How Do You Swim With An Object In Your Hand

How do you swim with an object in your hand?

In an Army organization in my college, we do something called a Combat Water Survival Test. in one of the events it, we do something called a three meter drop, where we drop from a diving board while holding out a fake m16 made out of all rubber. I can swim a little, but how can I swim back to the edge while holding onto an object such as the fake m16?

How can i float in a swimming pool in standing position or in any position. (i can't swim as you have noticed)

If in the standing position, you will most likely have to at least move your arms to remain bouyant. I suggest holding your hand with your fingers outstretched but next to each other with no gaps in between (picture a soldier's hand when he pops off a salute) -- this will make your motion more efficient (wasting less energy). Now put your arms out about waist high on each side of your body and move your hands and forearms in a "figure-eight" motion. Practice it out of the water first so you can see what I mean. And when you get in the water, there is no need to go fast, in fact, a wide (big figure eight made with a) slow and steady motion is preferred, as it will let you tread water for a longer period of time (and you won't tire so quickly).

Another way to do this is to simply put your head back and float around the pool. The key to floating on your back is to remain calm and minimize all motion, just lay there as still as you can be. Remember, the body is naturally buoyant because of the stored fat cells and the air held in your lungs. No need to hold your breath just breath normally and easily. If your feet start to sink below you, just tilt your head back a little further and they should start to rise again. But remember, make only minor adjustments as you want to minimize your movements -- get set and don't move -- you could float around the pool for hours and literally fall asleep if no one disturbed you or made waves (highly unlikely unless you were all alone in your backyard pool though). Remember you can get sunburnt because of the water's highly reflective qualities so don't forget to put sunblock on.

Why don't you take lessons to learn how to swim? Check your local YMCA when the next class starts, or if you could join a class already in progress. If thye don't offer classes regularly, maybe they could give you an hour a day for a week. That should get you moving around the pool having a good time in a safe environment. Good luck & Have Fun!!!

What kind of peas for swim bladder?

It had to do this for my beta. I was told to take a frozen green pea, and peel the skin off of it. I stuck a toothpick through it, so it would sit around the middle, in a decent spot for the fish to still be able to reach it won't have to swim so hard, up or tank had a lid on it, so the toothpick could be held in place, but try some tape. or string and a heavy object to hold it in place, if you don't have a lid. Tie some string around the toothpick, and dip it in the middle...then take a small rock or heavy object on the other end so it will stay in place. Or hold the toothpick in the water yourself, I did that too.

:) Hope I helped, and hope your fish feels better.

Severe hand pain when swimming?

Okay, so here's the problem. When I swim longer durations (like 500-1000 yards), my hands hurt terribly by the end. Here are some details:

+ I cup my hands to push more water.
+ It hurts mainly between my knuckles.
+ When I try to grab something, anything, such as my goggles, squeezing an object hurts like hell.
+ I can make a fist easily, but I can't squeeze an object.
+ When I try to squeeze an object, the pain shoots from between my knuckles down to my palm, causing my hand to withdraw.
+ If I continue to swim, my hands start to hurt more.
+ The pain never goes past my palm.
+ The pain is heavy on my left hand and light on my right hand (I'm right handed).
+ When I try to move my fingers together, the muscle between my knuckles get excruciating pain.

I don't think this is a hand cramp, but I'm not entirely sure what a hand cramp feels like. Can is be a disorder or something? Both my parents are diabetic, so can it be related to that?

How do I learn swimming in 1 month ?

1 month?You can learn freestyle swimming in 1 hour.I learnt swimming at a resort in Pondicherry with the help of the pool lifeguard who stood outside the pool and barked out orders to me. Towards the end of an hour, I could almost swim the length of the pool using the freestyle.It hugely helps if you make up your mind to do it. At the time I learnt, my younger brother was a really good swimmer, and that bothered the 12-year old version of me. Until then, I would just walk around in the 4 and 5 feet end of the pool and watch my parents and brother having fun with each other and swimming away to glory. So when the pool lifeguard came up to me and tried to teach me, I took up those free lessons. Soon, my mother came over and made sure I was doing it right. Since then, my parents, brother and grandparents have helped to further refine my rather-crude form of swimming. I still had the fear of drowning in water though, which I got over during a summer swimming course I attended. There are some videos online on how to coordinate breathing and limb movement that also help.So, once you make up your mind to do it, your next step would be to get over the fear of drowning in water. This is possible if you have a playful, naughty sibling. No sibling? Find a friend who likes to pull pranks on you. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t get over the fear on your own.Have fun swimming!

What are the fundamental skills to learn how to swim?

Learn to inhale and exhale without getting paranoid.IMHO, this is the single most important skill that one needs to learn. Inhale from mouth without gulping water, and exhale through the nose. The exhaling must be at a constant rate and consistent. This put less pressure on your lungs and you tend to inhale better the next time you pop you head up the water. Not doing this would make you gasp air with with force and you will end up gulping water and exhaling the air quickly. Do breathing exercises before and after completing a swimming session. Stay calm, inhale and bubble exhale!Focus on correctness of strokes.Of course you can learn without focusing on the correct postures and strokes, but your ability to efficiently swim will be minimal. You wouldn’t want to spend all your energy randomly slapping water, and barely moving, now would you? The more you practice wrong posture, the more you moe towards making it difficult to change later on. Focus on how to improve your stroke every time you practice. If you can swim a bit and do not feel the need for an instructor, look for stroke instruction videos on youtube. Plenty of good stuff there! If you think that you’d do better with a swim coach, make sure he/she is an ASA or ASCA certified.The more you practice, the better you swim.Generally 1–2 times a week is good enough for you to absorb the skills. Swimming is like cycling - your body will subconsciously learn the techniques with more practice. So, do not be disheartened if it takes longer. Some are naturally good and learn faster, some take a bit of more time. Stay perseverant!

Water in a swimming pool or water tank appears shallower than its depth. Why?

This happens due to refraction.The reason is that the rays of light reaching you from the object at the bottom of the water do not come straight to you, as they would if there was no water between you and the object. The light travels straight as long as it is in the water, but if it emerges obliquely from the water into the air it is bent downward toward the surface. This bending is known as refraction, and it occurs whenever light passes from one transparent medium into another of different density – as, for example, from water to air, or from air to glass. The eyes do not take refraction into account, but judge the position of the object as if the light came in a straight line.

What can I do when I play in the swimming pool by myself?

I am on vacation and I love to swim. We have a pool but I don't have anyone to swim with. I don't have any pool toys either. I get really bored easily. I want to be able to swim and play games by myself. Does anyone have any ideas? Please don't do anything I mean ANYTHING inappropriate. That doesn't help at all. I really would like any ideas you have. Just not inappropriate ones. Thanks.

Side stroke swimming for Scoliosis?

Scoliosis do cause a weakening of one side of the body, left or right. However, the weakened side is better in terms of feel and touch.
Swimming on your left if you have right scoliosis is a good idea to strengthen the left side. You can add more to strengthening the left, by lifting objects with your left hand, or using your left hand more often, like a lefthander or leftie.