How Easy/hard Would It Be For A Person To Be A God On Mt.olympus

How did the Greek gods, Zeus and Poseidon, die?

They didn't.Greek gods are immortal. They cannot truly 'die'. In order to 'kill' the gods, you have to destroy the significance their domains hold. For example, if Zeus has to 'die', his domain; the sky and the lightning must hold no significance. That means that when the sky and the lightning are no longer acknowledged and worshipped by the people, only then can Zeus die.Similar is the case with Poseidon. For Poseidon; The God of Oceans and Seas, Earthquakes, and Horses, to die, people must no longer acknowledge these bodies. In fact, only two gods are said to have truly died.One is Pan; The God of Nature, The Wild, and The Shepherds.Pan is said to have died when people ceased to worship nature and the wild. People stopped worshiping the nature spirits, the Naiads, the nymphs etc.In fact it is almost widely accepted that the death of Pan marked the advent of theology and Christianity. It is said that Christ was born as soon as Pan died ( It is not clear whether Christ was born after Pan died or Pan died after Christ was born ). People stopped worshiping the nature and started worshiping Christ. As a result nature went un-acknowledged and Pan “died”.The other god is Asclepius; God of Medicine, Healing, and Rejuvenation.His myth is very different. Asclepius is said to have been killed by Zeus as Asclepius had brought back Hippolytus back from the dead in exchange for gold. This angers Hades who asks Zeus to kill him. Zeus kills him with his thunderbolt. It is said that later Zeus brings him back and orders him not to bring back anyone from the dead without his permission.Hope my answer helps!

Why are people who believe in god so stupid?

When asked to describe my thoughts on GOD and Religion my train of thought led me right to gravity. . .
You can’t see gravity, You can’t taste it, I just know one thing for certain, that it exists.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension
Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

I feel bad that if someone does not have faith they would want others to agree with them!

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation. The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.
We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created..@

Life without GOD is like an un- sharpened pencil it has no point..
You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him

What or who is Olympus in Greek mythology?

Mt Olympus is in reality the highest mountain in Greece. It is a series of rugged peaks. In Greek mythology it was the home of the twelve (or so) Olympians; the twelve deities, six gods and six goddesses, who ruled over mortals. They are probably the most famous and arguably the most alluring pantheon the world has ever known. Their home was a place of perpetual warmth and sunshine. They consumed ‘ambrosia’, the food and drink of immortals. And they never shed tears. contrast mortals could never visit Olympus. When mortals died they would go down to the underworld where they would live in a dark, shadowy, state of existence. One of the greatest Greek heroes was Achilles. Yet he was mortal. When Odysseus visits him in underworld he offers him a little eulogy, reminding him of his greatness. Achilles answers thus:“Glorious Odysseus: don’t try to reconcile me to my dying. I’d rather serve as another man’s laborer, as a poor peasant without land, and be alive on Earth, than be lord of all the lifeless dead.” -BkXI: 465-540Such is the difference between mortals and immortals in Greek mythology.There was one hero, Bellerophon, who tried to reach Olympus. He had broken the wild Pegasus (a winged horse) in order to slay the Chimera (a fire-breathing lion-goat-serpent creature). Bellerophon was proud of his achievement. Consumed by hubris, he felt he deserved to live among the gods. And he happened to have his own mode of transport.When he got near the citadel of the gods, Zeus responded to this impudence by sending a gadfly out to sting Pegasus. Pegasus bucked hard. Bellerophon was thrown to earth, falling in a thicket of bushes. He would live the rest of his life crippled and blind.The only real challenge to Zeus and Olympus, after usurping the throne, was the monster Typhon. But Zeus severed the monster’s fingers with thunderbolts before Typhon could throw a punch. Then Zeus buried Typhon under Mt Etna, where he still simmers and occasionally erupts with anger.

What are the key aspects of the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity?

The others have given you some pretty good answers.

Mutable signs dont have clear distinctions from each other , especially Gemini/Sag polarity.

However, using mythology, we can try to find some key differences and similiarities between the two. Jupiter / Sag / Zeus in myth was the king of the gods, he has eagle eyes, but he spends most of his time on Mt Olympus , although he has abroad view of what is going on on earth , among the earthy humans , he does not know how things are actually working on a more pragmatic levels , or how things are functioning the way they are - and he did not need to know anyway - hence the faith and philosophical as well as impractical characteristics that are assigned to Sag.

Mercury, even though quite airy, is also partly earthy, and Mercury is even stronger in Virgo, an earth sign - by being both ruler and exalted - than he is in Gemini. While Jupiter/Zeus prefered to have a broad view from above, Mercury/Hermes are in more in touch with the mundane, earthy realms. He was a messenger of the gods, and he was also a messenger god, taking views and orders from the heavens and spread among the mortals , and turning ideas in something practical. Hence, he is capable of processing , learning and transferring ideas ( gemini ) and turning them into something workable , practical with efficiency ( virgo ). Although both of these signs could not careless about the grand scheme of things, the big picture behind or what it'd look like from above , because they are too detailed and too close to their work. With gemini, it is the thinking process that is more important, with sag, it is more about the final outcome then the convoluted process of thinking, that things would work just fine in the end.

Mercury knows through practicality and Jupiter knows through faith - for this, "I think" is the opposite of "I know".

But, both sign share some same qualities, and that is the signs they rule and the houses they reside ( 3rd and 9th ) are associated with mental realms, they are cadent houses and they are both about learning. This opposition pair works out fairly easier than any other opposition pair because of their mutability. ( Better than Virgo/Pisces - since there is Neptune involved )

How can we find God? How can we believe that someone known as God really exists?

You don't.Religions that used to make claims that are teasy to verify - are no longer followed.Priests no longer say that gods live on mount Olympus or that God just hangs out in the main temple in Jerusalem. You cannot simply go there anymore. Priests also no longer claim they have reliable way to ask for obvious miracles or that their prayers cause the sun to rise or the Nile to flood. You can no longer just stop the next sacrifice and check if the sun failed to rise next morning and thus confirm or deny existence of given god.Instead, all gods that people believe in today are invisible, spiritual beings. They also answer prayers according to their immeasurable wisdom so an unanswered prayer proves nothing. All miracles are now unclear in they supernatural origin because we can also explain them scientifically so tornado or a volcano or someone's health recovery no longer proves anything.Practically all religions are hard or impossible to disprove. Even if some are easier and you can show clearly that some beliefs are false or nonsense - those still proves nothing. Some other religion might be right or there might be a god that's just not accurately described by anyone.Most religions strongly recommend faith - belief without first “finding out” anything. According to most religions, just trusting them is a great choice for your spirituality and chances of good afterlife or reincarnation. You're recommended to make yourself trust them even more by interpreting random life experiences as evidence for God as described in their theology, and not any other spiritual or natural phenomenon.You may also just not trust any of them and stay atheist or believe that there is a God of unknown properties while all religions are wrong.Either way, you get there mostly by choice, not by “finding out” anything.