How Do You Survive While Waiting For Disability

How long does it take to get disability?

If you filed for benefits from Social Security Administration the state you live in is immaterial because social security is a federal agency.

Social Security does not send out paper checks.

As to how long it takes to process back pay and how it's paid it depends upon whether or not he's been approved for SSI disability or social security disability and whether or not an attorney is involved.

If SSI they usually pay out back benefits in installments but they can't process the claim until they have updated the file as to income, resources and living arrangements and have verified all allegations. How long it takes depends upon how quickly they are able to obtain the verifications. And as for how long it takes for someone to work your husband's file depends upon how large the backlog is in the local social security office. It can take anywhere from 70 to 90 days.

Regarding the social security claim. It depends upon whether the claim was approved at the initial or reconsideration level or the hearings level. If approved at the initial or reconsideration level then it will get processed more quickly then at the hearings level because if approved before the hearings level the claim will be processed by your local social security office. If approved at the hearings level or beyond it will be processed in Baltimore - which handles claims for the entire nation - so it will take longer. I guess I'd say closer to 90 days.

If he was approved for both SSI and social security then the SSI claim gets processed first.

To summarize - close to 90 days. If worker's comp is involved - longer. If children's claims are involved - longer. If they have to obtain proofs from third parties - longer.

How do you survive on disability?

I am on SSI and Medicaid.

My only child is on SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, and Medicare and lives with me.

The only way we can make it money-wise is because we live in an U.S.A. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized apartment which takes 30% of a person's total income for rent (total combination of all people's income living in a HUD subsidized apartment). It is because of this we are able to live a fairly comfortable average lifestyle which does result in some money being left over each month after basic survival needs are met. The simple luxuries that I can afford is due to careful budgeting and etc.

Our apartment is an all-electric apartment. Water and trash pickup is included in the rent. I do own a home computer. We have Internet and cable. I have a cell-phone which only costs me $6.75 monthly. We also have land-line phone service. We eat at low-cost restaurants. I shop at thrift general stores and thrift grocery stores. I buy store-brand groceries. I own a motor vehicle. I buy the cheapest car gasoline that I can find and I have restricted my driving due to motor vehicle gas being so high. I drive 99% of the time when absolutely necessary and the other 1% of motor vehicle trips are not needed. I try to limit myself to 1 tank of motor vehicle gas or less every month. I have a scooter power-lift for my motor vehicle. I have a power-wheelchair (PMD-PWC) and a 4 wheel electric scooter (PMD-POV).

I flew to my native birth state of California for vacation and also flew to three National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) national family conferences. I am making plans to fly to the 2011 National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) national family conference.

My husband and I depend upon disability pensions to survive while both of my adult sons manage their lives well. How do I respond to others who find it easy to criticise us?

If I were King, I would have the best scientists in the world create the "Point of View" ray gun from the sci-fi flick "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and require its use by all interested parties to any conflict, and for all people who think they are better than anyone else.There is only one person's conscience you need mind, and that is yours. Everybody else's is second, or altogether irrelevant.When other people judge you (as in the sense you mention - condemning you or your ways), they are trapped by their own lack of love which clouds and, yea, even darkens their rational faculties. They are wrong to do it, and need a wake up call. Here's what I recommend: An abrupt, short retort, such as, "What do you THINK 'disabled means?' OR, "If you think you could manage BETTER, why not trade residences, transportation AND income for a year, THEN we'll see what we're all truly made of."No debate or argument; just deliver the blow and walk out of the room.Meanwhile, while waiting for this never-to-come "Trading Places" (Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis - 1983) moment to materialize, try working on your intimacy with God. Try shifting the anchor for your human affections unto God. This takes patience and practice.As you move along in your new life, begin being part of a larger world. Get to lectures, foreign films, college barbershop quartets and so. Volunteer for walking a dog at the humane society. Make room for a better life and you'll have it.

I had Social Security Disability but lost it by working. I want to leave my job and go back on SSDI and travel. Is this fraud?

A2A: There are two types of disability. The disability you are talking about, that will be a permanent lifetime disability, is covered under the American’s with Disabilities Act. This act ensures that companies treat you fairly and that you are given fair accommodations in order to work there or shop there, etc.However, in order to receive disability benefits from the government, you have to prove you are unable to work. You proved you are able to work. That means yes, you immediately became ineligible to receive disability benefits of that kind. Again, yes, you are still disabled, but no, you are not unable to work. You still are covered under the ADA, but not under SSDI or SSI.To get SSDI you have to both have a disability AND be unable to work. One or the other does not qualify you. If you accept those benefits it is fraud. If they find out you are being fraudulent, you will lose benefits, you may have to pay back all previous benefits you’ve been paid, and I believe you may even be ineligible to ever receive disability benefits again even if you were to get more sick or injured. It’s so not worth attempting the fraud.Beyond that, it’s immensely unfair to those of us who are legitimately unable to work, because everyone will see us through the lense of what they know about you. You don’t feel like working and are willing to fraud the government. Most healthy people assume that is accurate of the majority of us on disability aid, which is so far from the truth.I would do anything I could to keep working. Indeed, I did. I ruined my health even farther by clinging to my job to the point I was working 3 hours a week and spending the rest of the week mostly in bed so I could manage that 3 hours next week. Now, three years later, I’m still paying for that and still spending the majority of my time in bed. I can only manage going out of the house about once a month.Many people manage to work and travel occasionally. Or they wait to travel until they are retired. Please do the disability community (of which you are a part) a favor and work while you can and stay honest and don’t be willing to fraud the system.It is fair to call yourself disabled. It is not fair to yourself or others to use that as an excuse to not do things you are fully able to do.

How can I survive while applying for SSDI?

Here’s a few ideas:Get approved early. The typical application takes three years. If you take steps to create a great application at the beginning, you may not have to wait three years. Some people get approved in six months or less this way. (Hint: Most lawyers do little to improve your application at the beginning. These are things you can do to help yourself.): create a great applicationBe willing to change your life. Many people have to make hard choices and big changes in their lives while applying. For example, moving in with family members, selling their car, using food banks, or filing for bankruptcy. If you make changes early on in the process, it may help you avoid getting into getting into a crisis situation down the road.Apply for help. Some people (wrongly!!!) think that they cannot get any help until after they are approved for Social Security. No, no, no. There are bunches of other things you can apply for: How to Get for Help While Applying for Disability. You can apply for food stamps, medicaid, home caregivers, discounted meds, housing programs, student loan forgiveness, cash assistance, medical equipment, home modifications, paratransit, and much more.Avoid penalties from your retirement plan. If you take an early withdrawal from your retirement plan, look into your plan’s policies on hardship withdrawals. It may be possible to avoid early withdrawal fees. If you are permanently disabled or have high medical costs, it may also be possible to avoid IRS penalties.a bunch more ideas are here:How to Survive Financially While Applying for Disability

SSI Disability and Quality Review, approval odds?

Neither. It just means they are double checking the examiners work and decision. It could be the examiner denied you, but the review board will overturn it, and approve you. It could also be the opposite, the examiner approved you and the board over turns it and denies you. Or they may agree with the examiners decision.

But it has nothing to do with you personally and means nothing as far as approved or denied.

How do you survive on SSI?

California SSI is actually one of the most generous in the US. Depending on where you live in California you can live quite well. But SSI is not intended to give you a substantial income but a subsistent one - only enough to stay a hair above the poverty level. But since it hasn't kept up with the cost of living - it now is less than the poverty level.

The only way you survive is to live with others, without cable or going out for dinner, with second-hand clothes, and an older car.

Tithing expectations for retirees & people on disability?

Just give til the Lord stops giving to you. Count your blessings.