How Does Science Contribute To Social Justice

Why is social justice important?

Social justice is important for the welfare of society as a whole. Having social justice and responsibility leads to satisfaction and pleasure of life, as well as the respect and loyalty to the leaders. People who are treated unjustly eventually rebel and make the abuser pay dearly. This is also known as revolution, assassinations, etc. There is always a price to pay for social injustice and usually the longer it takes, the more this feeling endures, the worse and more desperate it gets. Eventually it descends into hatred against the ones who are perceived as having created the injustice, once you get down that path there is no turning back. Hatred doesn't know fear, compassion, good measure or any other temperance. Its only purpose is to destroy its objective even by the destruction of its enforcer. Machiavelli warned all leaders and princes to be extremely weary of hate. As a leader its ideal to be feared and respected but never hated, because someone who hates will destroy the prince even if it means his / her own death. And this cannot be stopped. Not by 100 guards or 1000 guards or anything else. When you have someone willing to give their life to hurt you, they will accomplish it. There are many examples of social injustice reaching very brutal, bloody and often terminal outcome for the one facilitating the injustice. French revolution of 1789, the October revolution of 1917, Revolution of Mao in China as well as hundreds more in history. Many of which resulted in the extermination of the leadership and their entire bloodline even as the mob faced firing lines with their bare chests. So to answer your question, social justice is important for the stability of a prosperous society.

Why is social justice sometimes called contributive justice?

because the miscreant contributes back to the society.

How is war a social justice issue?

I was looking through United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website for research topic for social justice project for school and "War and Peace" was listed under "Human Life and Dignity" section. To be frank, I'm not entirely sure about the definition of Social Justice also =.=;;

What exactly is social justice? examples?

Working for justice in an injustice world. Providing equal opportunity to all no matter what background they come from. Over coming barriers that society labels individuals in poverty, minorities, disabled, suffer mental problems, beliefs or customs and the working poo.r

What is social justice (its meaning and defination) and how is social injustice existing in india?

Basically social injustice is simply the injustice of a society. As I mentioned in you other question you can look at the caste system, or even racism.

How is global warming related to social justice?

They are both tools which the Communists use to rope in gullible young people to support their putrid agenda.