you are experiencing depression with no event that triggered it but that you just have depressive symptoms that you can’t shake you may want to talk with a licensed professional psychiatrist/psychologist to get to the root cause of your depression and take steps to to help your depression whether it be through self-help, therapy (one-on-one or in group) and medication therapy is warranted. It really helps to talk to someone in regards to the depression instead of keeping it bottled up inside which can make it worse and will make you become to feel more isolated and alone. I hope this helps! Good luck in everything and please if you continue to be depressed speak with someone who can help!

How do I know when I'm no longer depressed? I just realized I've been depressed for years and didn't know it.

The problem with talking about depression is that almost everyone thinks they get it. They've felt sad. They've had mornings where it was hard to get out of bed. They've had hopeless thoughts about the future. Thus mentally healthy people congratulate themselves for dealing with their depression better than you do. And over time, you believe them. But they aren't dealing with depression.You'll know you're over your depression when getting through the day isn't the same type of challenge. When arguments, sore throats, and traffic jams don't break your heart and sap your will to live. When you aren't constantly tempted to the abyss. When your thoughts don't forcefully gravitate to a vague and devastating struggle with the very nature of your consciousness.Only someone who has lived on both sides can tell you this. That's me. I've been on both sides and I know how, from the healthy side, it's tempting to take credit for your own health. I also know how, from the depressed side, it's easy to think that everyone is simply doing a better job dealing with the same shit. They aren't. They don't know how good they have it. Human nature.When someone tells you they deal with the same thing, but they will themselves past it, don't blame them. But don't believe them either. When your brain works right, you should regularly experience satisfaction, eagerness, and sense of self-efficacy. If you have to manage your thoughts all day long, if you spend all day wondering how other people are getting through it, something is still wrong.

What are the signs of being depressed?

1. sleeping 2 much (more than 9 hours straight) or not enough (less than 6 hours straight)
2. eating 2 much (gaining 10 lbs within a month) or not enough (loosing 10 lbs within a month)
3. thoughts of wanting 2 hurt yourself or others and/or kill yourself and others
4. wanting 2 smoke more than cigarettes and drink excessively (more than 3 drinks a day)
5. beating yourself up constantly over past mistakes
6. neglecting your hygiene and house chores
7. not wanting 2 be around others as much or at all
8. not wanting 2 watch tv, read or do fun things as much
9. constantly comparing yourself 2 others

How to know if your male betta fish is depressed?

I have has a lot of them and if there swimming around and eating they are a very happy fish trust me if he's doing all that your doing a great job good luck to you and your fish