How Does The Amazon River Impact On People

How did the amazon river get its name?

A South American legend has it that when the spanish conquistadores made their expedition through the Amazon rainforest they arrived at a great river, starving and exhausted due to illnesses and weather. From the other side of the river, they spotted a number of naked human figures that looked like women and before anyone could react to them they threw a rain of arrows on their heads and dissappeared again into the foliage. Due to the conditions the men were in this could’ve very well been an hallucination, hence why it is a legend. Once the conquistadores came back and told their stories they referred to the tribe of women as “amazons”, adapting the name from greek mythology. Thus the river they’d discovered came to be known as the river of the Amazons or the Amazon river.

As compared to the Amazon River, pollution in the River Ganga affects human life greatly. Why?

Because the number of major cities on the Amazon is four - Iquitos, Manaus, Santarem, and Belem, with a combined population of not more than 10 million people (1 crore), not counting the tributaries.And there are more than 50 cities with a population of around a million each, which makes it a total population of around 50 million on the Ganga alone, not counting the tributaries.(How many cities are there around the Ganga River?)Also, the Amazon is surrounded by almost impenetrable rain forest, while the Ganga flows on heavily industrialised, heavily farmed, and heavily populated Great Indian Plains.

How might the amazon river have affected movement into the interior of south america?

The Amazon River has assisted movement into the interior of the continent and along its course. River transport has been the preferred method of transportation for thousands of years throughout the continents. River transportation is far more easier than moving overland, especially, within the Amazon Rainforest.

"The river is so deep that ocean liners can travel 2,300 miles inland, up its length. The Amazon River flows through the center of the rainforest and is fed by 1,100 tributaries, seventeen of which are over 1,000 miles long. The Amazon is by far the largest river system in the world and over two-thirds of all the fresh water found on earth is in the Amazon basin's rivers, streams and tributaries. With so much water its not unusual that that the main mode of transportation throughout the area is by boat. The smallest and most common boats used today are still made out of hollowed tree trunks, whether they are powered by outboard motors or more often by man-powered paddles. Almost 14,000 miles of Amazon waterway are navigable and several million miles through swamps and forests are penetrable by canoe."

See the sources below for additional information.

How is/has the Amazon river changing?

All rivers change over time. Their paths even change. Nothing in nature remains the same. The Amazon is widening in places and narrowing in others, as all rivers do.

People abuse rivers by polluting them - damaging their ecosystems, and by damming them off, creating a stoppage and a resulting resevoir.

What are 3 positive and negative effects that the amazon river has on people and their culture?

1- it provides an education
2- the education is free
3- the education is necessary

1- youthare handed too much
2- youth don't appreciate the value of hard work
3- a society with uneducated youth is doomed

What were some positives and negatives of the amazon river?

Positives - it links several South American countries,so is good for trade and travel and communications.

Piranha fish.
Giant snakes.
Headhunters living in the jungle along the banks.

So,a dangerous waterway to travel along.

What are some human impacts on rainforests?

As the question states, I need to know some of the impacts that humans have on the rainforest ecosystem. Many ecosystems cover bad impacts, and I have the obvious ones like deforestation and pollution.

What are some other negative impacts of humans on rainforests?

And, are there any positive effects that humans have on rainforests?

I would prefer information that can be related to Australian rainforests.

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