How Do You Report Food Stamp Fraud

How do I report food stamp fraud?

You have proof that his business is actually making money and he is not loosing money or breaking even and therefor qualifying for food stamps?
Are you his accountant?

Wow people wake up.
Most business start ups do not last the first 7 years they go bankrupt. Trying to start a business should not be a crime.
Maybe we should be handing the guy an initiative reward for attempting to get off assistance.

Either way I guarantee you that what would come of this is ONLY an investigation into what money the business made and whether or not he had the licenses and qualifications to process serve.

What did he do that has you so made? Serve you papers you didn't want?

One more thing. I happen to be a conservative, I am not for entitlements programs for the most part to begin with.
I don't think we should have such a vast food stamp program, I think it should be cut because that would help put fires under some people's tails to either conserve what they spend on themselves, or start trying to make money.
They way to achieve that is not by reporting individuals.
The desire to report an individual so that, when you are right, only the individual is punished is either vindictive or misguided. For the record conservatives are not cruel to individuals.

How do you report Food Stamp Fraud in Florida?

do not waste your time
dems do not care and will accept it
these are their voters

How would I report food stamp fraud?

You will waste your time. I was in law enforcement for 31 yrs and would call the respective agencies when we had food stamp abuse or illegal immigrants. The agencies with the authority, didn't really have an interest in doing anything. The food stamp people didn't want to lose the numbers from their case load (job security) and immigration leadership had no interest.

How to report food stamp fraud?

Sounds like she is a liar too.
Or she has a "sugar daddy" or is somebody's mistress, and that's not a source of income as it is all gifts.
The Coach bags might all be counterfeits from China.

Report this person's stories but realize investigations take a long time, and her stories might not be true. Remember that some people hate government so much they actively look for ways to rip it off, or they try to instigate people to rip off the government while they themselves do not. Don't argue with her, just play dumb.

I suggest you bring wholesome food in a brown bad to eat for lunch, and exclaim everyday how delicious it is and how rewarding it is to buy (some of it) directly from farmers. The insinuation is that you paid cash, because farmers don't take food stamps. And see if you can get garden-grown foods, which can't be bought with food stamps either.

Use the Yahoo Search with the phrase
State of Texas food stamp fraud

where you put your own state in place of Texas

For Texas, the search returns :
The Office of Inspector General
Reporting Waste, Abuse And Fraud

How do you anonymously report a welfare/ food stamp fraud?

Im sure they have an abuse hotline,you have a right by law to stay anonymous

How do I report a possible food stamp fraud in Michigan?

I used to live in a house where all of us would split the bills equally each month. One of my roommates filed for a food stamp card and received a very large sum of money each month and no one could understand it. Come to find out when i asked him he tells me when he summit his bills and such he made it look like he paid all of those bills by himself. We are all students and he is unemployed so i can understand that money gets tight but he has the military paying for his schooling and he spends his unemployment money on throwing parties and buying stereo equipment for his car. If anyone can help me that would be great! thanks!

How can I report someone for food stamp fraud?

**Not to mention the fact that these kinds of people are like Cockroaches and they have relatives and "family" and extended family that if they ever found out it was you (which is never really too hard considering even an idiot and a theif can perform simple deductive reasoning,) then when they do find out and chances are (since YOU TOO are here on a public forum telling everyone what you are doing.)

They probably will return the favor and start either reporting you for everything from lawn, sprinkler violations to cars in the driveway to anything they can find. and if they are real as*sholes, they could get violent or make things up.

I have a rule in life... If it isn't worth the expenditure and the damage it could cause in my own life... I don't bother getting involved. You have no idea what kind of people these are. they have nothing but time on their hands obviously to figure out who turned them in and then take their revenge. Is it worth the possibility of your property or your person being threatened?

Especially if you are a close neighbor, I don't suggest opening your mouth. You chose your drama in your life. Let uncle sam take care of his own baggage and you look out for you and yours! There are too many degenerate morons in this world to start taking them all on. It isin't your place. Worry about you and yours!

Report coworker's food stamp fraud?

So I work in a small office with only one other woman and our new boss. Today my coworker made a document to take to her food stamp continuation appointment containing her wages information. We are paid with written checks so we do not have check stubs. She said that DHS has accepted that form for over a year.

The problem is that she put lower hours than what she works. And she lied and said she is making $3 an hour less than what she really does. This bothers me a lot. But perhaps the worst part is that she signed our boss's name to the form because she knows he would never lie for her.

I know this is definitely an offense enough for her to get fired, as well as criminal offense. I don't know if I should get involved or not? I know he should definitely know she forged his signature, but I really hate to be the one to say something...however, there is no one else who knows.

Could I legally get in trouble if this comes out later and I didn't report and she says I knew?

***Extra info: this coworker has no children, is not married, lives lavishly with all kinds of pampering. It really pisses me off more than anything that she is one of thousands of people abusing the welfare system.

Does anyone know an email address to report food stamp fraud?

Food stamps are given out by the state. Find the states welfare agency (I think most go by "department of transitional assistance" now). It will have a listing on the website of who to contact in case of fraud. If it doesn't, find the local office and give them a call, they will be able to help you. If you get a recording, press "0", that usually gets you a live person.

Many people abuse the system, which makes it more difficult for those who actually need it, or abide by the rules, to get the help they need.

Edit: I know a family who filed for legal separation. She went to college with me, the state picked up the tab. Her house was filled with computers for each of the 4 kids, snow mobiles, 4 wheelers, large tv's, and many other expensive toys. She drove a brand new car (not in her name) and worked off the books. She recieved over 1600 a month, plus EBT (over 800 in food stamps) , as well as her mortage (not rent, but mortage) paid at 80%. She would take the food that she got for free and sell it at half price to kids in college, in the dorms. They would give her money to go "food shopping" and she would pocket it. Swear to God. Her husband is a physcian, who lived there and the state didn't know it, as they were "separated". He would write her checks for child support so she could show copies to the state, money that was going right back to them (just so he could claim he was paying). She used to brag about it, and try to show others how to do it. Talk about screwing the system. I understand where your coming from.

Will I be charged with food stamp fraud?

Just from reading your story, here is what it sounds like to the government. Your story sounds like you are lying. Your story sounds like you are trying to keep him from being put on child support. Your story sounds like his entire family is trying to keep him from being put on child support so, you can go on welfare. You see him 30% of the time. Nobody is going to believe you don't see his family or don't see him. You are carrying their grandchild and his child. And you pay him part of your cell phone bill. You know where he is. Nobody really cares whether you think it is your business or not about his living arrangements. What matters is what the government thinks and whether the government thinks he is a resident. How long will you be their "guest" considering you are only working part time now and are pregnant? I think you will probably be a "guest" for a lot longer than you are letting the government know. You are on the lease. That means at least a year, if not longer.