How Fast Can I Get The Thc Out Of My System

How can I get weed out of my system fast?

I RARELY smoke weed. It probably had been a year since I had. 2 weeks ago I took exactly 3 hits of weed. Well I got a job offer and they want to do a BLOOD drug test. Which will prob be next week sometime. Can you help me get it out of my system FAST.

If I throw up can I get weed out of my system faster?

No. Your best bet is to drink a lot (and I mean like gallons of water). And run run run run run. (Or another form of exercise.)

What are the quickest ways to get THC out of my system?

I have tried so hard to get THC out of my system and see what works and doesn’t.Unfortunately, if you smoke a lot it will be every hard to expect it to go fast. You can drink tons of water and detox but unfortunately if you’re smoking several hits from a bong two nights every week, that will all stay for a solid amount of time. It took several months for me, and for some around a month or so, and some some time less.But if you say have a light smoke and need it out, I can say the cranberry juice will naturally detoxify your system a little each drink. So if you drink almost exclusively this, it will help reduce your toxins and high overall.I also see that exercise has helped, and that a very long exercise session that burns fat overall will really get your fat burned. Unfortunately even after this, it still remains in your brain fat.If you have fat, as ridiculous as this sounds, the best move is to burn fat - by exercise, and speeding metabolism to burn more with moderate caffeine etc (don’t drink more than you’re recommend dose of caffeine though it’s very dangerous and lethal)Otherwise, I can attest to cranberry juice helping a little. Every time I drank a little I’d get a little less high from residuals. It felt like just a little bit of the high was gone, so I imagine a lot of that over days or weeks would help speed it up. That and exercise to burn fat will probably speed it up, maybe by double if you do it well.Like I said, unfortunately if you have smoked a lot, these will only speed up detox not totally remove it like magic.I used to desperately try to remove several hits of the stuff with exercise, sauna, and water, and caffeine. I found that it could help, but not like magic. I did find that consistent cranberry juice drinking will help.Otherwise, I have not seen another approach that works like magic. If anyone has one I’d also love to read that, but these are the only things I’ve tried and know to work. If you want THC out of your system, as hard as this may be, I’d recommend light/moderate smoking but not heavy smoking. Heavy smoking leaves months of THC in your system, and leaves you always high on residuals.

Quick!! Fastest Way to Get Weed Out Of Your System!!!!?

Time is the only thing that will get the THC out of your system. Period. The only thing.

Marijuana has a half-life in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days.
Marijuana can be detected in urine for nearly a week after smoking. Blood tests can be more accurate, and it might take a month to be totally clear. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing - this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads or buzz cuts, by the way. Also by the way: taking laxatives and drinking wacky chemicals won't "cheat" a drug test. It will just make you go to the bathroom! These drug tests are designed by experts who anticipate what the drug user might do.

Be very careful of "remedies" for getting around drug tests. They flat out do not work and could do damage to your body.

Does THC leave your system faster if you are skinny?

Probably not significantly. There is still going to be enough fat even in skinny people to store THC unless they have some sort of rare medical condition. If you get below about 5 percent fat for men it is unsafe and it is about twice that for women. It still gets deposited in the fat even in skinny people.

It could be that fat people might be able to store more if you are talking about very large amounts and it is also possible that cytochrome p450 enzymes that metabolize THC aren't increased in number when the fat cells get larger. There still should be roughly the same amount even if that were true so it wouldn't help skinny people much. If true it might help fat people get rid of it at a higher rate. There is so much variability in how much of those particular enzymes that people have that even if there were a difference for fat people it probably wouldn't mean that all skinny people are going to metabolize it faster or slower. The relative concentration of the cytochrome p450 enzymes is the unanswered question. I have never seen any study like that and I doubt it exists in relation to THC.

Exercise or a fast "metabolism" also isn't likely to affect the retention times. It is just the amounts of those enzymes that you happen to have that are going to determine if you metabolize it relatively quickly. For example dogs can't eat chocolate because they don't have enough of the particular cytochrome p450 enzyme that metabolizes theobromine so theobromine becomes toxic in them. Theobromine is very similar to caffeine which is why dogs can also be poisoned by coffee. We just don't have much of the enzymes that are needed to metabolize THC very quickly. Fortunately for those that consume it THC isn't very toxic.

What is the fastest way to get pot out of your system before a urine test?

Water, water and more water with a large helping of time. There is no quick way especially since THC is fat soluble. However, by drinking water and I mean more water, it will be eliminated from your system. Usually, this will only remove it from your system about a day earlier. However, a nice side effect of drinking lots of water is that it will decrease the concentration of THC in your urine. You must keep up the drinking of lots of water to maintain this for every urination, but it will help. At the worst, your urine may show up as dilute, but this is not a positive result and the only thing that they can ask is for you to provide another specimen a couple of days later. And if they ask about the dilute, you can say that you are drinking lots of water like doctors suggest. When you are done with the flush, you will want to go back to drinking a normal amount of water per day (i.e. a gallon instead of the two plus gallons you will be drinking during this flush). Then, you will want to stay away from marijuana and other drugs or you will be in a similar situation again.

How can I flush THC out my system in 1 week time?

You can't. At least not in a week's time. It normally takes about 3 months to completely flush out THC out of the body under normal conditions. But if you workout and do some physical exercise on a regular basis, then maybe it can be expedited to a couple of months time. Why do you think then who are pot smokers and also apply for the army abstain from smoking for at least 3–4 months before the date of their physical examination!edit: you’re wrong, I’ve gotten THC out of detectable levels in a weeks time.There are exceptions of course!! This is a very generalised study. It ( the time) can surely vary from one individual to another. There is no denying it.

How can I get weed out of my system in 15 days?

I was at a party yesterday, and I made a big mistake. I got high, and it was pretty irresponsible considering I have a job interview that will involve a drug test in 15 days.

Before I get the cliche "you shouldn't have done it", "you're dumb" responses, I know all of that. It was a mistake pure and simple, I wasn't having a good day and I really wish I could have taken it back.

So anyway, I want to know what are some things I can do to get the THC out of system in 15 days?
How long do you think the THC will stay in my body?

Here are some facts that might help:
-I smoked AK-47 Weed through an apple pipe, and I beileve I took about 5 hits
-It was my first time smoking in 6 years
-I'm a 19 year old male
-Very fast metabolism
-6'1'' 185 lbs [10-15% bodyfat] if that makes a difference

What is the fastest way to get clean from THC before a drug test?

Stop using THC vehicles completely. THC is lipid (fat) soluble and stored in your body fat. THC metabolites can remain in your body for up to 30-90 days. Advertised “masks” or “detox” supplements may not disguise use or clear THC/CBD metabolites in your body. Using them leaves you wide open for detection. Beware of advertised claims!This link provides reasonably accurate information on the risks and efficacy of various approaches.Drug Testing 101: How To Pass A Drug TestNota bene! I have no financial or other relationship with High Times the publication or staff. This answer neither endorses or encourages the use of drugs of any kind.