How Does Evolution Explain Or Deal With The Fact That Mind Intelligence Meaning Altruism And

Does the theory of evolution fail to explain people sacrificing their lives for their enemies?

Yup.Think about the process of evolution as defined.It is the adaptation of an organism to changes in diet and environment and to random genetic mutations. Such, for example, as Darwin’s finches and the E.coli in the long running Lenske study.It covers speciation, to a greater or lesser extent, according to the parent genus, or what scientists refer to as the “family.” Hence the canine, feline and horse families for example.However, evolution, is a reactionary process, responding to stimuli, and not an anticipary process. Much like adaptive cruise control reacts to its radar.Evolution would never lead to features unrelated to natural processes nor to features thousands of times beyond what an organism could ever utilise within its lifespan.Now, the really telling part, is the human brain and mind. Our brain, according to scientists, is the most complex thing in the entire Universe and is beyond science to explain.Our superiority over the animal kingdom is beyond measure. The potential of our brain to learn, is virtually unlimited and thousands of times beyond what we could ever hope to use within our ridiculously short lifespan.The human brain is beyond science to explain. It’s capacity is virtually limitless and only humans are capable of abstract thought and mathematics.Only Man is an inherently spiritual being and asks questions about God, or anything, for that matter…Man alone, is altruistic, with empathy and compassion and self-sacrifice for the weak and the sick, for the disabled and the defenceless. Only Man has truly known love in all its facets.Only Man desires to explore, to travel, including to other planets, to understand life and the world and the Universe.Only Man desires eternal life and rails against death and grieves injustice. For thousands of years, he has sought the Holy Grail and put himself through pain to find the key to living forever.If evolution were true, and there really was no God, no creator, we would simply accept whatever happens, including injustice and tragedy, as normal.Evolution would never produce the human mind.The next obvious question then, is why did it all go wrong, leading to the world we experience today?

What's an evolutionary explanation for why humans have spiritual aspirations?

Spare neurons+Highly social animal+Evolutionaly need to form strong, long-term bonds such that men and women hook up and stay together at least long enough to raise a familyANDBoth the male and female provide for the offspring (not a requirement with most if not all other mammals)."Spare neurons" means our brains aren't entirely preprogrammed--so we have what's needed for consciousness/self-awareness/rumination.We didn't evolve to be spiritual--we evolved to live successfully in small hunting/gathering bands in east Africa in conditions/circumstances that varied a lot in evolutionary timeframes. So we had to be flexible/adaptable.Spirituality adds ideas to these processes as a side effect of what was needed for our species to be successful under the circumstances. A side effect is misattribution--a very common human foible. We see spirituality as producing all this interpersonal caring/personal transcendence, when in fact it's mostly attempts to explain altruistic stuff--from protecting your own kids to patriotic self-sacrifice in battle--to dedicating one's life to service a la Mother Teresa, when in fact the altruism came with the territory and the spirituality stuff just tries to explain it, since the real sociobiological explanations came along thousands of years after spirituality was thunk up.Well, and now there are institutions and authors and artists and musicians and politicians and gurus whose finances and authority derive from attributing altruism to their brand of spirituality instead of vice-versa. So there's no getting rid of it now. We still have our toes too.Spiritual Quotes About Love - Free Spiritual QuotesSpiritual people see this and see the Face of God. I see a beautiful, God-free sunset. But then I know something about sociobiology.

What is your opinion of these 5 arguments for God's existence?

1. The Cosmological Argument; Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause. God is the best explanation for that cause.

2. The Teleological Argument; The fine-tuning of the universe is so improbable that law or chance aren’t adequate explanations. God is the best explanation.

3. The Moral Argument; If God does not exist, then objective moral values do not exist. Rape isn’t just culturally unacceptable, it’s actually wrong.

4. The Resurrection of Jesus; The vast majority of historians generally agree that the tomb was empty. Separately, the vast majority of historians generally agree that Jesus appeared to people post-mortem. The hypothesis “God raised Jesus from the dead” is the best explanation of these facts.

5. The Immediate Experience of God; Belief that God exists may be rationally accepted as a basic belief not grounded in argument.

How human spiece "evoluated" to that point that their conscience appeared?(question for evolutionists)

Guys spelling is just a thing, get over it. I have seen people on YA with big degrees not get it right. Evolution means change no forward, no backward, just change. Natural Selection says that nature(Natural) will kill off(Select) unfit and allows the fit to survive and reproduce. Evolution doesn't happen as a whole, it happens according to area or environment. Last, true freedom wouldn't have taxes or social classes. Anyway. to answer the question, humans like other animals are social. Social groups have to act alike or it puts the group in danger. Your conscience is the ability to recognize that you have gone against the group and have put it in danger. That why you feel bad, your brain is telling you not to do it again. It goes so far back in time that it boggles the mind. The earliest sign of religion goes back maybe 100,000 years. A large rock in the shape of a snake in a cave. If you say no way about a snake, scroll down to the sign of this group:

If we evolved from animals that once were not aware of themselves, then why aren’t other animals becoming more like human beings and evolving to become increasingly aware of themselves?

If we evolved from animals that once were not aware of themselves, then why aren’t other animals becoming more like human beings and evolving to become increasingly aware of themselves?The fantasy of human exceptionalism in awareness, is mythology, not reality.Numerous animals are well aware of the what is their body and what is external material, or useable external material.Cats. otters and monkeys will spend hours grooming their fur a and that of their young, to keep it in good condition. Monkeys will, in addition groom each other for social bonding and altruistic support within their group. Birds take great care of their feathers, and will go “anting” to remove insect parasites.Anting (bird activity) - WikipediaCapuchin monkeys, Chimpanzees, and Corvid birds will also be sufficiently aware of their spacial environment to LEARN to collect and to use tools to obtain anticipated results. They well are aware of themselves and of their surroundings.Tool Use in Capuchin monkeys - OneKindPlanetWild capuchin monkeys in many areas use stone hammers and anvils to crack nuts and encased seeds. They transport stones and nuts to an anvil for this purpose. You can learn a bit more about this and watch them do this in the video below!Soon after this discovery, Jane observed David and other chimps actually picking leafy twigs then stripping the leaves so that the twig was a suitable tool. This was modification of an object to make a tool — the crude beginning of tool making.Until that time scientists thought that humans, and only humans, used and made tools. Our species was defined as "Man the Tool Maker." That ability was thought to separate us from other animals more than any other characteristic.Jane Goodall Institute UKCrows Are Even Smarter and Scarier Than We ThoughtMan, Crows Are Even Smarter and Scarier Than We ThoughtThey seem to be able to learn from each others' tools.They make tools out of sticks, and even spontaneously make tools without being taught. New research could deepen this picture even more, as researchers have found that crows may possess mental capabilities that we didn’t think were possible.