How Do You Say Hydro Codeine In Spanish

How many M365 Hydrocodone to get high?

I'm 105 pounds and 5'3". I took one to get rid of my pain. They were prescribed for my dog bite. One pill just eased the pain. How many do I take for a high, have you ever done it, & what does it do?


make you feel relaxed and euphoric? yes.

high in the sense how marijuana makes you high? no

yes--it is highly addictive.. so be careful

yes--it is illegal to have, sell, or use without a prescription

yes--there is a possibility that it could kill you. it is a cns depressant.. meaning if you take too much it could stop you from breathing... meaning you'll die

i used to pop pills all the time in high school. its fun.. but once the addiction crawls in its a nightmare.

i wanna tell you not to do it, though that would be hypocritical.

i cannot stress enough... research this on read all the experience reports as possible... start small if your gonna abuse the med...

if your gonna be stupid.. be smart about it.

last words-- don't do it... it's illegal and potentially mind altering and definately life-altering if it gets out of hand..

you've been warned

btw... "mr x".. one of your answerers incorrectly says that a 10/whatever pill contains 10 mg codeine and whatever mg acetaminophen...

in fact... vicodin contains hydrocodone... which is completely different from codeine... just as different from codeine as morphine is... or oxycodone(oxycontin)...

look up hydrocodone via and you can find out everything you could possibly want to know about it... same with any other drugs/meds... and i'd recommend reading as many experience reports as possible... good luck..

What is the difference between hydrocodone and hydrocodein?

Hydrocodeine exists, but is rarely prescribed. It is found in Synalgos-DC made by Winthrop. Hydrocodeine, or dihydrocodeine, is about twice as potent as codeine. It is unpopular because it has bioavailability (absorption) issues.

Hyrodocodone is about 2/3 as potent as morphine, and codeine is about 1/12 as potent. Therefore, there is a 8 to 1 potency ratio between hydrocodone and codeine, and theoretically about a 4 to 1 ratio between dihydrocodeine and hydrocodone (see above re absorption problems)

Source: I am a pharmacist

Is the 93/150 white round pill stronger Codeine than hydrocodone M367's with 10mg of Codeine?

You need to research your medications better. First off those two pills contain diffrent medications. One has codine, the other hydrocodone, and while are both opiate painkillers, hydrocodone is more potent than codine. If I remember right 5mg of hydrocodone is equal to about 30mg of codine not taking into account any cross-tolerance.

Also, I believe you ID'd your pill wrong. M367 pill is white, oblong, scored pill containing 10/325 hydro/APAP. Are you sure the blue pill it is not imprinted m361, which is 10/650 hydro/APAP. I would double check, even though they have the same amount of hydrocodone, as one has twice the tylenol as the other, and tylenol is toxic in high doses (over 4000mg in a 24 hour period).

This information is provided in the spirit of harm reduction, I am not promoting abusing your medication to "get ****** up" nor am I a doctor or medical professional.

Is saying "how to say" correct in English?

No.I cannot tell you the number of times I hear this from students; even intermediate ones!It’s a phrase usually used when the speaker wants to find a different way of saying something; perhaps to be more clear in his/her meaning.In English, we would say something like….“What do I mean?” or “How can I say it?”You always need the subject (I)if you are going to use ‘how’, you need ‘it’.Don’t use ‘this’, (How can I say this?) because ‘this’ has a different connotation in English when used in this sentence. ‘This’ stops the sentence from being rhetorical.How To Teach English - FaceBookHow To Teach English - YouTube

How do you say “Latin” in Latin?

The usual word is Latine. “To speak (in) Latin” is Latine loqui. “It can’t be expressed in a single word in Latin” is Latine uno verbo exprimi non potest . “Does he know (how to speak) Latin?” is num Latine scit? “To say something in Latin” is Latine dicere. All these expressions are found in Cicero.The phrase lingua Latina also exists but is less common. “There is no such word in Latin” is verbum omnino nullum in lingua Latina est. “To use the Latin language very well” is optime uti lingua Latina (Cicero). “To translate a word into Latin” is vocabulum in linguam Latinam vertere (or convertere) (Aulus Gellius), and so on.

How do you say " I speak Latin fluently" in Latin?

The phrase we normally use in the Latin-speaking community: “Latīnē prōfluenter loquor,” but the other recommendations made above are perfectly reasonable.The Latin-speaking community is actually growing rapidly these days. We have weekly chats on GoogleHangouts, open to everyone! Here is the page with the links and schedule:LATIN & GREEK CHATS

How do you say "yes," "no," and "okay" in Latin?

It is surprisingly difficult to do this. My best suggesting is that you use certe for certainly, Recte dicis. rightly spoken, sane for truly or certainly, immo for more correctly . For ok, I would use ita for thus/even so. How about placuit for I am pleased or conplacu for well pleased. I use Placet for It seems good. No is non, nullus, nulli, or nullo modo for "No way." I use Non placet for it does not seem good.I also could use vero for truly and non vero for not truly. Veritas for truth.I have always believed that the Romans must have had a simple way to agree or disagree, but I've never seen any source for it, and it is a common complaint among Classics scholars. How could a people create a language and run an empire without a simple way to say Yes or No?

Where can I buy Oxycodone 30mg and Percocet online?

We humans tend to view longevity or material possessions or good health as blessings and therefore poverty or illness or a shortened life as tragic.But what if what really matters in this life is the lessons we learn through our suffering? This life is mercifully short and packed with experiences that will translate into the next life..or not, depending on what we do with them.the Bible says that God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance.The most wicked King of the kingdom of Judah was Manasseh. He reigned for 55 years, more than any other king and yet he shed innocent blood during most of his reign. His grandson, Josiah, only reigned 31 years, though he was one of the top 5 Kings of Judah, in righteousness comparable to King David.What was Josiah's sin that he be so punished? Only God knows the answer to this question, but I do find it interesting that Manasseh had a change of heart at the end of his life and enacted a series of reforms before he died.Had he been properly judged for all of his misdeeds, that moment of repentance would not have happened and he would have died in his sins.Why was John the Baptist beheaded, as well as James, but Peter was spared? I'm sure God had his purposes.The disciples once asked Jesus, who sinned, this blind man or his parents? Jesus told them, neither the blind man or his parents sinned but he was left that way for that very moment so that when Jesus healed him it would bring glory to God.Luke 13 Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.” djjdbdh jshgsvs kshsgv jsusv jdhg