How Do You Make People Go Outside

Why do people laugh at me when i go outside?

Why do people seem to laugh at me when i go outside and face the world? People just always seem to look at me and alot of others will laugh in their cars. I am a 17 year old indian guy and consider myself to be just average. I don't know what's wrong and it always makes me feel awkward when i go outside and it makes me not want to.

Like just the other day, i went for a walk to the shop and some white builders in a van turned and looked my way and were laughing.

OR.... maybe its because i'm just paranoid and when people laugh i always think they are laughing at me. WHY? Why do i have to live like thiS? This is the reason why i hate life and i just want to stay indoors?

Why do people have to go outside a place to fight? there a rule to this?

respect my a$$ its about the fact that 1. the owner of the property may sue them for any damage and/ or 2. call the police and have them charged with creating a disturbance or 3. have them charged with property damage ... it stems from the repercussions people can face from startin a fight on private property....

Why do people go outside if you don't have to?

Why do you go outside if you don't have to?I’m guessing the querent is asking why one would let one’s cat go outside, when there is no need as cats can be completely happy as indoor only.Taking my 3 in example:Miss Teia (who will be 21 on 21 June) likes a little bit of Outside Time, mainly to graze on some grass to clear her stomach. Sometimes she likes to walk around the yard investigating the smells on the bushes and in the breeze.Mr Buff (who will be 4 on 9 June) likes to run around the yard chasing bugs and has recently discovered the joy of chewing on grass and then regurgitating on the carpet.Mr Cooper (who will be 4 on 24 May) likes his Outside to stay Outside and himself to stay Inside.All 3 are former ferals.Teia was rescued from the street at age 2 and did not go back out on her own recognizance until about age 15 1/2, after we’d had her 3 1/2 years. Her previous people had her 10 years and she was an indoor only hermit cat. One day she scooted out the door and seemed to like looking around a little.Buff and Cooper were rescued on 29 June 2014 and we got them from the foster on 14 October. I think Cooper may have memories of the horrid situation into which they were born, on ongoing hoarding situation in Harrisburg, PA. He’s much more shy and reserved than is Buff.

I'm afraid to go outside :(?

I'm just fed up getting called names by bullies in my neighbourhood or anywhere everytime i go outside, i just can't take it anymore. If i try to open my mouth it just gets worse by stuttering :( I barely even go outside my home and when i do i regret. Because people always make fun of me, And I'm sick of" just be yourself and don't care what other people think about you" cliche because no matter how hard i try it doesn't work! I just don't understand how people could feel good about themselves by ruining other people's lives, those people who made me scared of getting out of my home just to goto school! now it's summer already and I'm just here sitting in my home reading books, watching television and playing video games.. and i rarely even eat something.. i mean I'm skinny as hell :( that's what all I'm doing every summer while other people having fun outside..

Please help me because I keep having suicidal thoughts all time, and I have none close to me to talk about this stuff :(

P.S: I'm male and 16 years old

Why do people say "Go outside" when there is nothing to do?

Why do people say "Go outside" when there is nothing to do?There's plenty to do. One important one is to learn to sit quietly and do nothing; to learn to be alone with your thoughts, without the distractions of the internet, phone, or television.People who suggest this know that you could go outside and garden. Go for a walk. Look at the trees and clouds. Hunt for bugs. Meet the neighbors. Make daisy chains. Work on your tan (in moderation with appropriate sunscreen). Get your daily dose of vitamin D. Watch birds. Jog. Mow the lawn. Pull weeds. Splash in puddles. Get some fresh air and "blow off the stink". Take a book and read in a hammock. There's a whole world out there.You could avoid this suggestion by not hanging around complaining there's nothing to do and getting under your parent's feet.

Why do some people like to go outside while others cannot?

Hi,In modern psychology they call that introversion vs extraversion. But they do not know the cause, they just describe the behavior.To understand in depth, why people are different, one has to go back to the old Greek school at time of Hippocrates, Aristotle and Galen. The four humors theory of medicine divides people in four categoriesAnd there's the humor of it: Shakespeare and the four humorsThis medical science is the base for understanding accurate psychology, since body and mind are correlated. Pharmaceutical industry does not want us to learn this science, since one will know how to cure himself through food, because every type of the four described in the four humors theory of medicine requires different food for his balanced health. This is why your children do not want to eat all the same, what people do wrong in forcing them to eat what they cook. Better the kids shall be asked what they prefer and if you have many kids, means it is highly probable they have different humors and need different food.The same science is found in TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine of ancient China (they have 5 types theory) , also in Ayurvedic medicine in India (they have 3 types theory Kapha, Vata, Pitta)Accurate is the 4 types theory of the Greeks.Islamic medicine adopted the Greek 4 humors theory and enriched it to perfection with the work of many islamic doctors and philosophers especially Avicenna with his book The Canon Of Medicine.Back to your questionCholeric and Sanguine are extrovert and like to stay outsidePhlegmatic and Melancholic are introvert and like to stay at homeOne last thing, people have the 4 humors in their body, the difference between them is in the increase of one humor relatively to the rest of the humors. For example my child is young and actually it is the Sanguine period, he should be very active outside with red cheeks from playing and laughing, yet he prefers staying at home, he is very thin, lacks energy. This means his is born with an increased black bile humor, he is Melancholic in nature.

Why do people associate 'living life' with going outside?

I believe your house is big enough to have Namib desert at your back garden.Also enough place to fit in a roller coaster to have some fun.Maybe a tennis court just next to you bathroom?Perhaps nice Mexican bar full of people you have never met before just at the corner of your TV stand?Or Ryuichi Sakamoto playing on the roof?Let me guess you are quite rich that you would hire bunch of actors just to wander around your home so that you would enjoy "people watching" at your home?Probably the probability of you meeting your high-school crush Ashley whom you haven't seen for 12 straight years in the middle of your garden when you are mowing the lawn is unimaginably high.Supposedly you can enter your bathroom to find out that someone just parked the whole Black Sea there for you to watch the sunset listening to Gymnopédies by Erik Satie, right?No, I am sure you never feel the urge to go out not to "live" your life being part of the 9-6 mass of zombies having nothing more than their careers, but to explore what's there in the nature and observe the interesting little details happening every moment in this fast growing society.Of course, if you are that prosperous in this sense, you can somehow provide all mentioned above easily!But wait. I seem to forgot about something. Have I mentioned all or just a small part?Let me ask the final question: How are you going to fit the whole outside inside?

People who don't really have friends or go outside except for work, how do you make your life enjoyable?

Find things that we like doing, do them. For example cooking/trying New recipes or painting, embroidery/sewing clothes etc.Watch TV shows or movies at home.Study about new things or read books.Make DIYs, do simple crafts or draw or make paintings.Join courses on different things such as foreign languages or Computer courses.Take care of ourself everyday, for example making a skincare routine, shopping clothes and accessories for yourself, etc.The something the people who don't really have friends, only go outside if any work, (like me) Do to keep ourselves happy.;)