How Far Today Has Any Living Person Gone Through The Entrance Of Hades

I consider myself to be a nice person with good morals.I don't believe in God does that mean I'm going to hell?

no, hell doesn't actually exist.

Can a soul enter in another living person?

After death, the souls will take new body based on karma . the soul enters the pregnant woman in 5th or 6th month.Though there will be a threshold period up to 13days max for the soul to fly around free before taking new body.During this time soul would be watching their family and friends. But can't do action.Some unhappy souls can still get into another living weak human being. So 2 souls in one body, but this can happen for shorter duration only.God is one. He is the father of all souls (we are brothers) in the world, Supreme soul (point of light present in soul world(Silence) - Golden reddish region above universe). He is called as Shiva, Allah, Jehovah etc. Souls are immortal comes down to earth to play its role in drama cycle. Soul a tiny star, present in the center of the forehead can experience a connection with the Supreme Soul by thoughts.Golden Age (Satyuga):( Heaven1) Only 900000 souls to start with. All are Soul Consciousness & happy, have the Power to adjust, tolerate, discriminate, judge, face, Pack-up, Withdraw, Co-operate. Everything (house, dress, flights, roads etc) is made up of gold here. No lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. Child were born through transfer of soul power.Silver Age (Thretha yuga):( Heaven2) It is similar to Golden age, but gold is replaced by Silver. The people who lived in Golden age and Silver age are called Deities.People are worshipping them, but they are also living among them after rebirth.Also weather is not too cold or hot. Heaven (1 Kingdom, 1 religion, 1 language, Max population : 330000000) is the Gods gift to good souls .Copper Age (Dwabara yuga) and IRON Age (Kaliyuga) - Hell : Soul conscious to body conscious. Peoples sin (actions out of lust, Anger,greed, attachment,ego etc) converts heaven to hell, The soul loses its purity and experience sorrow.The peoples from heaven also take part after rebirth(status based on karma). Many languages, Many religions.God comes to earth in old body and makes (3300 million) people worthy to live in heaven through spritual knowledge (remaining souls will be resting in soul world, will play its part at allotted time and also powerful in first few births) .End of world through destuction - All souls go back to soul world and the same drama repeats again.God - Bhagvad gita - Brahmakumaris

If you found the entrance to Hell and were allowed to go in and out as you pleased, would you do it?

In Buddhism, there is a story of a man who has just this ability.This is Ksitigarbha, known as “The Bodhisattva of Hell”. According to the legends told about him, he has taken a vow not to obtain ultimate wakening and become a Buddha until all of hell is empty.With his rod he pries open the gates of hell, and with his gem he lights the darkness within it. Using his powers, he rescues people from the depths of hell and helps them reincarnate into a better world.Which brings me to my answer. If hell actually exists, I’d no doubt find some people I don’t think should be there, especially for eternity. I’d no doubt try to do what this Bodhisattva set out to do.

Entrance to Hell on Earth?

I've heard of these caves that when you travel deep enough to them it sounds like people are talking. They are nicknamed the "Entrance to Hell" because of these voices. Does anyone know where these might be and can anyone give me research sites or references? At this point anything that will actually be useful would be appreciated......
thank you!

Why would innocent people go to hell?

I just don't get this Christian belief. Christianity says that those who are not Christian and do not believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit go to hell. Now I remind you, hell is infinite, so an eternity of torture for people who don't believe in this. But there are millions of people all around the world who have never even heard of Christianity. All over Africa, there are people who have never been presented with Christian beliefs, and would have no way to take up these beliefs. You seriously can't be telling me that all of these people deserve to be tortured for all eternity. Christians, if you have an explanation to this, enlighten me. Other theists, does your religion have this type of belief? If so, does it make sense to you? Atheists, what are your thoughts on this logic?

What are the names of Cerberus's individual heads?

In Greek mythology, Cerberus or Kerberos (Greek Κέρβερος, Kerberos, "demon of the pit") was the hound of Hades, a monstrous three-headed dog (sometimes said to have 50 or 100 heads) called a hellhound. Cerberus guarded the gate to Hades and ensured that spirits of the dead could enter, but none could exit (additionally, no living person was to come into Hades). Among his siblings are Chimera and the Hydra. He is the offspring of Echidna and Typhon.

He was overcome several times:

Hercules' final labour was to capture Cerberus, which he did by wrestling it into submission.
Orpheus used his musical skills to lull Cerberus to sleep.
Hermes put him to sleep with water from the river Lethe.
In Roman mythology, the Sybil of Cumae lulled Cerberus to sleep with drugged honeycakes in order to permit Aeneas fuller entry to the underworld.
In a Greek tale, Psyche also lulled Cerberus to sleep with drugged honeycakes.
In The Inferno, Cerberus punishes the gluttons and is passed by Virgil and Dante due to Virgil throwing him a body part of one of Cerberus' victims.
In the Greek Oracle of the Dead at Cumae in southern Italy, the recently excavated subterranean shrine was found to contain chains fixed to the wall for three large dogs before the entrance to the shrine of Hades and Persephone. The three dogs would have represented Cerberus in this ancient temple.

This is the best I could find. I dont think the heads were named. Also it is not for certain that there were only 3.

Can one seek asylum in Canada if his/her aunt has vowed to make their life a living hell as long as the person lives in their country of birth?

No, that situation wouldn’t meet the criteria for claiming asylum. Canada uses the same criteria as the UNHCR. Family disputes are not included in the UNHCR definition. The logical answer is to move away from the aunt, which should be possible without leaving the country.A valid claim would be - for example - a government initiated campaign to arrest and kill all members of a particular ethnic group.Also, individuals cannot self-nominate as refugees and then apply to Canada. They need to be sponsored as refugees, ideally by the UNHCR.Individuals who illegally cross the border and then claim refugee status are not automatically allowed to stay in Canada. Check this link for more details on what is required.Resettle in Canada as a refugee

Did anyone ever escape the underworld?

I'm not sure about any who died and came back off the top of my head. Theseus went to the underworld I know and Heracles let him go. Persephone (Spring) I suppose depending on which version you read was "dead" for six months out of the year while she was in the underworld with her husband. Orpheus went to the underworld to bring his dead wife back with him, which Persephone allowed but he looked back at the entrance to the surface (which he wasn't supposed to do) and again depending on which version you read she was unable to return to the living because she was some zombie essentially, he defied a goddess and his wife was just "returned" to the underworld etc.

What magic item does Hades have? What are it's powers?

Hades sits on a throne made of ebony, and carries a scepter. He also has a helmet, given to him by the Cyclopes, which can make him invisible. Hades rules the dead, assisted by various (demonic) helpers, such as Thanatos and Hypnos, the ferryman Charon, and the hound Cerberus.

Hades possesses the riches of the earth, and is thus referred to as 'the Rich One'. Possibly also because -- as Sophocles writes -- 'the gloomy Hades enriches himself with our sighs and our tears'.