How Does The Moon Help Produce Fruit

Moon does not produce light how do we see it?

Well, that is a "good one", as it were! The moon does not produce its own light, this is true, but it reflects the light of the sun. One can even see the lit moon in the day time, especially certain times of the year.

And especially, if you live in the correct area, which, apparently, I do, for I can see it during the day. I live in the Southern states of these good old United States of America. In Alabama! It's the winter months here, and I can see the moon from, almost anywhere, during the morning hours, after sun up! So therefore, it is in the West, cause it happens to be "going down" at that particular time. Just like the sun, the moon "rises" in the East and "goes down" in the West.

But there's a simple "trick" you can do in order to prove this assertion. Take a piece of fruit, like grapefruit, for example. Place yourself in front of a lighted window and pass the gruit about your head. The fruit represents the moon, your head the earth and the lighted window is supposed to be the sun.

That will prove why the moons light is a reflection of the sun and why one is able to see the moon, at certain times during its rotation.

Why does the moon not have its own light?

Oh, but it does.Everything* has its own light — as long as it is held above absolute zero.Almost nothing in this universe is a perfect “black body” — but a lot of things come fairly close, so quite often we model everything as being one of these 'black bodies'.This simplifies the mathematics, and means that Planck’s law can be used as an approximation.Planck’s law tells us the amount of energy that an object emits at a given wavelength:[math]B (\lambda, T) = \frac{2 h c^2}{\lambda^5} \frac{1}{e^{\frac{hc}{\lambda k_B T}} -1 }[/math]Now, if you plot this for several temperatures, you end up with something that looks like this:Now, for these things to emit visible light, they need to get really, really hot.The sun is really, really hot — and so it emits loads of light in the visible spectrum.The Moon, on the other hand is really cold — its surface temperature varies wildly, but averages out at about 200K.This means that the peak wavelength of the Moon’s emission spectrum occurs at: 13 micrometres.This is deep into the infrared spectrum, which our eyes cannot detect.Everything in the universe glows (roughly) according to this law — you and I glow at around 10 micrometers — the sun glows at the much hotter temperature of 500nm (yes, I am expressing temperatures in wavelengths — problem?).So the Moon does have its own light.It is just very, very dim, and very, very infrared — and thus is far outweighed by the reflected light from the sun!“Everything” here meaning “normal matter” — this does not include dark matter. In fact, the lack of radiation from dark matter is exactly why it is called dark.

Harvest Moon DS Help: Trees not growing?

Each bag of tree seed needs to be planted on a 4-square plot of land. Normal crop seeds only need 1 square to sprout but trees need much more room. You also have to leave a empty gap between the planted trees. If the tree is touching another crop or tree it won't sprout all the way. You don't need to water your new trees and they'll grown on their own.

You can plant trees in Spring, Summer, or Fall. Once the Winter season arrives the trees will go dormant and won't grow until the following Spring. The trees also grow at different speeds. The fastest tree to mature is the Banana, which will reach full size at 40 days. After the Banana is the Orange (43 days), Apple (52 days), and then the Grape and Peach trees (58 days).

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit?

People who put time and effort into something rather than just slapping it together or jumping the gun with their opinions, often provide the best advice and are the most level-headed people. It takes time to make something good. Literally, the tree that has lived the longest provides the best fruit because the tree has much "experience" in growing fruit - it's adapted well to its environment, it knows what nutrients its getting from the soil it's planted in, it knows the cycle of the sun and moon, and therefore can produce the best fruit by being so in-tune with its environment, whereas a newly planted tree hasn't stabilized in its environment yet so its fruit is smaller and less sweet. It's still "learning" to be a tree.