How Do You Type A Right Parenthesis

How do you type copyright symbol in the keyboard?

There are several ways

On any software:
• Press and hold the ALT key and type 0169 ©

Only with office products (including word):
• Type left-parentheses then C and then right-parentheses (C) and it will change into ©
(with no space in between)

Only with word
• Press and hold the ALT and CTRL key and type C

How can I check string have balanced parentheses or not?

If you just want to check whether the string is properly parenthesized, you can use the following algorithm:int open_bracket_count = 0;
for each character in string {
if (character == '(')
open_bracket_count += 1;
else if (character == ')')
open_bracket_count -= 1;
if (open_bracket_count < 0)
return false;
return true if open_bracket_count == 0 else false
Explanation:Every time we encounter an opening bracket we increment the count, and vice versa when we encounter a closing one. While doing the same, we check weather at any point of time, the the number of times the closing brackets appeared is less than or equal to opening bracket count, as, if that’s not the case, the brackets are definitely not balanced.At the end, if the opening brackets is equal to the number of closing brackets, the brackets are balanced.Hope this helps.

How can I solve the problem "missing right parenthesis" in SQL?

This Error occurs when no of opening and closing parenthesis are not equal.e.gAbove is the statement without any errors.Above is the error if we mistakenly could not close the truncate statement right parenthesis.

Is an opening or closing parenthesis used to indicate multiplication?


you can put a variable next to a number to indicate multiplication, such as 5a
it is the same thing as that, except you are using a number instead of a variable

say 5(5) was the multiplication problem
it could be written as 5 x 5 or 5(5).. same thing, it doesnt make a difference,

What do multiple parentheses mean at the ends of sentences in Russian texts and social media posts?

Emoticon - same as triple “:)” aka LOL (which on cyrillic 33-letter keyboard requires shift+6, shift+0 keypresses instead of shift+; , shift+0 of latin one - and it is slower and less comfortable to do with left hand while right hand is on the mouse compared to only shift-0 -). It became even more widespread with mobile messenging and is generally considered something of bad taste.

How can I balance parentheses in a string using minimum number of edits?

Question asks us to find the Minimum number of edits to make an expression Valid. We observe that we need to change only those characters in the string which are making the string [math]Invalid[/math].So we will greedily choose those characters and will change them.Suppose if the given string is[math] [/math][math] ))(())(( [/math][math] [/math]then it is clear from the observation(1) that the part[math] (()) [/math]is already valid so we don’t need to make changes in this substring. Subsequently we will remove all the valid substrings from the string Iteratively.Observation (2) : If the length of the given string is [math]ODD[/math] then in any case, We can not make it valid because one character will always be left out.In our case, We will have the string [math]))(( [/math]which is Invalid[math].[/math]So we will count the left parentheses and the right parentheses.Now the Tricky part here is that we need to find the minimum number of operation to make it valid and to do that, We will make half of the left parentheses as right and half of the right parentheses as left[math].[/math]if count of the left parentheses is 'l' and count of right parentheses is 'r' then answer will be[math] [/math][math]ans = ceil(l/2.0) + ceil(r/2.0) [/math]and the valid string will be ()() . We changed the first character from ')' to '(' and the fourth character from '(' to ')' . So in our case, We need to make only two changes to given string to make it valid[math].[/math]Here is the link to my codeIdeone.comIf you find any Bug in the code, Please let me know.User’s discretion advised Here.Happy Coding !!Edit 1: You can try this question.Contest Page | CodeChefand my submission to this problemSolution: 13430263

How can you use parentheses and brackets in [math]\LaTeX[/math]?

For parentheses and brackets, you can write[math]1^\text{st}[/math] Bracket:[math]\LaTeX[/math] code: \left( \frac{x}{y} \right) Output: [math]\left( \frac{x}{y} \right)[/math][math]2^\text{nd}[/math] Bracket:[math]\LaTeX[/math] code: \left\{ \frac{x}{y} \right\} Output:[math]\left\{ \frac{x}{y} \right\}[/math][math]3^\text{rd}[/math] Bracket:[math]\LaTeX[/math] code: \left[ \frac{x}{y} \right] Output: [math]\left[ \frac{x}{y} \right][/math]Besides,[math]\LaTeX[/math] code: \left< \frac{x}{y} \right> Output: [math]\left< \frac{x}{y} \right>[/math]** this < and > can be replaced by \langle and \rangle respectively.Those \left and \right commands are used to adjust the sizes automatically. But if you want to adjust their size explicitly, you follow this codes in this table below:[math]\begin{array}{|c|c} \LaTeX \,\text{Code} & \text{Output} \\ \hline \text{\big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg(}\, - \text{\Bigg) \bigg) \Big) \big)} & \big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg( - \Bigg) \bigg) \Big) \big) & \\ \text{\big\{ \Big\{ \bigg\{ \Bigg\{}\, - \text{\Bigg\} \bigg\} \Big\} \big\}} & \big\{ \Big\{ \bigg\{ \Bigg\{ - \Bigg\} \bigg\} \Big\} \big\} & \\ \text{\big[ \Big[ \bigg[ \Bigg[}\, - \text{\Bigg] \bigg] \Big] \big]} & \big[ \Big[ \bigg[ \Bigg[ - \Bigg] \bigg] \Big] \big] & \\ \text{\big< \Big< \bigg< \Bigg<}\, - \text{\Bigg> \bigg> \Big> \big>} & \big< \Big< \bigg< \Bigg< - \Bigg> \bigg> \Big> \big> & \\ \end{array}[/math]Moreover,\tiny )
\Tiny \}
\scriptsize ]
\small )
\normalsize \}
\large ]
\Large )
\huge ]
\Huge )
For more [math]\LaTeX[/math] you can visit this links:An introduction to beautiful math on QuoraShareLaTeX, Online LaTeX EditorGood luck.

Why do Russians finish their sentences online with a closed parenthesis in Internet Culture?

Closed parenthesis is simply a way to shorten a smiley face in an online chat. It does not carry any hidden meaning.That said, writing “hey:)” or “hey)” on the Internet means the same thing.Additionally, Russian-speaking people may adjust their chat joy by adding some more brackets (which, frankly speaking, looks just sad), depending on the emotion they want to express.For example:-Hey)))-Hey(-What’s wrong?(-I got fired(((((