How Do You Make A Diagram In Which You Show How The Demographic Catastrophes Of The Fourteenth

How do you make a diagram in which you show how the demographic catastrophes of the fourteenth century?

1. Find out what went on during the 14th century which involved class structure and feudalism
2. Pick out some main ideas that could be considered catastrophes
3. Figure out what a demographic is (see source)
4. Make a diagram using the main ideas you decided on in 2
(Rephrasing the question)
-Make a diagram where you show the change in human population from terrible events that happened during the 14th century involving class structure and feudalism.
Personally I like charts. So maybe a before and after chart with 2 side by side bars in a bar graph
Good Luck :)

What was the social effect of the Black Death?

The black plague essentially split people into three camps, from a social viewpoint.A.) The black death caused a large part of society to become disillusioned with the Catholic Church. If the church could not protect them from these dark and unknown at the time forces that were killing their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and other relatives, then what use were they?B.) There were many people who stuck with the church and either found a scapegoat (These people usually blamed Jewish people.), or they blamed themselves and their own vices.C.) There were many who began to live very self indulgent lives, as they did not know what would happen to them the next day.Another social impact was that the socioeconomic system of feudalism collapsed due to the massive decrease in population. About 40% of the European population perished, which created a high demand for labor. This high demand for labor lead to higher wages to tenants, which made these tenants way less dependent on their lords.Black death and the impact it left in europeThis article summarizes the black death very well, I suggest you give it a look.