How Do You Tell Your Mother That You Don

My mother's boyfriend hit on me and I don't know if I should tell my mom.?

My mother is dating and living with a man named, let's say Dave. Well, Dave has told me on numerous occations that he is not a one woman man, though he has yet to cheat on my mother, and last week he admitted to me that he's attracted to me and would like to have sex with me. I am married, which he knows, but that did not stop him from coming on to me. Well two days ago he asked me for my underwear so he can "get just one taste". I am appalled and discusted. I told my husband and we can not decide what to do about this. They both are supposed to come over for Christmas in three days. I don't really want him in our home and neither does my husband but he would let him if that's what I wanted. Should I tell my mother? Or should we just tell Dave that after Christmas he is never to come by or speak to me again? I need help.
My mom has been divorced twice, is very dependant on men, is about to quit her job because Dave makes enough money to pay rent. She probably will not be abl

How do you tell your mother you don’t love her anymore?

That is so sad. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding this question but is it possible for you to simply not tell her that? That would hurt a stranger let alone a mother. Perhaps rise above it and walk away without saying those crushing words? Do you feel like your mum doesn't love you? Is that why you don’t love her? Just wondering.

How do I tell my mother that I don’t want to see her anymore?

Oh that’s easy peasy. My oldest does this all the time to me! First call and tell her “ I need to be left alone for a while, because I have to concentrate on my work and everything (weightloss, new diet, getting my apartment in order). So If I don’t call , or come over to see you, don’t take it personally , because I still love you”.She may say something nice or mean , but what does it matter how she feels, right? You need some time alone and that’s that. Your mental health is important! Your spiritual needs are tantamount, and your ability to deal and think clearly is a priority right now.Then block her on your phone, and hope you didn’t just make her cry. Or give her a heart attack, or distract her from driving , or send her over the edge. Remind her of this (as follows):In America our Children often want to start their big adventure! They leave their parents and go on their Journey. Here is an American folk tale that helps our young’uns lighten up a bit.

How to tell your mother you're NOT having sex?

Unfortunately there really isn't a way to convince her otherwise. Just don't bring your sex life up to her (unless you have a question of course). If she brings it up to you, you can always just politely say "Mom, I promise that I have not had sex. I don't know what else to tell you." When you get older you could try again. I've had to do that for a different situation. Just say, "Mom, remember back when I was dating *insert name here* I really wasn't having sex with him. It kind of upset me that you didn't believe me so I just wanted to get it out there now."
Nice job on not falling to pressure after a year!

How do you tell your mother that you're having sex and you may be pregnant?

Wow, talk about rotten timing. Just when you have so much of life to experience and the best time of your life, now saddled with such a responsibility.
You only know what your relationship is with your mom and your family dynamics, so you must do what is best for you and that is tell them. Obviously, your single, and being alone during this time is hard enough, why make it harder. If anything, your family is going to be very disappointed if only that you have compromised the future that you may have laid out for yourself, at least you will have to be more responsible, that is if you plan on keeping the baby.
Abortion is a personal choice, one not to be made lightly, but in the alternative, adoption is a viable choice.
What about the child's father, you make no mention of him. Is this a long term relationship, or just a casual fling? That makes a difference in how your family may react. If long term, their adults, they must suspect intimacy between you two. If a fling, they may be upset that you failed to protect yourself better.
Either or, the next decision will be the hardest you will face over the next few weeks and months. You need help, it's ok, and you need support, we all do when faced with life changing decisions.
Don't hide this, this is not the time to "spite the nose on your face because you are legally an adult". Frankly, what has possibly transpired (pregnancy) is rather irresponsible. I don't intend on implying that your or your partner were negligent, accidents happen, it was just a way to prepare you for what you may hear when you confirm if your pregnant or not and tell them should you find that you are.
You are the only one who can answer the most obvious question: Are you really ready to accept the responsibility of raising a child and all that goes with it? Are you prepared to sidetrack your dreams and future that you had laid out for yourself? Do you really, deep down understand how difficult it will be to make the decision to have the child, terminate the child, or adopt the child out?
Please, talk to someone who truly cares about you and your future, don't take this on by yourself.
Whatever the initial reaction may or may not be, your mother will love you no matter what..

Should I tell my husband I don't like his mom?

Rule number one. You are born with family, you can't pick and choose family members and they can't be replaced. A spouse can and is replaced 50% of the time in America.

If you make him choose between his family and you, there is an overwhelming chance he will pick family over you. Tell him there is a problem in a way that he does not feel compelled to pick you or them.

You should tell him how you feel, and then explain that you do not want to attend anymore visits or family functions when the MIL is present.. Make sure he understands that you will not be going under any circumstances. Once you have this conversation, never again criticize your husbands family when he can hear you. If you do, he will resent it.

Do not try to stop him from seeing his family, but you don't have to go either. He is free to attend without you, and if he is expected to provide a hot dish or some such, you will prepare the dish and send it with him.

If they come to visit, find something else to do, graciously excuse yourself and go do it. Preferably somewhere out of the house while they are visiting.

How would you tell your mother or father about going to a restaurant you don’t like but they like in a civil way?

How would you tell your mother or father about going to a restaurant you like but they like in a civil way?I don’t beat around the bush with my parents. If I don’t like something, I tell them. I am always civil with my parents, but I don’t believe in spending money on things I am not going to enjoy, so if they want me to go with them to eat somewhere… let’s say Don’s Downtown… I would tell them that I find all their food tastes the same and not in a good way, could we go somewhere else? I may even suggest a place I know they like to go that I wouldn’t mind going to, like LaFonda’s, instead. My mom is actually a little concerned about my husband’s palate because he went to culinary school and is always worried that she may suggest a place he wouldn’t like, so she asks instead of assuming. My father wasn’t terribly adventurous about his restaurants and likes what would be called plate lunches here in Louisiana (and I hate that kind of thing) but I know that I could tempt him with a decent poboy (he died before my celiac diagnosis). Right now, I’d go anywhere he wanted me to if I could have lunch with him. I don’t care how gross I think Antlers is (though I would try to seduce his tastebuds with Pop’s Poboys… at least I could get a decent salad or delicious fries there).