How Effective Is Subtle Hints To Plant An Idea In Someones Head

What do you think about the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson?

Thanks for A2A.Aaah, someone had to ask. I'm going to say things that may offend people who like this book. But the only lesson I learned from the author, is to not give a f*ck about such books. Here's why :I don't mind cussing here and there. It's in the title of the book afterall, so I expected more to come. However, within nearly 10 pages I re-read that word 50 more times. It was to the point where it no longer even seemed like a real word anymore! Sir - you've got to find a better vocabulary for expressing distate. Strike one.I'm an avid reader of Non Fiction genre of books. Psychology and Spirituality/Metaphysics in particular. Both of the subjects were touched upon in the book. And both were way off key. Infact they had no key, so to say! The author's understanding of Human Psychology and the teachings of Buddha is very limited, only capable of calling the Buddha a “cool guy sitting under a tree”. I don't think anyone yet has attained Enlightenment from this book. What I do know is, thousands of people till date still practice spirituality and Buddhism, and are truly more happy than this other, not-so-cool writer. Strike two.It's one thing to write a blog. It's another to combine 50 blog pieces into a book. The points made in this book don't always even make complete sense, and sometimes the guy goes off track and you realize much later that he meant something else from what he was just talking about one paragraph ago. In short - it's disconnected at many points. Strike three, and he's out.I couldn't stand it after about 50 odd pages of cringing.To me, this book is filled with arrogance, resentment, unclarity, repetitiveness, etc and lacks the true niche a timeless book contains. From the writing style, to the flow of the book, every single thing is off. It only feels like a Wikipedia research combined with personal life inferences and grudges, with no scientific backing, that made this book (with lots of perverted profanity thrown at highly respected public figures).I understand if you want something fun to read, but there are way too many great books out there to spend time on this one.He's a good blogger and I hope he can stick to that.That's my two cents! Peace! :)

How could you plant an idea in someone's mind like in Inception?

Nobody can force his own idea into somebody else’s mind, because it’s too much trouble and resistance. People have different ways of thinking, thought processing, no idea is simple enough to fit everybody’s way of thinking seamlessly. And for an idea to stick, it has to feel right, it has to fit.People tend to follow their own ideas, because it’s the ones that fit naturally with how their mind operates. Even if it’s not the best idea, even if it has flaws, people still prefer their own bad ideas against other people’s great ideas because it’s their own, and it proves they are smart, they are right. It’s all about pride.Some businesses, some lives have been ruined because some decision-makers preferred sinking the ship while still being in charge, instead of changing course and bowing down to somebody else with a better plan.So, in order to plant an idea in someone’s mind, it has to fit so perfectly that the person makes it his/her own, it has to form seamlessly into their own mind as if they did come up with that idea by themselves in the first place, so they can brag about it and feel comfortable defending him - by defending their idea, they fight for themselves, for their own legacy. It’s natural. People prefer being in charge, being in control, instead of being manipulated. Even if it’s all a lie.That’s what they do in Inception, they come up with a plan to help the subject get from one point to a path that will end up with him making a very unusual decision - breaking his father’s monopolistic empire and kissing a guaranteed fortune goodbye. So they trick the subject into believing that’s what he should be doing, and nothing else is more important in his life. They go backwards all the way to his relationship with his father, and get him to believe that he needs to establish himself away from what his father did, be his own man, instead of keeping his father’s legacy together.The subject is convinced he is following his own path, his own destiny, but in fact he is just following somebody else’s plan blindly.

How can you make someone think something was their own idea?

This is something I think I am very good at. I know it makes me manipulative, but I try to use this power for good :p. The key thing to remember is subtlety. If you make it too obvious you are leading to an idea, then your target may realize your attempts to manipulate them. So be subtle. Now I realize this is vague, but I have not really broken this down into a science, so it's difficult to explain precisely. A way in which you can be subtle is that you should try and put yourself in your "victim's" shoes. Try and imagine, if you were him or her, what would cause you to reach a certain conclusion. Think how an old idea advantages/disadvantages the victim, and how a new idea advantages and disadvantages the victim. Now you have to indirectly 'tell' the victim all the drawbacks of a current idea, while masking the benefits. Then suggest the new idea and all the advantages it will bring. In this case you avoid any discussion of the disadvantages. Since this is personal to your victim, they will relate more and eventually they should think of the idea you want. Perfecting this will come with practice. Another aspect is time. Time is subtlety's best friend. The more time you have, the easier it is to secretly manipulate someone. With time, you can plant ideas into someone's mind for a long time and slowly build upon it without them ever realizing. Next, look at your victim's weaknesses. I know this sounds very predatory, but that's just the way it is. Some people are lazy, some people have certain obsessions. Whatever the 'weakness' is, you should take full advantage of it. If your victim is lazy, for instance, then make them feel lethargic and tired now and make them believe that your new idea (that they will think of) is the perfect solution to their laziness,Sometimes your victim will not get suddenly think of your idea. A trick I like to use is that after I have used subtlety to allude to my idea, when the other person has not thought of my idea, I will suddenly 'come up with it' in front of them and them suggest it to them as if it just came to me on the spot. Normally the victim will relate to the previous problems that I exposed and think this is a good idea. I use this form of manipulation usually when I am forced to work with someone who is very domineering and not willing to listen.

What is the most efficient way to kill someone and not get caught?

Good question, In all precautionary statements, this ones to the person who is reading the answer, please give no blame or do anything stupid (like actually killing someone, or telling someone to), with the information I serve you. I take no responsibility, for such cases.First, it totally depends on someone which one wants to kill.Second, how deep is your pocket.And finally, how bad and how bad (as in magnitude and procedure) is that someone wanted dead.Now taking into consideration an average person is asking me this, I will reply in the same terms and conditions.I suggest not putting it in your own hands. (in both ways, if you know what I mean)Use an accessory or take advantage of victims conditions.Example;A poisonous toad, snake or even a spider could work. Use lethal environment to your environment if you can, might not sound appealing, but yes, it would work.[try to be untraceabe]If that sounds un-do-able, just take a little bit of courage to go to the person's personal space and make it look accidental, anything like a gas leak, or even something lethal dropping over would work. There are infinite ways to kill a person in a smart way, not easy, but smart.In extension to my previous answer, as the question has been updated to most efficient. I shall give another suitable addition to it.Want to be efficient? It’s simple:Point-blank shotgun shot to the head is found the most efficient way to kill someone.Want it to be quiet use a sharp knife through the eyeball, try sideways, and don’t use too wide a knife. People have sockets and no one wants to leave a job undone, also only attempt this if you have somewhat more strength than the targetted person or a very serious advantage, like if they are semi or fully unconscious.Good Luck(sorry for long answer; here’s a meme)[read the bottom text first]

How do you politely tell someone to fuck off?

To quote Shakespeare"I do desire we may be better strangers."Like Sherlock"My good fellow, I believe we are done here."Super Honest"I will let you know when you matter"Sardonic Humor"Anyhow, I hope your day is as pleasant as you are."Like A Sir“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Leave now before I taunt you for a second time.”Navigation "Just go be you somewhere other than here"Like Her Majesty"Please remove yourself from my presence"My Approach"I no longer wish to speak to you"

I feel like everyone can read my mind!!!!?

I think that 'reading minds' which is called Claire audience, is possible. I think that most people are not developed to be able to do that. But some are. etc.
I think that your parents are right in this situation, but other people are or can be very sensitive and sense the intent or feeling behind what we are thinking. If it is positive , then they sense that, if negative they can sense that too.
So , that is likely what happened ,a nd you are sorting out how all this works .
It is recommended that people think positive as much as possible, so that they bring positive things into their lives as well. many religions and others teach that.
It is scienfically proven that babies have a psychic sense and can read their parents, and children are more aware of these abilities. Some say these abilities are mostly gone by the time we get to our teen years, with al lthe training against it and then people respond like your parents did.
However, there are also some so called mental illnesses, that make a persons brain so sensitive that they cannot control what they see and hear, and it is often outside the 'normal' or average range of sensing of most people. So, it is not fully understood, and can be very disruptive in every day life.
I think it sounds like you are trying to answer all these questions and to find out how the mind works, how energy works, if others can hear your thoughts, (there will be some people in the world that can, but most cannot ), and if you have psychic abilities.
I think everyone has them to some degree.
People who don't , will respond like your parents.
I once had a teacher who WAS VERY psychic and COULD read the students minds. Most students did not know it.
People are talking more openly about these subjects these days. Some will understand, and others wont.
There are also spirits that can disrupt someones abilities and sound like 'voices ' in ones head.
that is a whole different matter , but that can be cleared as well.
You are just learning. No need to freak out.
Just think, if someone DOES have these abilities, mental telepathy, claireaudience, then they ALREADY KNOW how people think and they are not surprised if someone thinks a negative thought .Even if they are sadden by it, and know it does them no good.
I like some cartoons , also.

Is it really possible to be able to be certain that someone likes you without them telling you?

Only if your a Jedi or someone with Psychic powers who can talk to their mind without moving your lips and plant some story on how you like them. I haven't yet met anyone who can do that.But apart from that..Please, for the love of all that is good......don't hint.I'm a guy so I am going to speak from my point of view as man who dates women.It pisses me off when a woman hints, or tries all those subtle messages. Honestly, it's annoying and waste of my damn time.Be direct because when you do all these subtle stuff, that's now a game and personally, I have no respect for any woman who tries that subtle crap on me, and I say to my mates also to not do that nonsense but approach and flirt, converse, and let the woman know.The people who do that fear rejection.They want everything to be right, certain, before they take action.Well, in dating, its going to be difficult because nothing is certain, not even someone says something until they take action and show consistency too. You cannot afford to be subtle in these matters.So no subtle hints because the other person isn't going to know and it sends mixed signals. It is frustrating and as a man, it goes way over my head.When a woman sends mixed signals with me it frustrates me.I will get bored. I will see she lacks maturity and social skills., I will see it as she's afraid of her sexuality and puts other people's opinion above her own opinion.  I will not bother. No hints. Be direct.

Can somebody tell me every thing they know about libra girls?

I'm a Libra and so is my daughter. I'd say the biggest thing is a need for things to be fair. Throughout my life, the most upsetting events to me were when I was treated unfairly or when someone close to me was. I guess that's why the scales are Libra's symbol. I also think Libras sometimes have a hard time making decisions because they see both sides of the issue. I'm not sure what sign it is recommended that Libras marry, but I'm married to a Virgo, and I can't imagine a better marriage than mine. I hope this helps - Go Libras!!!!

How can you give hints to your boyfriend that you would like to be given flowers?

Hello everyone,

My boyfriend (of 9 months) and I are doing great, and I love him very much. Something bugs me, though: he has never given me flowers! He's not the sentimental type, and I'm not the romantic-movie-going girl. It's either it's not his thing, or he just doesn't think I won't appreciate it. I think it's more of the former, though, cos in all other aspects I'm a girly-girl. I don't want to demand them from him, I want him to give it to me when he really feels like it. I think it's really sweet. I'm starting to feel a little insecure about other girls getting it from their guys, like my BF doesn't think I deserve them. Question is, how do I give him clues without seeming needy?