How Does Push Ups Help You Does It Help Build My Arms What About My Chest Too

Do push ups really help build your chest?

When i do push ups i usually only feel it in my arms. Are they still working my pecs? I dony really feel that burn in my chest like i do in my arms. Are the push ups working?

Will 150 pushups a day help me get a bigger chest?

150 pushups is a great number and of course will definitely make you strong and increase your endurance.But if you are going for size, then large numbers of pushups is not the best option to take.You want a bigger chest, for that you need bigger chest muscles, and for bigger chest muscles you need to lift heavier weights. Pushups do not provide adequate resistance for your body to adapt (after a certain stage).Sure, if you do 150 pushups when you can only do 10 in one set… the gains will be superb, quick and visible quite early on.But once you reach the stage when you can do 30, 40 or even 50 pushups in one set… then 150 pushups becomes more of a cardio routine than strength training. It would hardly take 15 minutes for you to do 150 pushups.After that stage, you’ll need to switch to weight training… benchpress, weighted pushups etc to continue seeing changes because those 150 pushups fail to remain an adequate challenge to provide stimulus for your body to change.

Doing push ups build arm muscle?

I've been doing push ups to build some arms, but I'm wondering if that's even helpful. I've noticed that I I ache more around my arms on my chest, rather than my arms themselves. I do 40 pushups at once every two days.
Any changes I should make? or a different idea to build arms?

When I do push-ups, my arms hurt much more than my chest. Why?

Push ups are actually more dependent on the shoulders, biceps, and triceps (back of your bicep just beneath your shoulder) than they are your chest.It sounds like you're either: inexperienced, doing a lot of them in a row, or you could simply be doing the movement incorrectly.The closer your hands are together on the floor the more pressure it will put on your shoulders and arms. Wider hands means more pressure on your chest (pectorals).Take it easier on push ups for a bit. Remember to have plenty of rest between exercises. Try keeping your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your elbows close to your body throughout the movement.I don't know how many or how often you're doing push ups but you might find the “"grease the groove” method helpful.Increasing Your Push-ups and Sit-ups: Grease the Groove

Does doing push ups help you get stronger in arm wrestling?

NO they do NOT... push ups train TRICEPS! you use your BICEPS for arm wrestling not your triceps!

do pull ups! those are the magic excercise! pull ups train most of the muscles! arms, shoulders, chest, back even abs!

Does Push Ups make you stronger?

yea but it tones your arms more than anything. but yea you do get stronger. i do alot of em for track practice and for usmc and my arms are pretty strong but it just gave me alot tone in them. hope that helps you.

Can push ups really enlarge your chest?

I completely agree with Bart’s answer. I just want to share my personal experiences. If you already have a developed chest, doing lots of push-ups won’t help much. However, they can contribute to significant chest growth if you haven’t really trained chest before.Doing thousands of push-ups can get you a “nice” chest, but not a gigantic chest. Here is a picture of me before I started exercising seriously:And here is a picture after I started doing 300–400 push-ups 5 days a week for 10 months:I would go to the gym here and there to test my bench press max, but have never deliberately trained the bench press or any other weights or machines. In addition to developing a larger chest, my bench press max increased from around 170 pounds to 235 pounds. For those who are relatively new to working out, push-ups (when done correctly) are highly underrated.Of course there are risks to doing this many push-ups almost every day such as tendinitis and cartilage degradation. So if you choose to do extremely repetitive exercise regimes like this, listen to your body and take a break if there is any pain outside routine muscle soreness.

Are push-ups good exercises for your chest?

Actually, doing push-ups is already enough. All you need is a chair and then you can do varieties push-ups.

The 1st one is the normal one. The position is make your hands wider than your shoulders, and do 3 sets. Within each set, do 10 to 12 reps. Rest 40 seconds to 1 minute between sets.

The 2nd one is doing the push-ups by using the chair. The position is to put your feet on the chair and make your arms wide open, just like the previous one that the hands should be wider than your shoulders. Do 3 sets, with each set do 10 to 12 reps. Rest 40 seconds to 1 minute between sets, and rest 2 minutes between each exercise.

The 3rd one is doing the push-ups by using two chairs. The position is your upper is in between two chairs (leave a gap between both chairs). Then put your one hand on one chair, and the other hand on the other chair. And again, do 3 sets, and the rest is the same.

The 4rd one is doing the military push-ups. This one is similar as the first one, but the only different thing is that this time, narrow the distance of your hands, so that they can put together and make a little triangle. Do 3 sets and the rest is the same as above.

Do these 4 kinds of push-ups every other day and you'll notice the difference within a month or two. And you should finish these 4 sets of push-ups within 25 to 30 minutes.

Also, since you've mentioned that you've dumbbells, then I suggest you just lift them. Do the "fly", it helps building big chest, too.

And after doing the workouts, you should have your meal right the way. Eat things that have high protein like eggs, beads, tuna, lean meat. Or drink milk or whey protein shake. Then in a month or two, you'll have quite an impressive upper body (defined arms and chest).

Well hope I helped here and sorry for my poor English.