How Do You Say Legacy In Japanese

How do you say Legacy in Japanese?

Isan 遺産 is 'legacy' in the sense of a gift you pass on after you die, and is also used in the sense of 'cultural legacy' like historical exhibits in a museum.

レガシー is just the English word 'legacy' in case you didn't notice. But I think it's used mostly in a technical way in Japanese like 'legacy software' that's being kept around since its too expensive to update

How to say: "Legacy" in Japanese?

I'd say Isan.

If you say Regashii, ppl probably think it's a car, Legacy.

Hope this helps

What is the legacy of Japan in the Philippines?




and many other fun manga to read...

What are the legacy of the Japanese in the Philippines?

The Japanese Occupation was absolutely horrible. You probably heard of death marches, rapes, tortures, etc.I’m not a historian so I can’t spew facts about the Japanese invasion in the Philippines, but I do have an English major and, in one of our literature and history classes, we learned that it was during the Japanese Occupation that short stories (and other written works) were largely written in Filipino/Tagalog.Japan had spread the message that the West, particularly USA, was the enemy. Works written in English or Spanish were discouraged (i.e. Do it and you’re dead), and Filipino stories flourished.The Japanese stayed here for less than a decade so there isn’t much cultural legacy to speak of. Many of the outputs during the Japanese Occupation was, as you can imagine, bitter and angry.Many newspapers stopped publishing. There was no freedom of speech. Agencies and the press were managed by Japanese people and were kept under strict surveillance.Movie houses that showed American films were closed. This re-diverted the people’s attention to theater and the production of Filipino plays.While the Japanese did play their songs in schools and delivered lectures about Oriental music, they did also encourage the appreciation of native themes and the use of vernacular language in written works.Currently, the older generation (my grandparents and older people) remember WWII, but they don’t hate the present Japanese generation for the crimes of their ancestors.However, there are have been many cases of Filipina hostesses (escorts and those working in bars in Japan) who suffered abuse at the hands of their Japanese spouse.Of course, that’s not true to all Japanese people who marry Filipinos, but it is something many Filipinos are wary of.Generally, though, you’ll find many Filipinos liking anime and admiring Japan for its tech innovations.

How do you say "I order you" in japanese?

its pronounced "mear" "re" "da"

What's pervert in japanese?

im writing a story on and im including some words from japanese ^_^ it'll really help a lot if you can help me ^_^' im not trying to sound stupid or also perverted if anyone looks at this and says that im just trying to make my story more accuret and if you will please keep the rude coments to yourself. sorry everyone for wasting your time.

How do call someone "fat" in japanese?

Why would you want to know...? XD
but if you're trying to make them feel bad for being fat, you can call them "DEBU"
if you're just trying to describe a person being heavy, you can say "futotteru" (is fat) or "futome"(rather on the heavy side) or "pocchari" (lil plump). Choji from Naruto, when someone calls him "debu" by accident, he says "I'm POCCHARI-kei!" (meaning he's a lil chubby-ish, in a cute way.) hope this helps...oh you can count on me cuz i was born and raised in Japan... ^-^

btw ojisan means middle-aged man...

Why was Japanese rule in Taiwan (1895 - 1945) much less brutal than Japanese rule of Korea (1910 - 1945)?

Chinese nationalists didn’t even migrate over to taiwan until the occupation was over or nearly over. Taiwan was an undeveloped island with villagers and many aboriginal peoples. how much brutality can you cause to an island of mostly semi-tropical jungle/forest and mountain? there was quite some damage to the aboriginal population though.Korea was developed as a society and had a history of fighting off Japan’s advances to the mainland since nearly 800? years ago, from pirates to the Imjin war etc. Japan entered Korea during a time of internal strife and after the King died leaving a middle aged queen in power who had little power or political influence. China at the same time had recently been reborn from the fallen Qing just a couple decades before and many warlords and conflict between nationalists and communists divided the country. Japan, however horrible their actions were, were either lucky or well planned out in their timing to strike during this period when both China and Korea were unable to have a united resistance like what had happened in every previous attempt in history.Taiwan was more of frontier land, there was less resistance and probably many non-aboriginals who were there welcomed the “modern peoples” and infrastructure brought with the Japanese. the common people of Korea however, resisted fiercely making military academies in manchuria and creating many resistance and independence armies as well as the korean mob retaliation and various assassination groups made by the korean people. the japanese would have been angry at the backlash of their occupation and turned to brutality.many people also forget though, during this period japan was brutal to their own as well, with the majority (fact check?) of comfort women actually being native japanese and the regular farmer citizens of japan being forced to give up food for the war effort etc. much of what the japanese learned was from the Americans who did the same thing to Japan as Japan did to Korea some years before. so it is somewhat difficult to tell if the culture of japan was simply barbaric following up to this time, or if the barbarianism was simply an immitation due to previous victimization from the West.