How Do You Make This Sentence Sound Less Awkward

How to make this sound less awkward?

this is my intro for a rhetorical analysis essay. how do i make this flow better, more concise and clear?
Frank Bruni’s “My Grandfather the Outlaw” destroys the notion that all illegal immigrants are all greedy, lazy “moochers” off the American government and presents us with an alternative view that some of our “illegal aliens” are fruit-bearing ingredients to America’s melting pot. it encourages us not to quickly generalize and stereotype but change our perspective and search for the positive aspects of a seemingly negative idea.

My sentence sounds awkward, help?

I want to mean that my brain is always ready to take in new knowledge

How can I rephrase this so it sounds less awkward? Or is this grammatically correct?

"my brain is the part of me that readily absorbs knowledge"

How can I reword this sentence so that it doesn't sound awkward?

You need a semicolon between the 2 phrases. "Malnourished" and "starved" are redundant to me so come up with another adjective before bodies - perhaps "wretched"?

Help!! How can I sound less awkward over the phone?

Not a stupid question at all, I found it interesting. My immediate assumption was that you were a guy because guys are just less verbal in general. I know as a guy I hate talking on the phone especially to my wife who tends to be more verbal and seems to expect greater input from me over the telephone.

You mention feeling the need to add a comment to what your friends had just said. This is a conversational style that we use to react to what a person is saying and reflect back to them that we understand the emotional significance of what they are saying. In short it is a way we empathize with people we are talking to. You probably find this much easier when you are with a person conversing face to face. This is because in conversation face to face we have visual cues from the speaker that help us to understand what they are saying more quickly.

When you are on the phone you don't get to see the persons facial expression, gestures, or even posture which all provide non-verbal cues in real life.

My suggestion would be to try to visualize the person you are on the phone with. Visualize what their face looks like while they are talking to you, and you may have an easier time.

The other alternative is to spend less time on the phone and more time with people where you can make face to face contact.

Does the word sterile sound awkward in this sentence?

I would say it's understandable, but inaccurate. Most facilities that see pediatric patients are very warm and inviting places. Pediatric settings are usually filled with colorful mats, balls and toys that are used in therapy. Therapists who work with children are less likely to wear scrubs and lab coats and are usually dressed in somewhat casual clothing.

Hippotherapy can be a great adjunct to therapy and can break up the monotony for a child that has been going to therapy likely all her life; but in no way can hippotherapy serve as an adequate stand alone therapy for a child with CP.

I would stay away from making it sound like the patient has to make a choice between one or the other, or that one is superior to the other.

How to make this essay thesis/ claim less awkward- sounding?

" In the New World, the Spanish, French, and the English varied greatly in their colonization efforts pertaining to religion, reasons for migration, and governmental systems. "

I want the sentence to still have the same concept; I don't want to omit anything from the claim.

Thankyouuu :D
[Coolest + most helpful answer gets 10 brownie points. ♪ ]

Make my thesis less awkward?

"Although it is within the legal rights of the Westboro Baptist Church, picketing at military funerals is neither ethical nor justifiable. The church members should realize the unnecessary harm they have imposed on so many innocent people."

A lot of people don't know that a thesis statement can be more than one sentence long, as I chose to do in my suggestion. :)

I hope this helps. Best of luck!

How do I rephrase the sentence "I want to kiss you"? I want to kiss my girlfriend, but any way I’d like to say it sounds awkward as hell. As you can tell, we’ve never kissed. We’re a new couple, and we’re both really awkward people.

If, as you say, you are both “really awkward”, I would definitely ask “may I kiss you?”. It’s not, as somebody suggested below, a “super ridiculous” idea. Consent is always appreciated (a.k.a. strongly advised).If she says yes - keep your eyes open until you’re *sure* you won’t bump noses, aim for the lower lip, prise her mouth open between your own lips very gently, and give it at least a half minute or so before you consider trying anything with the tongue. Perhaps hug for a while at the end to wrap it up.If she says no - say “okay, no worries” and mean it (or sound like you mean it), and go do something else that you already enjoy as a couple. You can try again at another time in the future.If she says she doesn’t know or she’s unsure in any other words - ask if she wants to kiss you and/or reassure her that you want to but she’s not obliged. Pressure isn’t conducive to kissing.All the very best with your burgeoning relationship. <3