How Do You Write The Decimal 800 Thousandths

One thousand = 1000Eighteen thousand = 18000In the USA we use comas: 18,000I believe in Europe they do this: 18.000This is to separate the first three digits starting from the right. Doing so makes the number easier to read.

Count place value from the decimal point.10ths, 100ths, 1000thsThats the third column, the 5.Look to the next number 7, to see if it needs rounding up.5 and above we round up so yes, the 1000ths column needs to be rounded up to 6.We have rounded away everything after the 1000ths column so we are left with….0.866

How do I write specific decimals in words?

0.1 = 1/10th
0.01 = 1/100th
0.001 = 1/1,000th
0.0001 = 1/10,000th, etc.

If you have a number like 0.5761, you have at least 1/10,000th and the total must be 5,761 10,000ths.

9.5764 must be 9 and 5,764 10,000ths (or nine and five thousand seven hundred and sixty four ten thousands in words).

Notice that 1/0.1 = 10 and 1/0.0001 = 10,000, etc. (try it on a calculator?). Also find the last digit to the right (4 above) and name the places needed to get to it, tenths, hundredths, thousandths ten thousandths then read how many ten thousandths you have (5,764 above). It is easy of course with practice but if you forget, you can always work it out because it is just math and very logical (no magic!). Good luck.

Can you make Thirteen and one hundred thirteen ten-thousandths into a Decimal please?

First, the word 'and' = decimal point.

So, 'thirteen' goes to the left of the decimal point and 'one hundred thirteen ten-thousandths' goes to the right of the decimal point.

Now, to write 'one hundred thirteen ten-thousandths', you need to write 113 in a way so the last digit (3) is in the ten-thousandths place:

thirteen and one hundred thirteen ten-thousandths

Write four thousand eight hundred and thirty-six hundreths in standard notation.?

Four thousand is easy (4000)
eight hundred is easy ( 800 )
For numbers, the "and" specifically means "decimal point" although a lot of people don't do this correctly.
thirty-six hundredths is ( .36 )
So your number is 4800.36

The board is 9 ft 6 in which is the same as 8 feet and 12+6 inches.
After you cut 3 ft 10 in from 8 ft 18 in
you have 5 ft 8 in left.

Decimal To Percent Help!?

Do you see the zero on the left side of the decimal point?

That zero represents the ones place on the WHOLE NUMBER SIDE.

On the right side of the decimal point we have this:


first zero = tenths

second zero = hundredths

8 = thousandths

7 = ten thousandths

5 = hundred thousandths

Multiply 0.00875 by 100,000 = 875

We now add the percent symbol: %



If you want to change 0.00875 to a fraction,
write 00875 over 100,000 this way:


Here is a good link for you to read:


00875/100,000 is the same when written WITHOUT the two zeros like this:


Got it?

Twelve thousand and ten are both numbers. Do you mean not numbers but numerals?

Change theses into pecents, decimals, and fractions(in lowest terms).?

Decimal to the decimal...3.4 is three and 4 tenths. Write what you said as a fraction...3 4/10...reduce 3 2/5.
.008 is eight thousandths......write 8/1000....reduce 1/125.
Fraction to decimal....divide numerator by the denominator. 7/40 is 7.00 divided by 40 is .175.. move 2 spaces to the right 17.5 and add the percent sign.....17.5%.

How do you write out 4.875%?


4.875% = 4 7/8%

4.875% = .04875

4.875% = four and seven eigths percent

. . . . . . . . .4875
4.875% = --------------
. . . . . . . . .100,000

4.875% = four thousand eight hundred seventy-five hundred thousandths

4.875% = 39/8%

4.875% = 39/800

I hope those help!! :-)

Merry Christmas!!