How Does The Cns Create The Illusion Of Self

How do we develop a sense of self?

What are 5 ways to begin improving one’s self? is a Quora link that might apply to your question.But, you are asking about developing a sense of self which is a bit different. If I am wrong then you simply have to look at some of the very valuable answers on the above link and can ignore what comes next.Our sense of self , also known as self concept. is a quality that develops at a very young age. By the time we are 5 it is usually complete.“This is 'the most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self' (Bee, 1992).The child realizes that they exist as a separate entity from others and that they continue to exist over time and space.According to Lewis awareness of the existential self begins as young as two to three months old and arises in part due to the relation the child has with the world. For example, the child smiles and someone smiles back, or the child touches a mobile and sees it move. “Self Concept | Simply PsychologyIn a sense, we don’t develop our sense of self, it gets developed for us through our interactions with the world. Especially with our parents, family and friends. People who have experienced trauma during these early stages of life often have an incomplete sense of self. This can hamper further development and interfere with relationships. However, it is potentially repairable.There are psychotherapeutic approaches that focus on recreating the early conditions for developing a healthy sense of self. Recognition and acceptance of the other as a separate entity is a key parts of these approaches. If it sounds a lot like love, that is because it is.The self psychology of Heinz Kohut is a good example of this approach. Self psychology - Wikipedia

These are my arguments for free will being an illusion. What are your thoughts?

Conscious or subconscious, does not matter. It is always you, who is making your choices, nobody else.Free will is not supposed to be able to change itself. You are not free to choose your needs and desires, they are your will. You are only free to choose the best actions to satisfy your will.Free will cannot be an illusion due to strict 100% complete determinism. There cannot be any illusions or even questions in such circumstances. There would be only one fixed chain of events, not even a concept of an alternative way could exist.Free will cannot be an illusion imposed on you by a supernatural mind-controlling being either. We have no evidence supporting the existence of such beings.Free will cannot be a self-created illusion either. If free will choices are only illusions in your head, what do you do in reality, when you are making choices? How is it possible for other people to observe you making choices, if it’s only an illusion in your head?

Will we be able to create conscious AI without understanding how our consciousness works first?

No, probably not. We may unwittingly have created artificial consciousness already by growing psychotic mini-brains (cf. Scientists Just Tested Psychedelic Drugs on Lab-Grown 'Mini-brains'). But if so, psychotic ‘mini-minds’ are scarcely intelligent. Meanwhile, smart or dumb, digital computers and silicon robots show no signs of awareness. Neither do massively parallel connectionist systems, nor so-called artificial neural networks using reinforcement learning ('It's able to create knowledge itself': Google unveils AI that learns on its own). No doubt programming or “training up” non-biological AI to fake signs of consciousness to credulous human observers is increasingly feasible. Yet the successor to AlphaDog won’t spontaneously start howling in conscious distress if it damages a limb. Nor will AlphaDog 10 demand general anaesthesia before replacement of an internal body-part.In order to create intelligent, conscious, non-biological artificial minds – and perhaps avoid ethical catastrophes – we will first need to understand (1) the functional role and (2) the mechanism of conscious experience in biological nervous systems. In other words, what is consciousness “for”? Or are the “raw feels” of our subjective experience just incidental: a mere implementation detail of organic minds, rather like the textures of the pieces in a game of chess?For a stab at answering these two questions, see:Does consciousness serve any evolutionary purpose? I’m more confident of my answer to the primary functional role of biological consciousness (1), namely local and global phenomenal binding to permit skull-bound mind-brains to run unified world-simulations, than (2), the neural mechanism. On our current understanding of the CNS, phenomenal binding should be impossible for a pack of membrane-bound neurons. We ought to be (at most) micro-experiential zombies.At any rate, here are some tentative predictions:1. Classical digital computers will never be (non-trivially) conscious. So there will never be “mind-uploading” either.2. Classically parallel connectionist systems / artificial “neural networks” will never be (non-trivially) conscious.3. Non-biological quantum computers will one day be conscious.4. Post-human biological superminds, augmented by “narrow” zombie AI, will be abundantly conscious. Sentient biological robots like us will be akin to sleepwalkers compared to full-spectrum superintelligence.

Does CPH4 exist or its a theory?

Evidently, such a hormone exists, but if someone had such a quantity of it leak into their innards like that, death by overdose would be the expected prognosis.

I hate when my Sci-Fi is written by idiots who don't know Science. The person who wrote this story was no idiot.

I don't know the rate at which CPH4 makes fetal brain cells grow, but it sounds about right, that simiar growth in an adult would kill them in a day. Bacteria and fungi can reproduce every twenty minutes. The pressure would kill an adult brain in hours.

It would be worse than dough rising.

It is very interesting to me, that this was part of the plot of ALL-NEW X-MEN #1!

Superhero Henry McCoy was undergoing a tertiary mutation, but his skull was not going to allow his brain to expand, which was going to kill him.

This theme was pioneered in a novel called NO FLOWERS FOR ALGERON, by Daniel Keyes, which possibly helped inspire PHENOMENON, starring John Travolta, and POWDER, starring Sean Patrick Flanery.

Which classes are included in the group Tetrapoda?

Traditional classification has the tetrapods classed into four classes based on gross anatomical and physiological traits. [16] Note that snakes and other legless reptiles are considered tetrapods because they are descended from ancestors who had a full complement of limbs. Similar considerations apply to caecilians and aquatic mammals:

Class Amphibia (Amphibians)
Class Reptilia (Reptiles)
Class Aves (Birds)
Class Mammalia (Mammals)

So its probably B.

Also check for more details.

Why would your nervous system shut down?

I’m not Related to Medical Science by any mean, but according to me.there can be multiple reasons for the same asked. The nervous system is a complex, specialized network. It organizes, explains, and directs interactions between you and the world.The nervous system is divided into the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system or CNS) and the nerve cells that control voluntary and involuntary movements.Sometimes its said to be the Neural Disorders or dysfunctioning. this occurs due.Blood supply or circulation Problem.that can also be due to simple reason, due to less oxygen in our body (illusion caused due to tiredness, lazy so we yawn to increase or to acquire the required amount of oxygen in the body to the brain)anxiety disorders, depression, or could be merged in a term of emotional health. our body or well-said brain have different things going on internally during such phase, it releases some enzymes which are equal to drugs so we lose our-self.FACT:- Tea also Produce some of the same effects as DRUGS but very minor scale altogether it does shut out CNS.